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Hello Patrons! 

Got a smattering of different things to show off for this week's Snapshot update, so let's jump right in! 

Most of the major projects being worked on right now are commissions, which shouldn't be a surprise given the recent opening. That said I still need to finish the last two reward pieces for the Macro March Growth Drive, but I'm still waiting to hear back from a couple people, so that's put a slight delay on things. But back to current work, we have a sketch for Marjask that admittedly ran away from me, so there's a lot more work on it than I'd normally put into a sketch, but I gotta say I'm quite happy with the results! From there we have progress on NinjaKing's commission, which won't be as detailed as the thumbnail suggests, but I wanted to get all the set dressing in to help ground the piece in my mind since the prompt is pretty thorough. And lastly we have Svanhildr's commission, a slice of life piece featuring their macro vixen hero after a fight to protect the city! All in all a lot of great prompts and pieces this time around that I'm extremely excited to work on! 

Next are the various sketches, all of these done as warm-ups for the most part. The Kobolds in the corner were another attempt at trying to make a more cartoony/fast and loose art style for myself that I'm happy with. Still working on it and haven't quite found it, but I can feel I'm making progress there. Then we have probably one of the more exciting pieces, a slice of life sketch of the Green Horn's Bar with some amply appropriate sizeplay shenanigans for the locale. To be fair if that's the kind of show Cali is putting on at the bar I'd be surprised if there were any empty seats at all, but framing everything is kind of important! Speaking of the Green Horn, the next sketch is a redesign of one of the employee's there! You might remember Tiffany from a previous snapshot update, though she's had quite the overhaul. Looking back at the previous design, I realize that it didn't fit the goals quite to the extent I wanted them to, so I took another pass at it. There might still be some minor tweaks to do to this design, but overall I feel this much better accomplishes the vibes and role I wanted for her! 

Finally we have a draw-over I did to be used as a Telegram sticker for Jinash and Marjask, which was a nice little cool-down for the day after having worked on other projects! Plus it was well received which is always a nice bonus! 

And that'll do it for this week's update! If you celebrated Cindo de Mayo I hope you had a great night and didn't get *too* hungover (unlike me XP), and that the rest of your weekend was enjoyable as well! As always, thank you all so much for your support, and I hope you have a wonderful week!



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