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Towards midday I made brunch for Melissa and Susan, but after Lily's meal last night I wasn't the least bit hungry. I sat with the two of them and sipped some water while they ate, then they both did the dishes while I relaxed.

After eating, both Susan and Melissa had stuff they wanted to do today but I was still feeling kind of lazy. I definitely didn't want to do anything that involved getting dressed or leaving the apartment.

Me and Melissa had some photography assignments we were supposed to do, and she wanted to go out and take care of them this afternoon. I really didn't feel like it though, and in the end Melissa went out on her own to take care of that. I figured I'd go take some pictures later in the week, or next weekend. 

She said she wanted to get it out of the way early since we were going to be busy for most of the week. That was probably the smart thing to do but then she wasn't feeling fragile after being poisoned Friday night. Susan had some assignments to deal with too, and while Melissa was out 'capturing spring' with her camera Susan commandeered my desk so she could work on her academic stuff.

And with both of them busy I curled up on the sofa and wasted the day streaming movies and catching up on stuff online. I hadn't done any nude pictures or videos since before the whole Verothilas thing started, but I still got sales now and then from the stuff I did last autumn. And I got the occasional request for more, like customers who enjoyed my stuff asking if I was going to post anything new.

By the end of the day I was starting to feel a tiny bit guilty for wasting the day, but I decided I'd earned it regardless. As long as I went out and took pictures in the next seven days I'd be fine.

Melissa didn't get home till about half-past five, and when she finally came in she had Amber in tow. The cute brunette took off her hoodie as soon as she was in the door and I realized she'd come straight from work. She was wearing her black skinny-jeans and a tight t-shirt that showed off all her curves. And she had some subtle make-up on again.

"I hope nobody minds I brought home an Amber," Melissa said as she took off her coat. "I wasn't far from her store so I swung by and got her when they closed up."

Amber blushed slightly but she moved to join me on the sofa. She sat closer than usual, she was almost on top of me, which caught me a little off-guard.

Susan called from my bedroom, "I don't mind. I'll be another hour or so before I'm finished this stuff, so the rest of you can figure out what we're doing for dinner."

After putting her camera and stuff away in her bedroom, Melissa came out and sort of stared for a moment at me and Amber. Then she sat down across from us on the recliner, with a little smile on her lips.

"You're probably not interested in food Mara?" she asked.

I shook my head, "Nope. You three can sort it out. I'll cook though, if you want a home-made meal."

Melissa asked, "Amber? What do you feel like?"

Our guest shifted so she was even closer to me. She glanced at the tall blonde across from us and shrugged, "Whatever you and Susan want's fine with me. I'm good with anything."

Sue called from the bedroom, "How about pizza? We can order something in later?"

"Sounds good," Melissa replied. She was still watching me and Amber, and she was still smiling.

The newest member of our team seemed oblivious to the way she was being watched. After another minute or so she actually shifted so she was even closer, her thigh was pressing against mine now.

I turned to look at her, I was about to ask what was up with her today when it suddenly dawned on me. Today was the fifteenth of March. It was basically a month since her transformation was finished, and almost four weeks since she started her work at the adult store. It was suddenly obvious to me what she needed. 

She was full of energy and she needed to send it through me to Lily. But unlike Melissa or Susan, the cute brunette didn't need sex with me to deliver the energy. Her energy required an entirely different mechanism to transfer it over.

"Amber?" I asked as I tried to keep a straight face. "Would you like to cuddle?"

Her reaction almost made me burst out in giggles. Her face went bright red, she nodded, and next thing I knew she was practically on my lap snuggled up against my chest with her head resting on my shoulder. For someone who was the same size as me she had a way of making herself seem a lot smaller at times.

I wrapped my arms around her shoulders and one of hers wriggled around behind my back. 

She let out a long quiet happy sigh and seemed to almost deflate as her whole body relaxed. I hadn't even realized she was uptight until I felt all that nervous tension drain out of her. 

Across from us, Melissa was doing her best not to burst out into giggles herself. The tall beautiful blonde had a wide grin, and she clamped a hand over her mouth to keep quiet as she watched.

I smiled as well and asked quietly, "Feeling ok Amber?"

"Mmhmm," she replied, though her response was muffled as she still had her face nestled against my shoulder. I didn't think it was possible but she actually snuggled even closer against me, and her arm around my back held me tighter.

I responded by holding her tighter as well. I had no idea how this was supposed to work, but I figured we'd know when it was over.

After a few more minutes, Melissa got up and quietly excused herself. She went into her bedroom, I figured she was going to review all the pictures she took this afternoon and finish up her assignment. Meanwhile I was pretty much trapped and immobilized with a very relaxed and cuddly Amber clinging tightly to my chest and lap.

There was a very brief reprieve when she let go of me and I thought I was about to be freed, but she was just turning around from left to right. Then she snuggled up tight again and let out another happy contented little sigh. I wrapped my arms around her again and continued holding her. And it was actually pretty nice. She was soft and small and incredibly cuddly. Sort of like a friendly cat or a plush toy, except she was actually as big as me. 

Eventually Susan emerged from my bedroom, she strode out as she said "It got awfully quiet out here, what's everyone been up to..."

Her voice trailed off and she came to a halt as she stared at me and Amber. A wide smile settled on her face and she asked, "Amber? How are you doing?"

A small soft muffled voice from right next to my chest replied, "I'm good. This is really nice."

"Can you tell if the energy transfer thing is almost done?" I asked. "Not that I'm impatient or anything, but my left leg's gone to sleep."

"Um..." Amber hesitated, then admitted "That was all done in the first minute or so? It just felt really really nice to cuddle with you."

The sound of giggling from Melissa's room was soon accompanied by Susan's laughter as well. 

"Absolutely adorable," the curvy redhead declared as she sat down on the other end of the sofa. "And I hate to interrupt, but I'm actually getting hungry. So who wants pizza?"

Melissa came out of her room a minute later, she sat on the recliner again. "I'm ready for food. So are we ordering in? What do we all want?"

Amber finally released me. She didn't go far though, she slipped off my lap but kept an arm around me as she cuddled close against my side. "I'm good with pretty much anything I think? No anchovies though."

I stayed out of it since I wouldn't be eating, but the three of them quickly figured out what they wanted. Melissa went online and placed the order, then the four of us put something on the TV. 

"Are you working through the break?" Melissa asked our guest.

She nodded, "Yeah. I took a couple extra shifts, since I'm not going anywhere and don't have much else going on."

I asked, "Now that you're a month into it, how are you liking it? I mean everything, like working at that store, and the work you're doing for Lily?"

Amber blushed slightly but replied, "It's honestly really nice. Both the job and what I do for Lily. I know I couldn't do what you two do, but what I'm doing is kind of fun and rewarding?"

Her blush grew brighter and she admitted, "Two months ago I'd never have imagined I could do something like this, much less that I'd enjoy it? But yeah, I really do like it."

"I'm glad," Susan said with a smile. "And you look fantastic! Is that how you always dress for work?"

Amber was still blushy but she smiled, "Thanks Susan. Yeah, this is my 'work style'."

Melissa asked, "Why don't you dress like that all the time? You look great, you should show it off."

"I don't want people ogling me at school," the blushy brunette replied. "I get the same 'sex sense' you two have, remember? I don't want to know what my classmates or profs are thinking when they stare at me, and if I dressed like this at college they'd definitely stare at me."

Sue grimaced, "Oh gods I didn't think of that! Not to mention your family..."

That thought made Amber cringe, and she changed the subject. "What about the three of you? Do you have any exciting plans?"

Susan responded, "We sure do. Tomorrow or Tuesday we have to go over to the house for the final inspection. Then Wednesday there'll be some furniture deliveries. And Thursday we're renting a cube-van, we'll be moving as much as we can Thursday then move the rest on Friday."

Listening to Susan describe everything we had coming this week left me cringing as well, and I realized I really should have gone with Melissa to do that assignment today. I'd probably be too worn out next weekend.

Amber looked impressed but she frowned, "You're renting a van and moving yourselves? Why not hire someone to do it for you?"

We all sort of gave her a blank look, then glanced at each other. I was pretty sure the idea simply never occurred to any of us, like we were used to just doing this sort of thing on our own.

"It gives Mara a chance to show off her demon strength," Melissa finally said with a grin. "Not to mention Sue and I are pretty capable as well. And it's cheaper, plus we just like being hands-on about this stuff?"

Our guest still had a slight frown on her face but she shrugged, "Ok. I guess if you all like doing that sort of thing."

She added with a blush, "It's the sort of thing I'd get pressed into helping with before. Like when Matt moved out from his parents place. But now I have an excuse. I'm too cute to help move furniture."

Susan giggled, "You can help move small boxes though, and light things. We'll bribe you with pizza and wine coolers, how's that sound?"

"I'd love to help," Amber replied in a tone that made it clear she really wouldn't. "But sadly I'll be working that day."

That got a giggle out of all four of us. 

I got to my feet and raided the fridge, then returned with drinks for everyone. "We'll skip to the end and break out the coolers early then."

Susan took care of things when the pizza arrived, then she and Amber and Melissa all dug in and started eating. I just watched and sipped my drink and continued talking with the three of them.

After a slice or two, Amber got a thoughtful look on her face and said "I wonder if I'll ever get to the point like the rest of you, where I lose my appetite because I'm full of the other kind of energy.'

Melissa and Susan exchanged a glance, and Sue replied "That only started happening for us after that thing we told you about in December? When we all got a big blast of demonic energy? Before that we were still mostly human and the energy we gathered for Lily didn't do anything for us."

"That energy changed us, made us more succubus," Melissa said as she took up the story. "After that, we started gaining some sustenance from our dates. And that also made Mara part-demon, that's when she started getting some energy when Lily fed."

"Ah," Amber nodded. "Right, so that won't happen for me regardless."

Sue gave her a smile, "Don't sound so disappointed ok Amber? It's not something any of us asked for or wanted, it was a surprise that we all had to adapt to."

The cute brunette nodded, "Right. I get it."

Even without my demonic intuition thing, I was pretty sure she was still disappointed. Or maybe she was hoping she'd become more like my other two girlfriends. Unfortunately that was between her and Lily.
