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I've previously expressed that I'm a little apprehensive about the impending ARM-based processor revolution in the computing industry. While there are still many questions left to be answered, some things are becoming clear -- and making me eagerly anticipate the future.




Do you think one day our iPhones will be able to display a desktop environment when connected to a desktop monitor? For some reason I keep thinking this might happen because of the files app holding our files and iCloud and all the integration, and now Apple using the same CPU's.


Honestly, I'm not so sure. From a technical perspective, absolutely -- other manufacturers have already made phones that can work that way. But I think that people have this sense of separation between their devices and the tasks they perform; phones are for communication while laptops/desktops are for productivity. It's easier to mentally "compartmentalize" tasks that way, so to speak. In the long term I think this will fade as younger generations grow up doing most things on their mobile devices by default, but I'm not sure how long that will take -- probably a decade or more.

Patrick Bianchi

I gotta say, initially I was like "No way will you ever get the raw number-crunching performance of an i-Series out of a chip they use on the phones. No way. Intel will always be around in some respect." But, now that I've calmed down and taken another look at it, I think I'm right there with you. Innovation is exciting and it will be cool to see what comes of this. I mean, the writing has kinda been on the wall for a while - "...console-level graphics on an iPad/iPhone..." It's not like they're just starting from scratch and saying "Here, try out this new platform we just came up with." I think that there's a good chance they're gonna blow us away with performance from ARM chips that don't have to be "held back" by passive cooling and battery-only performance limitations. While I'm probably not going to buy an ARM Mac as soon as they're available, as I just recently purchased a Mac Mini which suits my purposes fine, I'm also interested to see what they've come up with like you. And, in that case, I look forward to the first TDNC video about it!