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Hey there patrons! It's a new month! How are you doing today? Did you sleep well? Are you keeping hydrated?

We've got a couple of pieces containing a lot of bigness to thirst over, so hopefully you've got your drinks ready just in case!

This was another week where the quantity of content was lower due to the quality of the content. Not a bad thing mind you, thought I'd be lying if I said I didn't wish I had more to show, even if it was just an additional sketch.

Starting off, I finished the Retrospring ask pic I had shown the WIP for last week, that was basically done that night if I remember correctly. From there the rest of the time was spent on commissions and owed rewards for the most part. I finally finished inking Sampomon's piece, and I am extremely happy with how it came out, but as I mentioned last week, the particular brush I used caused the piece to take way too long. So while I might still use that brush in the future, it will only be for personal projects that aren't under a time constraint, until such a time I reliably use it faster. 

From there, we have another commission completed, this one for Edogz350, and similarly, I'm exceptionally happy with the end result on this one as well! That said, this piece also served as a reminder to always use references if you have them. The initial sketches were something that I had been fairly happy with, but as I started to clean them up, something just didn't look right. It wasn't until I had given it a night's rest and came back the next day that I noticed just how horribly posed and how wrong I had gotten the anatomy in the cleanup process. I mulled over whether or not I should fix it or just send it with what had been done so far, but in the end I decided to re-work the problem areas with some proper reference material, and I gotta say I'm glad I did. The piece looks so much better, and while you all won't get to see the version with the errors, you can take my word that it was worth the extra work!

Next we have some progress updates on the two Macro March Growth Drive reward pictures that are still outstanding. I had initially set myself the (arguably very lofty) goal of having both of them done by the end of June, but with some personal health issues flaring up later in the week, that pretty much dashed those hopes of getting even close. Still, glad I made the progress that I did. Work on them will continue this weekend and into next week until they're done!

And finally we have the one warmup sketch that was worth sharing (i.e. that wasn't just a bunch of circles and squares and such), a new kobold named Gemini! She's the result of a Twitter poll I put out a couple weeks ago, asking if I should make a multi-endowed kobold character. The results of that poll were an overwhelming yes, though I still don't know where that crossover in fetishes comes from. XD

Anyway, I'm going to give her more cleanup and post her later as well, but that'll have to wait for now! I've got a couple things I need to do tonight, so that will do it for this update! As always, thank you all so much for your support, no matter how big or how small! I hope the rest of your weekend goes well, and that you have a wonderful week!



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