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=::= Beth's PoV =::=

After excusing ourselves, Sadie and I left the others in the living-room. I had no doubt Jenny and Amanda both knew what was going on, and odds were Ashley and Brittany did too. Tally was the only one completely in the dark about my past, and why Sadie would want a private talk with me after my boyfriend turned out to be trans and was now my girlfriend.

I followed my big sister upstairs. She was heading for her bedroom but I shook my head and took her into my room instead. 

As I closed the door I told her, "Tally's staying in your old room. She feels awkward enough as it is about that, it'd probably make her even more uncomfortable if you and I had a private conversation in there."

"Gotcha," Sadie replied. 

The two of us sat crosslegged on the bed together, we were side by side with our backs leaning against the wall. 

We were both quiet again, and after ten or fifteen seconds it started to get awkward.

"So what did you want to talk about?" I finally asked her.

Sadie gave me a wry smile, "C'mon Beth. You know what I want to talk about. At Easter you were going on about your new boyfriend, how happy you were and how much you liked him. All through May you wouldn't shut up about him. It was pretty cute to be honest. I can't speak for Jenny or mom, but I know both me and Amanda were really happy you'd finally found someone and you were happy. When I got mom's email at lunch today it was a pretty big shock."

I sighed, "I can't believe you of all people just misgendered my girlfriend like a dozen times Sadie."

She rolled her eyes, "I wasn't misgendering Tally, I was talking about the stuff you said at the time."

"Whatever," I frowned. "So what now? You're worried I'm going to freak out or something? Worried I'm going to go crazy again? I already talked to mom about this stuff yesterday. I'm fine."

Sadie shook her head, and her tone and expression were both serious as she responded "I know Beth. I guess I just needed to hear you say it for myself? And... I don't know. I wanted to talk to you, to see you? I don't know if you need to hear this or not, but I'm glad you're doing ok. I'm glad you and Tally are still together. And I'm not upset or anything like that."

I frowned at her, "Why would you be upset?"

She shrugged, "Me and Amanda were talking a bit before you all got home? She kind of pointed out, like when I came out and wanted to transition you practically refused to allow it. You refused to stay married to me. Now Tally's come out and transitioned, and you're ok with it and maintaining your relationship with her. Amanda was worried I'd be upset or jealous or something."

"Oh," I said quietly. I felt my cheeks heating up and my stomach felt heavy as I replied, "Amanda's right. I was really shitty to you Sadie, and I'm sorry for that. There's a lot of stuff I didn't understand back then. Stuff I was just plain wrong about..."

Sadie gave me a warm smile, then shifted over till she was sitting right next to me. She wrapped her arm around my shoulders and pulled me into a gentle hug. I slowly leaned closer, till my head was resting against her shoulder. 

It was ages since we'd sat and cuddled like that. At least four years, probably more. And it brought back memories.

I'd been Sadie's adopted little sister for more than two and a half years, and she'd been Amanda's twin sister for nearly four years. Before that, she was my husband. The two of us were married for seventeen years. Or maybe it was only sixteen, I couldn't remember anymore if that last anniversary had been number sixteen or seventeen.

"I know Beth," she finally responded. Her voice was soft and quiet as she continued, "And I don't blame you. Don't forget, I wasn't much better. I was an ass at first, when it came to Jenny. But that's all in the past, what matters now is now. And even if stuff was difficult and rocky back then, I'm kind of glad for it because I'm really happy with how things worked out. I'm really happy with my life now."

I stayed cuddled up against her as I sighed. "Me too Sadie, but I have regrets. I'm happy now, but I'm still sorry for how I hurt you and Amanda and Jenny and mom."

"I can't speak for any of them," Sadie said quietly, "But I forgive you. Absolutely and completely. I was happy for you two months ago when you were giddy over your new date friend, and I'm just as happy for you now. Tally seems like a very nice girl, and she's utterly adorable. Especially with the ears and tail."

"Thanks Sadie," I replied. I could feel my cheeks colouring again, but I was smiling too. "She is pretty cute, right? And oh my goddess, that tail of hers is so much fun to pet and cuddle. It's so soft and floofy!"

She giggled softly, "I'll have to see if she'll let me pet it later tonight."

"Don't you dare!" I was still smiling so she knew I wasn't really upset or jealous. "She's my girlfriend, you're not allowed to get touchy-feely with her."

Sadie gave me a gentle squeeze and asked, "Doesn't that sound weird? You talking about your girlfriend?"

My cheeks were bright red again but I shrugged, "It was weird yesterday. Now I'm getting used to it."

"Good," she replied. 

After a slight pause she asked, "So now you and Jenny are in the coven, your girlfriend found out we're a family of witches and she's been initiated as well... Have you told her anything about our sordid past? Or are you going to? I'm not saying you should, but she's on the inside now. People won't be as careful to keep secrets around her, and she's bound to overhear something sooner or later."

I sighed as I felt my stomach get a bit heavy again. "I don't know Sadie. She knows some vague stuff about our past, like mom adopted all four of us and I'm your cousin rather than a biological sister. She knows the three of you lost your bio mom three years ago. I haven't told her that that mom was me, but I guess I should?"

"Not yet though," I added. "The last two days have been overwhelming for her. She's finally starting to get better again, I think, but telling her that kind of thing now would probably just mess her up even worse."

Sadie nodded, "Yeah I get that. And I get that you've only been with her a couple months? I was with Ashley for about half a year before I told her about my past."

"You and Ashley were both older too," I pointed out. "Seventeen at the time. And Ashley had a stable home-life, she got the full Goddess transition treatment, same as you. Tally only turned sixteen a couple weeks ago, and she's just been kicked out by her family."

"Poor girl," Sadie sighed. "No kid should ever have to go through that."

I sighed as well and cuddled a little closer against her as I whispered, "I'm sorry I kicked you out that night. I was such an awful mother..."

She gave me another gentle squeeze, followed by a light kiss on the cheek. She whispered back, "You weren't awful. You were under a lot of stress and had nobody to help you. And I already said I forgive you Beth."

"Thanks Sadie," I replied with another sigh.

We were both quiet again for a bit. She still had her arm around my shoulders, I was still cuddling against her with my head resting on her shoulder.

After a minute or so she commented, "I didn't realize how much I missed this."

"Missed what?" I asked. "Reminiscing about days gone by like a couple old people? Should we start listening to an oldies stream on Spotify, and queue up a slide-show of family photos on the computer?"

Sadie tried to stifle a laugh and ended up giggle-snorting instead. That set me off giggling as well, and just like that all the heavy emotions and the sombre mood were gone. The two of us had a silly little giggle-fit as we sat together on the bed.

"Way to ruin the moment, little sis!" She gave me a friendly smack on the shoulder and added, "I was talking about just quietly cuddling with you. Like we used to do years ago, after the kids were in bed and we were too tired to do anything else. I didn't realize I missed that."

I was still grinning as I asked, "You and Ashley don't cuddle?"

"It wasn't the cuddling I was talking about, you goof!" she retorted. "I meant spending quiet time with you, that's the part I missed!"

I giggled again, and Sadie stuck out her tongue at me.

Then she stated, "Anyways I'm nineteen years old and my girlfriend just turned twenty. We can cuddle whenever we want, but neither of us have to worry about being too tired for sex!"

"Ew!" I pretended to glare at her. "TMI Sadie!"

She laughed, "How is that too much information? You can't be that naive that you think me and Ash aren't sleeping with each other."

I made a face at her and protested, "I'm still only fifteen sis! I don't need to hear about how much stamina you and your girlfriend have in bed!"

"Ok ok!" she laughed as she got to her feet. Then she gave me a sly look and added, "When you're ready though, hit me up. I can share some tips and tricks on what to do with your girlfriend, since you're all innocent and pure and chaste."

"No thank you!" I made another face. "If I want lesbian sex tips I'll consult the internet, not my ex-husband turned big sister!"

Sadie giggled again then said "C'mon Beth. Let's get back downstairs or you'll be the only one in the family who doesn't know any magic at all."

"Yeah ok," I agreed. "Though if I do need some tutoring it'll be your job to come over and help."

She laughed, "You make it sound like I won't enjoy it. I've been looking forward to being able to teach you and Jenny magic for more than two years."

We were both still smiling as the two of us emerged from my bedroom. We hurried back downstairs together, then went through the kitchen instead of going straight to the living-room. We grabbed more drinks for everybody, and finally joined the others.

They'd split up into little groups, with Brittany and Amanda working with Tally while Ashley was with Jenny. 

As soon as we saw that, Sadie flashed me a grin and said "Looks like I get to tutor you after all!"

I rolled my eyes and sat down next to my girlfriend to see how she was doing. Sadie made a show of pouting like I hurt her feelings, but she joined her girlfriend to see how Jenny was making out.

Amanda and Britt were working with Tally on learning the light spell. According to them it was one of the easiest, most harmless spells and it was one of the first ones everybody learned. It was supposed to be a good gauge of your ability or something.

"Me and Sadie used to have little contests all the time back when we were first learning magic," Amanda said with a grin, "To see who could make the biggest light ball? Glamours are another one you can sort of challenge each other with, once you learn it. You three can all practice together and maybe help each other out, or at least compare notes and things."

Tally asked, "What other sorts of spells do you know? What sort of stuff will we learn?"

Amanda replied, "Light spell, glamour, truth spell, healing spell. Those are the four safe starter spells. You can't hurt yourselves or anyone else with them, and they all have some practical use. Except you shouldn't be using any of them outside the house."

"How long does it take to learn them?" I asked.

Brittany replied, "You can learn a spell in a single night, but it takes practice to get good at it. We'll probably be teaching you one spell a week, and expect you spend an hour a day practicing in the meantime. So you'll know all four of those spells by the end of the month."

Me and my girlfriend both smiled, that sounded pretty good. Then Tally asked, "When do we get to learn the really cool stuff?"

Amanda acted sort of stern and grown-up as she replied, "Not until we're convinced you can use them safely and without getting into trouble. I'm not sure if it'll be mom or me and Sadie or maybe someone else from the coven? But whoever's in charge of the three of you will decide when you're ready. Then you'll learn the teleport spell."

Britt added, "That one's really frustrating but it's really important. It's not hard to learn, but it's really hard to use. Once you know it, you'll spend the next three or four months teleporting pencils and apples and books and stuff, as you try to build up your strength."

"Huh?" I asked. "How's that work?"

That led to a little lecture from Amanda, about how we controlled magic in our bodies. We had a little reservoir of it, and it could do a little bit, like drive a small light spell. To do really big stuff we needed more magic. And the teleport spell was perfect for building that up, because how much magic it took to teleport something was directly related to how much mass you wanted to move. So you started with a few grams, and worked up to a few hundred grams, then a kilogram, then a few kilos, then a dozen kilos, and eventually you were strong enough to teleport yourself.

"Cindy's the one who came up with this training program," Brittany mentioned. "She used it to train her girlfriend Zoe, and Zoe used it to teach Amanda and Sadie and Ashley. And Amanda used it to teach me."

"Wow," Tally's eyes widened. "So we're following Cindy's lesson plan?"

"Yeah pretty much," Amanda nodded. "Or you would be if we were actually teaching instead of just talking about teaching."

After that neither me or Tally interrupted. And just over an hour later my floofy girlfriend had the widest happiest smile on her face as she stared at the little ball of light glowing in the air above her hand.

Jenny was actually the first of us three to do it, she got her light spell working about ten minutes before Tally. And a few minutes after my girlfriend did it, I was staring at my own little ball of light.

I didn't think I'd be so excited about it, but I was. I was officially a witch and I could work magic. Even if all I could do was make a glowing soap-bubble the size of a golf ball.



I am usually hesitant about picking on technicalities of magic in fantasy literature. Buuut there was something I wondered about the teleportation spell as a weapon. Cindy already demonstrated that it can be used for killing by making the opponent drop very far or by just putting them underground. But this takes the respective body mass equivalent in magical energy. I wondered if one could reduce the consumption by choosing an essential part of the opponent's brain and teleport it whereever? With the equivalent of a few grams of moist matter, even a beginner could weaponize that spell. Or does the teleported object need to be separate from solid objects around it?


yeah pretty much. it's probably more effective & easier to teleport something into a person than get a piece of someone out of them? like assuming you have a good grasp of anatomy and knew what area to target you could probably teleport a pencil or some other tiny lightweight object into someone's heart or brain. its a good reason to keep that sort of spell away from the general public. its also not an argument we really wanna get into, but like teleport is a 'utility' spell & obviously not meant to be a weapon, but like lots of non-weapon things in the world can be used as weapons. hammers, shovels, cars & kitchen knives eg. Cindy did it in a pinch under duress. otoh the brotherhood had a spell they used that was purpose-built to cause death and that's it, it wasn't good for anything else.