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Midnight was less than a half hour away when Melissa parked the car on the side of the road next to some houses. In a repeat of the last new moon, the four of us emerged and began walking quietly along the sidewalk towards the park. 

There was definitely some excitement in the air, and while I wouldn't be getting any more of that demonic energy I was confident my three girlfriends would. Two weeks ago they all spoke privately with Lily about it. I slept through that part of the meeting so I didn't know for sure, but it still seemed pretty obvious from how they were acting excited that all of them would be getting another hit tonight. 

Once we were off the street and into the woods I let my horns and tail appear again. I really wished I could do that all the time, but I knew it wasn't possible. Maybe in October I could get away with it, I could claim it was a costume and I was into the halloween spirit all month long.

We all stayed quiet even when we got away from the houses this time, as we walked along the path then into the woods. We were heading towards the same spot we used last month, by the bend in the river where we were furthest from all the houses and everything.

"I'm going to turn it over to Lily now," I said once we got there. "See you all afterwards."

The three of them nodded, and I slipped inside.

My demon mom was ready and waiting, and I gave her a quick hug and told her "Good luck."

"Thank you Mara," she smiled. "I'm quite certain everything will go as planned."

She moved out into the body while I sat down on the sofa to watch.

Just like last month, Lily kneeled and used the business end from our fireplace poker to draw out a magic circle in the dirt. Then the poker end went back into our purse and she pulled out the box of salt and used that to fill in the markings. And finally the salt was put away and the velvet box containing the brooch was placed in the circle. 

Lily opened the box, then addressed my girlfriends. "I would suggest the three of you sit or kneel. I don't know how you'll react when we do this, and it would be safest if there was no risk of any of you falling over."

They all nodded, Melissa and Susan kneeled on the ground while Amber sat crosslegged. They were all fairly close, only a meter or so away. The four of us were basically in a little ring around the small salt circle.

There was another brief pause, and Lily looked to Susan and asked "When we spoke two weeks ago, there was one question you left open?"

Sue thought for a moment then decided, "Let's just do it. No steps or half measures."

I was left wondering what Sue asked for. Like if she decided to go all the way and become a full succubus. There weren't any questions like that for either Melissa or Amber, so whatever they discussed in secret with Lily must have answered all the questions my demon mom had for them.

"Are all three of you ready?" Lily asked my girlfriends. "Once I begin, there's no turning back. This is your last chance to change your minds."

She focused on my busty blonde girlfriend first.

"I get it," Melissa replied. "I'm ready."

Lily looked at Susan next.

Sue nodded, "I'm ready, I understand."

And finally Lily turned towards Amber.

I was expecting the shy blushy cutie to be blushing or cringing, or maybe she'd take a few moments before she'd respond. Instead she looked calm and serious, and there was no hesitation in her voice.

"I'm ready Lily. And I stand by what I told you before."

That left me more curious about Amber than I was about Susan. I couldn't ask or comment from in here, and I knew Lily would never tell me so there was no point asking her.

My demon mom was satisfied with the answers, she said softly "Then here we go."

Her focus returned to the brooch in the circle, and she began doing the magic stuff. She recited her demonic words, or maybe they were Latin or something, I never did ask. And like before, the salt started glowing a dull red while the gem in the brooch glowed a faint purple.

The glow gradually got brighter, and when Lily's chanting reached its peak there was that purple laser thing again just like last month. Except instead of hitting us in the chest, it hit Melissa first. I watched it sort of blast her right between the boobs, but she didn't flinch. She didn't even move, like maybe she couldn't see it or feel it. The beam was on her for three or four seconds before it stopped.

Lily continued her magic words, and after a second or two there was another purple laser beam. This one hit Susan in the chest, and it seemed to last longer than the first one. It zapped Sue for seven or eight seconds before it finally stopped.

There was another short pause, then the purple laser hit Amber, and this time it lasted even longer. It felt like fifteen or maybe twenty seconds before it finally stopped. And while I didn't know anything about magic and stuff, it wasn't hard to guess that Melissa got the least demonic energy while Amber got the most. And considering Amber was already the most changed according to Lily, it left me wondering if the cute blushy brunette decided to go all the way and become a full succubus.

I didn't have time to worry about that as the purple laser finally targeted me and Lily. Just like last month, it hit us in the chest and I felt a warmth in our heart and our right ankle. 

When it finally ended I was back in the body and my demon mom was asleep. The glow faded from the brooch and the salt, and when it was all dark again I picked up the velvet box and closed it. I stuffed it back in my purse then looked at my girlfriends and asked, "Are you all ok?"

All three of them looked a little hesitant, like they were all still figuring out how they felt.

Despite getting the biggest dose of that energy, Amber was the first one to start moving. She got up and stated, "I feel really good."

Her voice sounded energized. It made me think that's how she'd probably sound if she just had four or five cups of coffee, except without the jitters. Like she was pumped but not twitchy.

Melissa and Susan both got to their feet as well. They were still a bit subdued, but Melissa suggested "Let's get home."

I stood up too, and like last month I was fine. I didn't feel any different because I didn't get any of the energy. As we started walking back the way we came, Melissa and Susan both pulled ahead and put their arms around each other. It reminded me of the cottage again, when the two of them were both really horny after the ritual and ended up hurrying into bed together.

And just like at the cottage, Amber slipped an arm around me and held me tight as we walked behind the other two.

When we got to the car, Melissa unlocked the doors then tossed me the keys.

"You should probably drive Mara," she suggested. "Since you're the only one who's unaffected."

I hadn't thought of that, but I realized it wasn't a bad idea. "Ok Melissa."

The next surprise was when Melissa and Susan both got into the back seat together, and it was pretty clear they were already getting frisky with each other. So I slipped in behind the wheel and Amber got into the passenger seat next to me. I hadn't actually driven in a while, and it took me a few seconds to adjust the seat and mirrors, and figure out how to drive comfortably with my tail behind me.

My cute brunette girlfriend grinned at me, "This is a rare treat, you and me get to ride up front."

"Good point," I smiled back at her. 

As we got moving, Melissa took a little break from her make-out session with Susan and commented "It wasn't quite like at the cottage, or the solstice either. Was it? Instead of feeling a pulse of warmth over my whole body, this was more like a concentrated heat deep in my chest."

"Yeah," Amber agreed. "It was hot but not painful, somewhere deep inside."

I asked, "I guess none of you saw that purple laser again? Last month it just hit Lily, but this time I saw it hit each of you, one at a time."

"I didn't see it," Susan responded. Melissa and Amber both shook their heads as well.

We were nearly home already, and I was quiet as I turned into our neighbourhood. I was still thinking about the laser thing, and it struck me that if none of them could see it that meant none of them knew how much energy each other got. But I knew, at least in relative terms who got the most. 

I glanced at Amber but she seemed fine. She had a wide smile on her face, she looked as excited as a kid on xmas morning.

A moment later I pulled into our driveway, and as soon as the car was stopped in the carport all three of my girlfriends were out and rushing for the side door. I put the car in park and turned off the engine, then followed them into the house.

The three of them headed straight for the bedrooms, leaving a trail of clothes behind them. Melissa and Susan almost ran into the master bedroom together while Amber disappeared into her room.

I found myself standing alone at the bottom of the stairs, wondering what I should do. Like if I should go to bed with Melissa and Susan like usual, or if they were busy with each other like at the cottage. I thought about maybe checking to see if Amber wanted me to cuddle with her like she did last time she got a hit of that energy, but last time she practically dragged me into the bedroom with her and this time she went alone. I figured that meant she didn't want any company tonight.

In fact the whole thing had me feeling kind of left out or forgotten. I understood why Lily said I couldn't have any more demonic energy, I definitely didn't want to start feeding on people the way she did. 

That thought led me to another odd one. I couldn't actually remember the last time Lily fed. Like at first I'd get those giddy energetic mornings, then that stopped after the solstice and instead I lost my appetite for a couple days. Except that seemed to have stopped happening at some point. 

Melissa and Susan still went a couple days a week without food, but it felt like that hadn't happened for me in at least two or three weeks. 

I wanted to ask Lily if something else was going on, but that thought reminded me she'd be asleep for the next twelve hours or so. And my three girlfriends were all busy with the after-effects of that energy boost. Which left me feeling lonely and overlooked again.

Rather than intrude on any of them, I thought about taking the guest room at the end of the hall. Or I could crash on the sectional and put on a movie or something, except I didn't want to disturb my girlfriends with noise from the TV. 

I decided to head downstairs to the den instead, I could crash on our old sofa and watch our old TV down there. I turned around and headed towards the basement stairs, then stopped in the kitchen. I was trying to decide whether to grab myself a vodka cooler or some water when I was joined by Amber.

"I thought you were coming with me?" she half-whispered as she wrapped an arm around my waist. 

"Sorry," I said quietly. "I figured you wanted to be alone when you..." 

My voice trailed off as I realized she was naked. I'd never seen her naked before. She always had something on, even if it was just a nightshirt. Amber was always modest about her body, and I found myself staring while at the same time trying not to stare. 

She definitely had that succubus beauty thing going on. Without an oversized nightshirt or something, instead of cute smol bean energy now she was giving off small-but-spicy vibes. Like normally she was a cute sweet friendly jellybean, but now she reminded me of those tiny hot peppers that looked small and innocent but would blow your head off if you bit it.

There wasn't anything I could really put my finger on though as to why she seemed so spicy sexy. Maybe just the fact that she was going around the house naked for the first time. She didn't have the busty thing Melissa had, she wasn't all curvy like Sue. Amber's body was pretty much what I expected, she had a very similar build to my own except smaller.

"C'mon," she whispered as she gave me a little tug away from the fridge. "Let's go to bed."

"Ok," was about all I could manage, as I let her lead me up the stairs and into her room.

Sounds of passionate love-making could already be heard coming from the master bedroom, where Melissa and Susan were going at it enthusiastically. Once we were in Amber's room she quickly helped me out of my clothes, then pulled me into bed with her.

We only had a twin-size bed in there, it was big enough for the two of us but still felt cramped considering I was used to the king-size we had in the next room, or the queen-size in the guest room. I decided we needed to get Amber a bigger bed when she officially moved in.

Any more thoughts along those lines were lost as my small sexy brunette girlfriend cuddled up close and wrapped her arms tightly around my waist. 

In the end we didn't do much more than cuddle and talk. Beyond the naked cuddles there was some light touching, which was definitely a significant change for Amber. And as I finally drifted to sleep with her, I wondered again just how much of that energy she got and how much more of a succubus she'd become.


Day Dreamer

You are often quite clever with your chapter titles. Don't know if you meant to be this time, but Overlooked had me worried you were referring to something going wrong with the ritual due to an unforeseen glitch. Not at all. Fun fun. -- Still eager to discover the status of the ankle tattoo, surprised Mara didn't look immediately.