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*** Content warning: sex; incest; death ***

The school week started off same as always. Me and Christina showered together, got dressed together, and went to college together. We were in all the same classes, we had lunch together in the cafeteria. 

We were inseparable, closer than best friends. We shared everything, we had similar tastes, we even had the same kinks. We didn't own a single pair of panties between the two of us, we shared all our clothes, and frequently dressed the same. If not for our different hair, nobody would be able to tell us apart. Probably not even our parents.

The only difference was I knew it was all a lie, and that knowledge almost tore my heart in half. I loved Tina, my twin sister was everything to me. At the same time I knew she used to be someone else. She'd been a complete stranger, she might've even been a guy before Jay got his hands on her. And the love I had for her meant the idea of her original life being stolen from her left me horrified and sickened. 

And as much as it would kill me to lose my sister, if there was a way to restore her old life I'd do it in a heartbeat. I loved her that much.

So while I went through the motions of my daily routine, I spent most of the week lost in thought. I had to find a way to stop Jay. And if possible, I had to find a way to undo all the damage he'd done.

The obvious answer to stopping him was to just kill him, but I had no easy way to do that. Both me and my sister were smaller and weaker, and we didn't have access to any kind of weapons. Plus if I didn't succeed with my very first attempt he'd make my life worse than hell.

My schoolwork started to suffer as I forgot some deadlines and missed assignments. I didn't care, what I was working on was much more important.

Wednesday I had to do another video, despite being very much not in the mood. Tina helped, she didn't join me in bed but she took care of the camera. It was better than a tripod since she could move around and get the best angles, zoom in for close-ups, that sort of thing. 

Thursday night my sister forced me to do the review while she recorded that, then she did all the editing for me. She didn't ask what was wrong, but she obviously knew my heart wasn't in it this week. And she reminded me once more that she was there for me, I could confide in her, she'd do anything she could to help.

Friday at college the two of us spotted Jay in the hall after lunch. He was alone, probably heading to his next class or something. As usual he was playing with that little rock again. Something about that little black stone suddenly stood out in my mind. 

Jay was always fidgeting with crap, but I was positive I'd never seen that little stone before this semester. The first time I saw it was the day he told me about his magic power, the day he changed my life forever. And since then, I'd never seen him fidgeting with anything else. It was always that stupid little rock.

The more I thought about it, the more pieces suddenly started falling into place. I couldn't remember a single time he changed something when he wasn't fiddling with the thing. He put it down for sex, or when he was eating or drinking his beer. But he always picked it up again when he changed things.

My heart started racing as I found myself wondering if that was the source of his power.

With that on my mind, I didn't notice he was approaching till he walked right passed us and said "Hey Kimmie, Chrissy. See you two tomorrow."

The fucker knew what that'd do to us, he did it on purpose just to mess with us. My sister and I were both horny after hearing him say our pet-names. And there wasn't enough time before our next class started, so we had to decide between being late or spend the class squirming in frustration.

We opted for being late, and spent the next ten minutes masturbating each other to a quick orgasm in a nearby washroom.

"Kim?" my sister asked as we were both coming down from the pleasure. She looked and sounded worried as she continued, "Will you tell me what's going on? You haven't been yourself all week."

I sighed, "Sorry Tina. I really don't want to burden you with it."

She gave me a sad smile and a firm hug. "Ok sis. Just remember, helping you is never a burden for me. We share everything, we always have. I won't keep pushing you, but I want to help with this. Whatever it is."

"Thanks sis," I hugged her back. "I'll keep that in mind."

We finally hurried to our next class, and I spent the rest of the afternoon coming up with a plan. If I was right about that stone being where his magic came from, I might be able to fix things. Or at the very least I should be able to stop him. If I was wrong, my life would probably end tomorrow. At least, my life as I knew it. I doubted he'd kill me. I was confident whatever he did would be much, much worse.

After college I told Tina I had to get something at the mall, and of course she wanted to help. I had no idea where I could find a small smooth black stone, but we eventually stumbled across a new age shop that sold rocks and crystals along with the candles and incense. 

My sister didn't comment as I selected and purchased a small stone that I hoped would be close enough to Jay's fidget rock that he wouldn't notice till it was too late.

It wasn't till we were back at home in our basement apartment that she asked.

"It's a secret," I told her. "A little prank I guess? You can't breath a word of this to Jay ok? I just want to swap out his little fidget rock."

Tina grinned, "I'm in! And seriously, you think I'd rat out my sister, ever? To anyone? For anything?"

We ended up ordering pizza, then we came up with a plan together while we ate dinner. One thing I made clear was Tina wouldn't be involved in the swap. I couldn't tell her just how dangerous it was, but I did my best to make sure she knew if I got caught she wasn't to share the blame. She was going to play innocent.

That night I was almost too tense to sleep, but Christina knew just how to help me relax. And part of me still knew that was wrong, but at the same time I couldn't deny how good it felt. And if this was my last night as me, my last night with my sister, at least we both enjoyed it together.

The next day we were both back at Jay's place for noon sharp. Same as always his door was open and we let ourselves in. And same as always he had us go into the kitchen to get drinks for the three of us. I reached up and placed my decoy rock on top of the fridge while we were in there, then me and Tina went back out and joined Jay in the living-room.

And same as usual the three of us had an afternoon of mind-blowing sex, and I did my absolute best not to reveal how nervous I was, or how horrified I was at the monster he'd become. He had that rock with him of course, but he didn't use it this time. I could only assume he was sufficiently pleased with how meek and subservient I acted.

And predictably, when we were finished he had us get him a beer and fix him some food. That's when I planned to make the switch. Tina leaned over as she handed him the plate with his sandwich, she distracted him by giggling playfully as she jiggled her big boobs in his face. I set his beer down on the table beside him, and palmed his stone and replaced it with the decoy.

From that point on I wanted to get out of there as quick as possible, so my sister and I didn't clean anything but our faces before we quickly dressed. Jay didn't question it when the two of us hurried out while he was still eating his sandwich and drinking his beer.

My heart raced the whole way down to the car. Tina drove us home while I had a quick look at the stolen rock, and I realized the flaw in my plan. 

I'd never had a good look at it before, but there was some kind of glyph or rune inscribed on one side of Jay's stone. The one I left in its place was smooth on both sides.

"Tina give me your phone," I stated.

"Why, what's up?" she asked as she pulled it out of her purse and handed it over.

My hands were shaking as I quickly blocked Jay's number. Then I gave it back and did the same thing on my phone. I figured any minute how he'd be calling to demand we bring back that stone, and I had no idea if he had some way to compel us to obey him. If he couldn't call or text, maybe that'd buy us some time.

"I can't explain right now," I told her. "I just need you to trust me, ok?"

My sister glanced at me then focused on the road again. "Of course I trust you sis. Whatever's going on, it sounds serious. You look scared and I want to help if I can. If I can't, then I guess I'll just hope you'll tell me what's going on when it's over."

That melted my heart slightly and I smiled, "Thanks Tina. You're the best sister I could have ever hoped for."

"Right back at you, sis."

As soon as we got home I blocked Jay's email, and blocked him on social media as well. For my accounts as well as my sister's. I left Tina to shower alone this time, while I slumped on the little love-seat in front of our TV and started studying the rock I'd stolen.

I was positive Jay had to have discovered the decoy by now. If he had power without this stone, I was already fucked and didn't even know it. But something told me this was the key. That weird glyph carved into it looked magical, and all the other circumstantial evidence fit too. He probably found this thing over the summer, discovered how to use it, and spent the past couple months messing with people's lives.

I stared at the little stone, studying it as I slowly turned it over in my hands. It didn't even feel like normal rock. It was more like black glass, or obsidian perhaps. It was polished to a smooth shiny finish, and the rune was engraved into the surface. The rune was a different colour, more like a light pink or purple. It reminded me of my and my sister's hair, though the rune was a lighter colour than either.

After a few moments I sighed and mumbled to myself, "What are you?"

*I am the Ruin Stone*

It wasn't like hearing voices, the words just sort of appeared in my mind. I couldn't even be sure I hadn't thought them myself, except I knew how to spell rune. Even though the words in my head weren't like text, I somehow knew the answer was Ruin rather than Rune.

I gulped and took a deep breath, then asked softly "Where did you come from?"

Rather than words, this response was more like images and emotions. They elicited memories and ideas, and called upon knowledge I already had. I was left with the impression of something powerful but chaotic. Not necessarily evil, but definitely not good. 

I was reminded of the mischievous shapeshifting trickster Loki, and of the aspects of Freyja which encompassed passion, lust, pleasure, and femininity. I also thought of the Roman goddess Discordia, who was the personification of chaos, strife, and discord.

"How do I use you?" I asked next, and more images filled my head. 

I saw myself taking vengeance on Jay, messing with his mind and his body to punish him for what he did to me and my sister. I saw other ways I could use it, how I could get a nice condo for Christina and I. A new car. How we could elevate ourselves to a life of luxury and debauchery. And how I could bend others to my will, to take advantage of the magic the stone had to offer.

"No," I shook my head. "I'm not going to do that. I want to fix things, not make things worse."

After a pause I asked, "Do you have like an 'undo' function? Could I point you at my sister and reverse everything Jay did to her?"


The word was accompanied by more images and emotions, but the answer remained the same. There was no going back. No easy undo. Neither of us knew what Tina's past life was like or who she used to be, and the stone didn't allow me to read Jay's mind and find out what he knew about my sister's original life. I could change her into whatever I wanted, give her a completely new life, new parents, a new family. But there was no way to restore what was lost.

The same applied to my own forgotten past. The stone couldn't even tell me who else Jay had changed, let alone what he'd done to them.

With a deep sigh I realized I had to give up my goal of fixing things. That left just one other thing to be done.

"How do I make sure nobody uses you again?" I asked. "Can I throw you in the lake, or the ocean or something?"

More images, more emotions. Others tried that. The stone had been at the bottom of lakes and oceans, but it always found its way back out and into the hands of someone else who was all too happy to use it.

I sighed again, "Then how do I destroy you?"

The answer to that was simple, but the cost was high. I just needed to shatter it, but when it was destroyed so too would be the last person who used it.

I could destroy the stone, but only if I was willing to sacrifice my own life.

For the next minute or so I sat there staring at the thing as it sank in. Throwing it in the lake or an ocean might be enough to keep me and my sister safe, but the stone would just come back again and end up in someone else's hands. Other lives would be lost, stolen, ruined. 

A minute later I heard the shower stop. Tina was done washing up, she'd be getting out of the shower and starting to dry herself off. I had about five minutes before she emerged from the bathroom, and I knew she'd have more questions. If nothing else she'd be watching me, curious what I was planning next.

Then with a pang of renewed fear I realized Jay was probably on his way over here. He'd have discovered the fake stone, found out his calls and texts were blocked. There was no way I could keep him from taking the stone back, I was too small and weak compared to him.

And I could swear the stone was excited by that. As if it knew my only choices were to use it on Jay, or Jay would take it back and use it against me. He'd probably use it on Tina and my parents too. I could imagine he'd be that angry he'd take his rage out on my whole family.

In a heartbeat my mind was made up.

Clutching the stone in my left hand I hurried out of our apartment and up the stairs. Dad's toolkit was in the laundry room closet, and I dug out his hammer then stepped out the back door. I kneeled on the ground next to the back step. It was a big solid block of concrete, and I placed the stone on it.

I whispered a quiet prayer asking for forgiveness, and said goodbye to Christina. I knew mom and dad would look after my sister, and she'd look after them. 

Then I held my breath, and brought the hammer down on the rock as hard as I could.

• • • • •

"They said it was a congenital heart defect," Christina said quietly. "No way to know about it, no way to predict it. Just one day, pow. Fatal heart attack."

Mom slowly shook her head, "I can barely believe it."

Dad sighed, "Are you going to be ok? You were friends with Jacob for a long time..."

"We'll manage," I said softly. "I'm just glad nobody else got hurt."

Almost two weeks had passed since I smashed that magic stone. I was surprised find myself still alive, but then we heard the news and I understood.

Jay's car was wrecked literally just around the corner from our house. He'd been speeding when he lost control, crossed the centre line, and went through a bus stop. His car ended up wrapped around a concrete utility pole, and he was pronounced dead at the scene.

By the grace of the gods not a single other person had been so much as injured. There were close calls, but his car didn't hit any oncoming traffic, and a bus had literally just pulled out from the stop so nobody was standing in the shelter when he hit it.

The stone said if I destroyed it the last person to use it would die, I assumed that meant me. But I didn't actually use it. All I did was speak to it, communicate with it.

Today we heard from Jay's family, they shared the news because they knew Tina and I were long-time friends of his. The autopsy results showed he was dead before the crash, he had a heart attack behind the wheel. He was struck down the instant I smashed the stone, and that weighed on my conscience. 

I stopped Jay and I destroyed the Ruin Stone, but I killed the guy who was once my best friend. 

And nobody knew what really happened, apart from me and my twin sister. 

After it was over and Jay and the stone were both gone, I told Tina most of the story. I didn't tell her she wasn't originally my sister, but I told her how Jay used the magic to manipulate our bodies and our minds, and that he was doing it to other people as well. Anyone else would have thought I was crazy but Christina and I were close enough she knew I was telling the truth. 

So she knew that I destroyed his stone and stopped him from hurting anyone else, but she also knew I wasn't able to fix things for the two of us. 

Neither of us ever wore panties, and we'd both wear the shortest skirts we could get away with. We still slept together, and our relationship was a lot closer than most of society thought acceptable for twin sisters. We were short busty cute girls with colourful hair. And we continued working together on our sex-toy video reviews.

We also discovered that both of us still reacted to Jay's pet-names, even if it wasn't him who said them. On the one hand that was something we did our best to keep secret from the rest of the world, but on the other hand it was something we weren't above taking advantage of with each other.

Tina and I would have to live with all that stuff for the rest of our lives, without the stone there was no way to reverse any of it. At least to her it all felt normal and natural, though we both knew the truth.

On the other hand we were free of having to visit Jay every week, and so was every other girl he'd messed with. I even saw Camila was back together with her old boyfriend again, and that made me feel better. Maybe my and Tina's lives would be forever tainted by Jay's perverted ideas, but things were back to normal for everyone else.

Eventually Tina slipped an arm around my waist and said, "C'mon sis. Let's get back to work. We still have to record your review of last night's toy, then I'll edit it up and post it for you."

Dad rolled his eyes and focused on his TV, while mom smiled proudly. She loved how Tina and I looked after each other.

Ninety minutes later the review was done, the editing was finished, and my sister uploaded the file to our fans page.

"Done and uploaded!" she announced. 

Then she held up a little jar of shattered black glass that I'd hidden at the back of our desk behind the computer. She gave it a little shake and asked, "Is this Jay's magic stone? Why keep it?"

I shrugged, "I don't know if there's any power left in the fragments, but I didn't want to just put it in the trash. I think it's like magical toxic waste or something? I figured I'd hang on to it till I think up a safe way to get rid of the pieces."

Tina looked thoughtful for a moment then smirked and asked, "So why'd you hide it behind the computer, Kimmie?"

Hearing her say that name sent a shock of arrousal through me. 

My cheeks flushed and I replied, "I didn't want mom to come across it if she came down here for some reason. Chrissy."

She grinned and bit her lower lip as her body responded to hearing me say that name. 

The little jar was temporarily forgotten on our desk as the two of us fell into bed together. We giggled, kissed, and caressed each other as we whispered each other's secret pet-names again. Our worries and troubles faded away, in each others arms there was nothing but love and happiness.

~ The End ~



This was one crazy story... I'd... like to know what inspired you to write it? It feels so radically from your other works. All three entries, really, but especially this one.


i'll answer this one on the discord server in #patron-chat, since i can use spoiler tags etc in there ^^


That was really quite a chunk to chew on. It leaves my heart feeling heavy but I'm also glad that Jay is gone in the end.