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Hello there Patrons! 

It's the last weekend before Christmas, and more notably for updates here, this will be the last Weekend Snapshot of the year! I'll be out of town next weekend and while I don't have solid plans for the weekend after that as of writing, I'm going to specifically take it off from Patreon as an end-of-year break kind of deal.

So let's get into what we've got for this last Snapshot post! First off, you'll notice a trio of character concepts. You may have noticed an increase in those these last few weeks (along with them all having pretty hefty chests). The reason why is that I'm setting some groundwork to expand on in the new year, fleshing out Caliza's roster of Employees at her bar and lounge, The Green Horn! It's one of many things I want to do more with as a setting in the next year, and having some preliminary character work is going to help tremendously with that.

From there we have more progress on the redesign for Hibiscus, with the buyer having settled on a glow pattern for her, so all that remains for her is an outfit, and then giving her the ref-sheet treatment! Additional progress was made on the ref sheet for Dragon Titan as well.

And then we have a sketch of Drumstick that doubles as a "next iteration" of her design since I wanted to push her proportions a bit, seeing as she's meant to be my mascot bottom-heavy kobold and her previous designs weren't quite hitting the mark I had envisioned. She'll probably get a little more push in that area, but overall this is much closer to the look I want for her.

And last but not least, the sketch for a Christmas Kobold Pinup! A poll on Twitter asked who I should star and "A Big Kobold" won by a *landslide* (much to my surprise, though I suppose given how I've neglected existing characters in the last half of the year, I probably shouldn't be)! Now the question is, have you been naughty or nice this year? ;D

And that'll wrap up this one! Polls and suggestion posts for how and what to change for this Patreon next year will be going up later this week and will run until the end of the year, so keep an eye out for those! Your feedback is very much appreciated!

And as always, thank you all so very much for your continued support, and I hope you have a wonderful holiday season!



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