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Aka "The Vacation Souvenirs"

Well hello there Patrons! It's been a couple weeks what with me visiting family and friends over the last couple weeks, though with the sheer amount of sketches and stuff in this update, you'd be forgiven for thinking I wasn't on vacation! Lets get into it.

Starting in the upper left, we have thumbnails for some Riptide commissions that were from the Shark Week limited run. These were done before I went on vacation, and I haven't had the time to get back to finishing them yet, though the commissioners knew that in advance. That said, I'm very excited to get to work on them, lots of fun characters, including ones I've drawn previously that I'm happy to draw again! 

I'm going to try and keep this concise given the number of pics, so moving on from there to the upper right, we have the first sketches I did after getting back from vacation, some warmups of buff dogs (apparently that was a theme I didn't realize until just now), with the Loona piece getting away from me. I've already set a lot of ground work on that to turn it into a pinup with various alts of larger proportions, similar to what you might see if you subscribe to Snao's patreon! Part of the reason I want to do this is to see if I can further optimize my workflow for alternate versions of pictures and to also make some Patreon exclusive content. The base version might still go out publicly, but I'm planning on keeping the alts to here for at least a couple months, maybe longer. That said, commissions are still taking priority so I don't have an estimate for when the pinup might be done. Hopefully sooner rather than later!

And next we get into the various pictures I did over the separate vacations. The four in the bottom left corner were all done during my most recent trip to visit friends, and were all done on my iPad, which I *really* need to practice using more often. I'm pretty happy with how the pic of Tiffany came out, but I don't know that I'm settled on her color scheme just yet. I also wanted to practice painting (or I guess more specifically, doing rendered lighting) on the iPad to see how my usual workflow in CSP would work in Procreate. Bluntly, the workflow didn't work out in my opinion. Largely because the brushes behave so differently. The pic itself came out okay, but it could've been a lot better had I done it on my PC. I might try and remake it later if I have the time. The lower two sketches were earlier in the trip, one being a thumbnail for a traditional drawing I would do for Jinash later, and the other being a sketch of Onyx at a friend's request. Didn't get to finish that one sadly, but I'll probably wind up drawing Onyx again soon enough.

Moving on to the row of sketches with the white background, the first was also done during that same vacation, and is a concept for a very big and very fluffy kobold, which I was discussing with a friend that there weren't enough of, and that I wasn't doing my part to fix that, so here's that! Her working name is Dusty, and she's got all the big fluffy bits you'd want to snuggle. The other two sketches were done on my first vacation/trip to visit my family. Not much to go over there, I can't really draw the more raunchy stuff there for a number of reasons, but I still wanted to get some drawings done to keep from being rusty, so I made an adventurer group to use to practice things, and during my visit a friend had an idea for a visual novel they want to work on, and wanted a really loose sketch of what the protagonist would look like... or was it the love interest? I can't remember. Either way, we got a big hunky wolf guy out of it.

Wrapping up with the bottom right corner, these were done either before the first trip, or between trips. The kobold birthday party in the middle-ish was a quick joke doodle I did for myself in response to a tweet I got, and was pretty fun to do! The big bunch of sketches on the right-most side were ideas I was tossing around for a group YCH piece featuring Onyx in an orgy, which I threw out as a birthday themed piece, but I think I might just make it a regular themed piece when I do decide what to do for that one. Lastly, the big heavy pics of Angel on the bottom were done for Vore Day. No actual vore taking place, but it's pretty implied by my standards. Touching more on those sketches though (and I may have mentioned this before), Angel being one of my "catch-all" characters for fetishes I don't usually draw, I've always had the idea that she had a couple of different body-types and builds that she swaps between as the need arises (usually client preference but sometimes her own preference), and her super heavy form was one that I hadn't really revisited since a Thanksgiving themed pic from a few years ago. I still have to draw out a lot of the other forms too, so hopefully that'll be something I get around to soon.

Anywho, that'll do it for this one. I think there was a couple of additional sketches that I didn't include in this one, but they were all *extremely* rough character practice sketches, so there wasn't anything really being missed by them being excluded. If you made it to the end, take a breather! Definitely a wordier post from me this time around. As always, thank you all so much for your support, I hope your weekend is going well, and that you enjoy this next week! Until next time!



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