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Hey there Patrons! 

Another week in the books, and we're getting close to having done the weekend updates for a year I think. That's pretty cool! Anyway, let's get into it! 

The theme of the update as you can probably infer is big round shapes, mostly boobs! Lots of sketching done this week with some progress on commissions, including completing a sketch for Glitch of his super busty zard Jess! Other commissions received progress as well, specifically a sketch for Marjask and a larger piece for NinjaKing which is still being thumbnailed. 

Notably for Marjask's commission, this particular idea is being scrapped, as while they did like the idea to go with a more inflation focused theme, they provided an alternate idea that I vibed with much more strongly. Plus inflation isn't really my suit, but at least I can draw it well enough apparently! I do really like how that headshot came out in the bottom corner though. 

For NinjaKing, this is a commission of a character they have set in a Destiny AU, where some guardians are dinosaurs, likely inspired by one of the Halloween sets that were also dinosaur themed but I don't know if I ever explicitly confirmed that. Either way, the depiction here is of their Triceratops Warlock Ceres being resurrected for the first time, inside a museum (likely the Smithsonian though I don't know if there's any specific lore that would prevent that exact museum). It'll be a decent undertaking but it's one I'm excited to work on! 

And for the rest we mostly have warmup sketches and personal sketches, with a lot of very busty characters, including Estelle, a kobold I haven't drawn in a few years! She's got a tiny tweak to her design here in that I decided this time not to go with such strictly-adhered Jaeh proportions in the torso. Might try that look again at some point though because I don't think it quite landed the last time I tried. I also did a Diane without reference and somewhat more in my own style just to see how it would look and feel, and I quite like the results!

And lastly there's another doodle of Jess in a very loose approximation of the outfit her character is wearing in the playthrough of Divinity Original Sin 2 that folks are doing. She's wearing a bucket, it's funny!

That'll do it for this week's update! As always, thank you all so much for your support, I hope your weekend was good, and that you have a great week!



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