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Hey there folks!

It's a bit late in the weekend for this week's Snapshot, and it's a bit of a light one on content, mostly because I've been intentionally trying to keep the number of projects I'm working on low so I can focus on getting more work done on them.

So for this week, I've been spending time on making additional tweaks to Hibiscus' design per the buyer's wishes. She's going to have some glowing bits which I absolutely love, but the tricky part is figuring out the right color for her! I've also been working on a character sheet for another commissioner, of a very heavy and hyper Zapdos character. Working out some art-muscles that I wouldn't normally on this one, and I'm pretty happy with where it's going so far!

Lastly I've included a small smattering of warmup sketches to round things out. Big kobolds, little doodles, and some face practice!

And that'll wrap up this week's snapshot! Before we go though, there are a few new patrons this week, and I just want to say thank you so much for chipping in and supporting the creative process! It means so much to me that people enjoy my work and want to support it! So from the bottom of my heart, thank you, to both new and existing patrons!

As always, I hope you have a great rest of your weekend, and that this next week is a good one for you! 



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