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I figured it had to be nearly midnight. The fire died down so it was mostly just coals and a few orange flickers. We were all quiet as we sat huddled around in our hoodies and sharing a couple blankets.

I was just starting to worry we might all fall asleep and forget to do the thing, when Lily spoke up.

"It's time to get started Mara. Is it ok if I take over?"

I nodded and told my girlfriends, "Lily says it's time. I'll be inside watching, and I guess I'll see you all afterwards."

There were some quiet nodds and murmurs of acknowledgement. Then I pulled myself inside and joined Lily in her apartment. We exchanged a hug and I told her, "Good luck!"

She smiled, then stepped out into our body while I got comfy on the big leather sofa. I had my tail wrapped around on my lap as usual, and started playing with the spade tip while I watched what was happening outside.

Lily got to her feet as she told the others, "The three of you can just relax for now. I'll take care of the final preparations, and let you know when I'm about to begin."

"Thanks Lily," Melissa replied. 

We walked across the large yard, past the driveway then into the cottage. Melissa accompanied us, and while we went into the first bedroom to find my backpack my tall blonde girlfriend opened the fridge and pulled out some more drinks.

Lily opened my pack and found the big box of salt and the little black velvet box with the brooch. Then we returned to the fire pit with Melissa, who handed out the drinks to the others. The three of them settled in together to sip their vodka coolers and watch as we started preparing for the magic.

We moved to the north-most part of the fire-pit, then kneeled down in front of the large log we'd otherwise be sitting on. Lily picked up a stick from the wood pile and started marking out a small circle in the dirt. It was about a foot across, and she drew a bunch of runes around it. The whole process took fifteen or twenty minutes, as some of the markings seemed kind of complex and drawing them in the dirt with a stick obviously wasn't that easy.

When that was finished she opened the box of salt and started pouring out the fine white crystals, filling in the markings she'd made in the hard soil. 

That took another ten or twelve minutes, but when she was done it made the little circle and the runes a lot easier to see. Like the pure white salt crystals stood out brightly against the dark ground. At least it was bright and clear for me since we had the whole demonic night-vision thing going on. I had no idea if the others could see it that clearly.

Next Lily opened the velvet box and placed it in the middle of the little circle. She didn't take the brooch out of the box, she just placed the open box there so the brooch was visible in the middle of the circle while still resting in its protective container.

With that done, Lily looked up at our three companions. 

"Melissa, Susan, Amber," she stated softly. "I'm about to begin the ritual. Whatever happens, we can assume that any released energy will be stronger the closer you are to the circle. So you may want to move back a few paces, just in case."

The three of them all sort of looked at each other, then they all got to their feet. Melissa and Susan moved to the opposite side of the fire pit and stood next to each other about three meters from where me and Lily were kneeling.

Meanwhile Amber moved to sit down practically next to us. She was sitting on the big log we were kneeling in front of, so she was about a half meter behind us and to our right. 

I frowned, "Uh Lily? Can you maybe double-check with Amber what she's doing? Like that's the opposite of moving to a safe distance."

"Yes Mara I was just going to do that," she responded as she turned to look at the cute mousey brunette. 

Even though Lily could read Amber's mind and get the information, she still asked the old-fashioned way. Maybe so the rest of us could also hear the answer, or maybe because asking her to say it out loud would force Amber to think about what she was doing.

"Amber are you sure you want to be this close?" Lily asked in a concerned voice. "If things get out of hand, the effects on you could be unpredictable. You know what happened to Melissa and Susan in December. If it happens to you, there's no going back. You'll never be fully human again. Is that really what you want for yourself?"

The brunette nodded. She tried to sound confident, but there was clearly some anxiety in her voice as she responded "I want to catch up to the rest of you. I want to know that who and what I am won't ever go away, I want to stay part-succubus even if our contract ends. The others all got this in December. I feel like I'm behind, and I want to be part of the group. I know you all keep saying it's not necessary and that I'm one of you regardless, but I still feel a little left out. And I know it's risky, you've already warned us two dozen times that we don't know what's going to happen. But Mara has to do this regardless, and I want to be a part of it."

Lily continued staring at her for another moment or two, then finally stated "This isn't an initiation Amber. It's not a rite of passage any of you need to go through. If I'd known from the start what would happen when we imprisoned Verothilas I would have strongly urged Melissa and Susan to stay clear, and we would have performed that ritual in a place like this rather than Susan's home. And whatever happens Amber, this is not going to be like one of your manga or anime stories."

"I understand," Amber replied as calmly as she could manage. "I still want to do this."

"So be it."

Lily turned back to face the little salt circle. Amber had all the warnings, if she wanted to take the chance it was her decision. Melissa and Susan remained quiet, they didn't comment or try and talk Amber out of it. And they didn't come closer or move further back, so it seemed like everyone else was ready and waiting.

After looking over her handiwork one final time, Lily began chanting her magic incantations or demonic words or whatever it was that made the whole thing go.

Within a minute the salt started to glow red, and there were little flickers in the air around the brooch. It sort of matched the faint flickers from the fire, except where those were orange and momentarily lit up the fire pit, the flickers around the amulet were dark and seemed to momentarily make things darker.

Lily kept doing the chanting thing, the salt glowed brighter, and now we could see a faint purple glow within the gem in the middle of the brooch. I remembered what Lily said before and figured that was Verothilas, or at least it was her essence or something. She was being roused just enough to feel whatever was about to happen. It crossed my mind we should have been videoing this, like someone should have their phone out recording the whole thing because it was probably going to look cool as heck.

The chanting continued and the glow in the brooch got brighter and brighter, till after about five or six minutes Lily's chanting reached a peak. The salt runes and circle were glowing a deep red, while the gem in the brooch was lit up with a brilliant violet-purple. 

Lily finally finished her chanting with what sounded like she was giving a command or an order, and the night was suddenly lit up with an almost-blinding purple flash. 

Just like back at the solstice I felt a pulse of warmth through our entire body. The biggest difference that I could remember was back then it was a blinding flash of white light, this time the light was purple. But other than that, it felt the same.

And like last time, I found myself back in the body, blinking as I waited for my vision to return to normal. I was kneeling by the little circle. The fire still had that warm dull glow to it, but the salt wasn't glowing anymore and the brooch was dark too. And my body was positively buzzing with energy. 

Like back before the solstice, when Lily fed and I got that bit of overflow and it made me happy and horny and energetic. I really missed that feeling, and it felt good to experience it again. I bit my lip and took a couple deep breaths. I needed to make sure the others were alright before I started dancing naked around the fire or something.

I gulped and asked quietly, "Is everyone ok?"

Melissa and Susan were still standing a couple meters away on the other side of the fire pit. They both nodded quietly, though they both looked uncertain. Like maybe they were sort of figuring out how they felt. 

Then I turned to the right to check on Amber. She was sitting quietly, cringing a little inside her oversized hoodie. There was a look of surprise or shock on her face. Her eyes were wide and she was staring at the little circle on the ground.

"Amber? You ok?" I asked.

She frowned slightly, then replied in a half-whisper "I feel funny."

Melissa spoke up before I could to ask, "Horny maybe? I'm feeling a lot like I did on the solstice. Like really horny. Slightly different though, maybe it's not as strong as it was the first time?"

Sue suggested, "Or maybe because we're already part-succubus, the effects are different this time?"

I glanced back and forth between Melissa, Susan, and Amber. I remembered at the solstice the three of us were pretty giddy and practically ran to bed, but I didn't feel that urgency now. And from the look of it neither did Melissa or Susan.

After a few moments I reached over and carefully picked up the velvet box with the brooch, and I closed it then tucked it in my hoodie pocket. Finally I got to my feet and suggested, "Let's all head back to the cabin and call it a night. If it's anything like last time, Lily won't be back till some time tomorrow morning. Maybe not till noon? We'll figure it all out then."

The others all nodded slowly. Melissa and Susan seemed to be in more of a hurry than me or Amber, and they sort of gravitated together as they walked quickly back to the cabin. It was fairly obvious they'd be heading straight into one of the bedrooms together.

Amber got to her feet next to me, and she promptly moved to my side. I felt her arm wrap around my waist as she almost clung to me. I smiled and put an arm around her shoulders as I found myself marvelling again at just how small and shy and cute she looked. We moved slower as the two of us headed back to the cabin. By the time we got in the door I'd already decided Melissa and Susan could keep each other occupied, I'd spend the night with Amber.

We headed into the second bedroom and closed the door. I pulled off my hoodie and kicked off my shoes, then quickly shed the rest of my clothes. When I turned towards the bed I found Amber had gotten rid of everything but her tunic top, which also worked as a night shirt. Like her hoodie, the top was massively oversized and she was almost lost in the thing. And once again I marvelled at just how cute and small and vulnerable she managed to look. 

She didn't mind that I was naked, she grabbed my hand and pulled me to the bed with her. We wound up laying on our sides facing each other. She had her arms wrapped tightly around my waist and I had mine less-tightly holding her around her shoulders. I figured cuddling was as much as she'd want to do but that was ok. The most risqué thing I did was to slip my tail down between her legs and wrap it around her right thigh, sort of like I was hugging her leg with my tail. 

Amber smiled happily as she snuggled in even tighter against my body, and let out a soft contented sigh.

I smiled as well. Melissa and Susan were already going at it and they weren't bothering to be subtle about it, but the sounds of their fun didn't bother Amber and didn't bother me either. I let that happy buzzy horny energy just kind of seep into myself for now. Maybe I'd work it off tomorrow with Sue or Melissa. Or both. For now I was happy to enjoy some quiet cuddle time with Amber.

We drifted to sleep like that. Her head was turned sideways so her cheek rested against my shoulder and my chin was on the top of her head, while her arms remained wrapped around my waist.

In the morning when I woke up we were still cuddling but she'd turned around in the night. I felt a little flutter of amusement as I realized it was probably the first time I'd ever been the big spoon. And it was ok. Especially with Amber, she was absolutely 'smol spoon' energy. 

My tail was still wrapped around one of her legs, and I started moving it slowly up and down along her thigh. Nothing too sexual, but definitely sensual. After a few minutes she woke and snuggled a little closer so my boobs were pressing against her back.

"Good morning Mara," she whispered. "Thanks for this. I feel really good."

I leaned closer and kissed her cheek, "Good morning Amber. And you're welcome. How'd you sleep?"

"Good," she replied. "I'm thirsty though, I think I need to get up and get a drink. Sorry."

"No worries," I smiled. My arms and tail unwrapped from her and she got up out of bed, then I got to my feet as well. 

I watched as she yawned and stretched, and I found myself staring at her. "Uh, Amber?"

She turned around and looked up at me as she asked, "What?"

"Did you get smaller? Or did I get bigger?"

Her eyes widened as she looked down at herself and the big black tunic top she was practically swimming in.

Then she looked back up at me and practically squeaked, "I got smaller?!"



It might be cute if you gave her shrinking powers or something, she could even start wearing a mouse onesie