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Hey there Patrons!

So I missed the Halloween deadline for the pic of Onyx, and some of you probably saw that I posted up a pic of Loona that day to public galleries, and might be wondering, "Wait a second, what's going on?"
So here's a quick mid-week check-in! The short version is I'm working on the pic of Onyx, and actually had it inked out with a rough color pass on Monday. The issue was that while the rough color pass (the third image in the set) was okay enough to get the vibe across, I wanted to actually do a proper color pass to really get it to pop. The rough colors I've been doing lately (like for the Loona pic) are fine, but I want to keep the skillset to do more fine tuned and detailed colors in tact, and it had been a while since I'd done that.

The original plan by the time I had wrapped up on Monday night was to get a quick painted sketch of Loona done for the public consumption, and then finish up the pic of Onyx that same day to post on Patreon! Well as luck would have it, I REALLY got stuck in the weeds with the lighting on the Onyx pic, but I hope the difference in quality and the end goal that I'm aiming for shows in the two pics side by side!

I'm still working on the Onyx pic, as there's still all the glowing bits that need to be lit, and I want to pop some extra brightness on some of the rim lighting from the moon, but I usually take Wednesday's off from art stuff (they're set aside for running all the errands I might need to throughout the week), so I may or may not work more on it today. Ultimately depends on how I'm feeling. Either way, I should have the Onyx piece done by Friday at the latest, and I will still be including the higher resolution versions in the October art packs when those go out!

Alright, that'll wrap up this one. I'm going to be sending out new polls and posts for November's themed pic, but I still need to decide on extra themes to choose from before I do that, so that will probably go out this weekend or just before it. Until then!




I didn't take my Halloween dragon lawn decorations down yet, so it still counts 😉