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It was almost a repeat of the meeting Lily had with the four of us back at the end of March, when she first told my girlfriends about my idea to tap into Verothilas's power.

We were all in the living-room, my girlfriends were sitting together on the big sectional sofa. Susan was in the middle, with Melissa on the right and Amber on the left. All three of them had drinks, Amber had a can of root beer while the other two were drinking vodka coolers. 

Lily was seated across from them on the love-seat. And I was attending remotely as usual, relaxing on the big leather sofa in my demon mom's luxury apartment in our head.

Nobody bothered to dress up for the meeting either. Amber was in a pair of tight jeans and a big oversized top. Susan was wearing short-shorts and a tight t-shirt, and Melissa was in a lacy pink bra and panties. And all I'd put on so far today was a nightshirt, so that's all Lily was wearing as she began the meeting.

"As you all know, our two experiments have both been successful. At the cottage in April I confirmed that Mara's idea was feasible, I was able to extract pure demonic energy from Verothilas without freeing her from her imprisonment. And without causing any catastrophic side-effects, or killing any of us. And just over two weeks ago, I verified that I was able to safely control that energy. I can control how much is released at a time and where it is directed."

My girlfriends and I all just nodded but otherwise kept quiet. We all knew this part, but Lily was sort of setting the tone or whatever. I didn't think she was much into speeches or stuff like that, but it was still a pretty big deal and I figured she needed to make this sound important. Like it was definitely important, but if it was up to me I'd just mention it over a drink or while munching on some pizza or something and it wouldn't really be a big deal.

After a pause, my demon mom got to the point. "I have yet to determine when we'll next access that energy, but before we do I know the three of you have been considering whether or not you want to experience the demonic energy again. However, there is one thing you all need to know."

There was another brief pause, then she stated "This is a one-way street. You can always go further, you can go all the way until you become full succubi, but you can never go back. Every time you become a little more succubus you also become a little less human, and that lost humanity can never be restored. As I've said in the past, even after you are free of my essence and free from your contracts, you are all part-succubus and that will never change."

After Lily was finished, everyone was quiet for a few moments as that last bit sank in. I was pretty sure we all knew that part already, but it was important enough to say it again.

"I was wondering," Susan said, breaking the silence. "Is there a way to determine how much we've already changed? For myself at least, before I could say for sure how much more I wanted it'd help if I knew how much I already had?"

Melissa agreed, "Is it possible to put a number on it? To quantify it, like have we changed half-way? A quarter? Three quarters? Nine tenths? Can you put it into figures like that Lily, so we can understand where we are?"

My demon mom was silent for a few moments, and I figured she was thinking it over.

After a minute or so Lily finally replied, "It's not easy to quantify the changes like you're asking. There's no blood test, it's not a question of what percentage of your DNA has been altered from human to succubus. I'm not even sure if there's a way for science to detect that? We're talking about something that I always assumed was intangible. Magic, demonic energy, essence."

She continued, "To elaborate, let's go back to the start. Melissa, Susan, Amber, when you initially signed a contract with me, all three of you remained fully human. I loaned each of you a tiny amount of my demonic essence, that allowed you all to access my demonic power. You were effectively part-succubus, but that part was borrowed from me. Your 'sex sense', your supernatural beauty, your ability to inspire lust in humans, and the ability to drain some of their life force through sex... None of those talents were yours. They were all borrowed from me. And had the encounters with Verothilas never happened, then when our agreements came to an end and my essence was withdrawn, you would lose access to those abilities. But you yourselves were never truly part succubus. You were always completely human."

"After the solstice," my demon mom explained with a bit of a sigh, "Melissa and Susan, you both absorbed enough of that energy to kill an unprotected human. If not for that small part of myself within you, neither of you would have survived that night. Instead of death, you were changed. And as I've said, it's difficult to quantify, but as a very rough approximation, let us say that you each lost about a third of your humanity. You became one third succubus, while retaining two thirds of your humanity. From that point on, my essence was irrelevant. Your succubus powers were your own."

Susan piped up, "And after the cottage? How much more did we change?"

Lily nodded, "I was getting to that. And I'll continue to remind you all that while I'm attempting to apply numbers to this, it really is just an approximation. After the cottage, you received nearly the same amount of energy as you did at the solstice. It burned away nearly another third of your humanity. Susan, Melissa, you are each now approximately six-tenths succubus, to four-tenths human."

"What about me?" Amber asked. "I missed the solstice, but I'm sure I got more at the cottage than Sue or Melissa? I got enough to be able to shape-shift right?"

"Yes Amber," my demon mom sighed slightly again. "You insisted on being as close as you could get, which meant you received more of that energy in one dose than either Melissa or Susan did in two exposures."

Melissa chimed in with something sciency. "Assuming magic works sort of like light, the intensity decreases with distance. It's the square root of the distance I think? So someone one meter away would get four times as much energy as someone who's two meters away."

"That's a big assumption," Susan pointed out. "I'm not saying the intensity doesn't decrease with distance, but I wouldn't assume the difference is anything like how light works."

Amber looked at the two of them then back at us and asked, "So how much did I get?"

Lily replied, "You have changed slightly more than either Melissa or Susan. Again, these figures are a rough approximation, but Amber you have lost about two-thirds of your humanity. You're two-thirds succubus to one-third human. There is a small but detectable difference between yourself and the others."

All three of my girlfriends looked a little impressed. Or maybe it was thoughtful, I wasn't sure. I was actually a little surprised to find out Amber had changed more than both Melissa and Susan, considering the small blushy brunette only had a single hit of the demonic energy. But on the other hand, she was definitely a lot closer than the other two were both times we did it.

"What about me?" I finally asked. "Can you tell how much I've changed?"

My demon mom smiled, "Things are a little different for you Mara. And as it always seems to be the case with you, it's also rather more complicated."

My girlfriends all grinned, and Melissa giggled "Isn't that the truth!"

At least they couldn't see me blushing while I was hiding inside. I still wanted to know if there was a number though. Like we'd been calling me part-demon or half-demon, I was curious how much of a demon I was.

"Ok but complicated and different aside, can you say how much of a demon I am?" 

After five or ten seconds to think it over, Lily finally answered "Six-tenths demon, to four-tenths human."

She quickly added, "I know that sounds similar to Melissa and Susan, but it really isn't comparable. And it's not especially relevant, as you won't be changing any further regardless."

I had more questions, but Melissa spoke up first with one of her own.

"Mara was a lot closer to the source both times we were exposed to demonic energy," she pointed out. "Even closer than Amber was at the cottage. How come she's only sixty-percent demon, after two massive doses?"

Susan pointed out, "Lily and Mara were sharing though, so even if a massive amount hit their body, it wouldn't all go into Mara. And Lily was the one in their body when it happened, so maybe she got the lion's share?"

Lily nodded, "You are correct Susan. While our body was exposed to massive amounts of demonic energy, the majority of it came to me rather than Mara. But beyond that, as I just explained you cannot compare her status to yours. While you and she both retain only four-tenths of your original humanity, the other six-tenths are different. Succubus for you, demon for her."

My girlfriends were all quiet for a few moments after that. 

Melissa was the one to break the silence with another question. "Can you explain to us what the difference is? I mean, we're all absorbing the same demonic energy, right? Why does the same energy turn us into succubi and her into a demon? And what exactly is the difference between the two?"

Sue and Amber both nodded, they seemed curious about that too. 

Amber added, "I always thought succubi were demons? Just a different kind I guess."

Lily was quiet again for a few moments, before she finally started to explain.

"The difference is perhaps one of scale, or magnitude? Demons are that much more powerful. We have existed perhaps as long as humanity, but our numbers have always been far fewer. We are not immortal or indestructible, but we do not suffer illness or disease. I do not believe we can die of natural causes, and once mature we do not age. We can be injured, but we heal. Unless we're injured enough, then we can die. The oldest of my kind that I am aware of would be almost ten thousand years by now. As you know I'm nearly eight thousand. Demons have access to powerful magic, though the nature of that magic varies as widely as our appearances and our methods of feeding."

She continued, "Succubi share some of those traits? They don't get sick or suffer disease. They do age, but slower and in different ways than humans. Succubi have a longer lifespan than humans, but unlike demons they do eventually grow old and die. To my knowledge the oldest succubus was around three hundred years old when she passed away. As I said they age differently, their aging is mostly internal. They retain their youth and beauty throughout their lives, but they grow tired, weary, until eventually they decide they've had enough and are ready for whatever comes next. And like demons, succubi can be injured and killed. They have magic, but as you already know it is much more limited in scope and capability."

My girlfriends were quiet for a few moments as they digested that. 

"Where do succubi come from?" Susan finally asked. "Obviously they're related to demons, since demonic energy has been turning the three of us into them."

My demon mom hesitated and I had a feeling she was blushing. "True succubi, those who were the original source of the legends, haven't existed on Earth for over three thousand years. They were... Let's just say I was young and adventurous. True succubi were the offspring of humans I mated with." 

Now I was positive Lily was blushing. She wasn't even looking at my girlfriends anymore, she was staring down at the floor. 

She added, "I stopped doing that, when I figured out how to enlist willing human volunteers like yourselves. And like the three of you prior to Verothilas, they were humans borrowing some of my essence, they were able to act like succubi but they were still human. You three have the opportunity to become the first true succubi in more than three millennia."

My girlfriends were all silent for a couple minutes after that. And Lily continued just staring at the floor for now. If I was able I'd have given her a big hug. She was so cute when she was flustered, but I had to withhold hugs till she came back in here with me.

Eventually it was Amber who spoke up. "So about that, I guess we need to decide how much more of that demonic energy we want? Or how much more we want to change. I was thinking..."

The small blushy brunette hesitated, and yes of course she was blushing. "Um, could we maybe do that in private? Like I mean, could the three of us each speak with you in private Lily? This feels like a really personal decision? And um... Yeah. I guess it just feels like something that would maybe be better if we all had a chance to talk with you privately about it."

Susan and Melissa both looked thoughtful, and the tall blonde shrugged "That's fine with me."

"Mara?" Lily asked. "Do you mind taking a short nap while I meet with your girlfriends?"

I shook my head, "That's ok Lily, I don't mind."

"Very well then," my demon mom told my girlfriends. "We can talk in the den, one on one. Who wants to go first?"

Melissa got to her feet, "I'll go."

I felt a wave of tiredness and I lay down on Lily's big leather sofa as I drifted off into a deep sleep.



With Mara being the reincarnation of Lily's daughter, is it possible her demon feeding would be like the daughters? Instead of sex? Lily is doing the feeding while in Mara's body but it's her soul doing it... could be interesting for Mara to go full demon and when they separate Mara could feed on happiness or whatever.