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Out of work due to the pandemic, I passed my time reading gender-bender isekai web novels and wishing something that interesting could happen to me. Imagine my surprise when truck-kun answered my prayers and helped send me on my way to the afterlife. And that's where things started to go a little off-course...

Cover Art:


This started out as a slightly silly take on a traditional fantasy-world LitRPG isekai. It was supposed to be fun and light-hearted and a little bit sexy. Instead it took a hard turn in an unexpected direction, and basically became my first light-novel-length smut. Mind the content warnings below. I think the story retains some of its light-heartedness despite the odd direction it took. There's some stats and levelling stuff, but it's not hard-core dice-rolling. Like all my stories, it's about the characters and their journey.

Blanket Content Warning: 

Starting at chapter 5 this story becomes NSFW and contains several instances of both sex and mind control. Individual chapters will be prefaced with applicable content warnings.



Can't wait to start reading :D