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So here's what your Patreon contribution this month went towards. It's a pretty rare dual-deck MiniDisc recorder meant for capturing courtroom proceedings. (It'll seamlessly switch recording from one deck to the other when the disc is full.) This is the only one I've seen show up on eBay in about a year of searching.

I'll eventually make a video all about it, but for now it's just going to get a cameo in a much larger MiniDisc-focused project I'm trying to finish up.




I bet Techmoan bid on this bad boy.


Thankfully I was able to avoid bidding on this one. Since none of these have sold recently, there's no way to judge what they're actually worth. (From a practical standpoint they're worthless as court systems have long since switched to computer-based recording.) The seller had a buy-it-now for $400, but I was able to negotiate down to $225 (plus shipping).

Patrick Bianchi

It's hideous! It's beautiful! 😉