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Another week comes and goes, and we're that much closer to the end of the month. This week started a little slow initially, but it definitely picked up towards the end, which I'm glad for! Last couple of weeks have had my focus all over the place, both in a art-centric and meta sense, what with a good chunk of time being busy with non-art stuff, and I'm starting to really feel the effects of it. Granted I always get a little antsy around the end of the month what with bills due and the like, but having such scattered progress on commissions and lacking completed pieces for the last few weeks has been annoying to say the least.

So that's why the majority of this week's work was commission related. I managed to finish a piece for OverPhoenix, who commissioned a picture of Ellen from Beastars being incredibly huge and beefy! That's also this week's main piece as it's the only one completed. In a weird way I suppose that could also work out for Fanart Feburary huh? I had a lot of fun with this piece once I had nailed down the body, which took a couple attempts to get right. Back muscles and stuff are one of the areas that I need to more actively use reference for because I don't have most of the muscle groups memorized like I do with other parts of the body. I also remember working on the initial poses and compositions was a pain, but that was also when I was struggling with art as a whole, so I'm glad that didn't carry over into the later stages!

More commission progress was made on VioletNeon's piece as well, though primarily it was addressing feedback and making changes to the specific proportions. We've got a size set though, so I'm going to hopefully have that piece done by the end of the week! Similarly, I got an initial sketch of a commission for Marjask done, which is a joint piece with AlterationArtist and, fittingly, features a fusion of their characters Marjask and Hyperia respectively! Both are really fun characters, and really lend themselves well to getting bigger, so I wanted to push some proportions a little bit compared to how some of the character's base sizes are. Really happy with it so far, and it's another one I'm going to try and get done by the end of the week.

And then we have the mountain of sketches on the right side of the image! So the Fanart February reward votes both wound up being beach themed, and with Loona's poll also making her super buff (and a good number of votes also wanting Macro and Hyper), and with Onyx being all of those things as well, I figured it was a good excuse to draw the two together! It'll be framed in such a way that I'll be able to break them into separate pictures as well, but I do like the idea of the two being really big together, haha. That all said, I did a TON of sketching trying to figure out how I wanted to approach the task. Poses, framing, proportions, the environment; each of them had at least a couple different passes to figure them out, but I finally settled on the top most sketch, and with the exception of some minor tweaks to Onyx's pose, I'm happy with what I settled on! Though there are a couple sketches in that batch that I'm also really happy with and, if I can find the time somewhere, might go back to later. I might also repurpose some of the sketches for more macro beach themed pics with other characters!

And wrapping up, a bunch o' sharks! Not any sharks in particular though, I just wanted to draw sharks and do more practice with anthro faces more accurately representing the species they're based off of, and sharks are notoriously reliant on "default furry face" syndrome, so I wanted to take a crack at breaking that norm. I'm honestly really happy with how most of those came out!

One last thing to note for this post, I'm going to try and get a few additional pieces done this week as well that aren't commission based, and are more Fanart February themed or that are from holidays that happened this month. Like the Valentine's pic for example. I don't want this month's art pack to be too bare for completed works, but relying on commissions to fill that hole seems a bit, I dunno, lazy in a way? Either way I need to do more art, haha.

Alright, enough rambling for now. As always, thank you so much for your support! I hope you had a great weekend, and that this next week is a good one for you! Until then!



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