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Hey there Patrons!

First of all, if you missed it, there's a poll running right now to decide some of the next Patreon rewards! Go vote on that if you haven't already, as the poll closes on Monday! (Click here!)

We're back to the regular amount of time for snapshot posts, and admittedly they always feel a little underwhelming when the previous one is a beefy two-weeks-combined post. Anywho, lets get to breaking things down!

Unfortunately this week had a couple bad mental health days (Thursday in particular was really rough), and that directly affected how much I was able to get done this week. That said, there was still some decent progress on a couple commissions and owed work, though not nearly as much as I would have preferred.

Quickly touching on the warmups, if you've been particularly eagle-eyed, you'll have noted that I've been doing a handful of rough sketches of my OCs with different builds sprinkled over the last few months, and I may have mentioned this previously, but I've wanted to diversify the looks of my characters a bit on a more fundamental (i.e. silhouette) level, because lately they've all been starting to trend towards the same kind of hulking build, and as they say, variety is the spice of life! So these are continuing my efforts to branch those out and are in a way very early preparation for future ref sheets and stuff for my characters. And then I drew a kobold as a way to unwind during a more stressful day, nothing terribly noteworthy there!

For the rest of the pics, I've got Curious Garchomp's piece ready for final cleanup and completion, which I'm likely going to be focusing on (and hopefully completing) for the rest of the day. More progress was made on Jaycee's commission as well, fine tuning the proportions of their character for a refsheet. And finally some progress on one of the owed Macro March reward pictures. The inking process was a little slower than I would have liked, but given I was working on that later in the week when the rough head spaces were kicking in, I can't say I'm terribly surprised the work was slower going. As I was working on it, I noticed that several things needed to be re-drawn, as the original posing was either really broken or poorly framed. Similarly some muscles were incorrectly blocked in (back muscles for Nady's character in particular), so there was a bit more behind-the-scenes cleanup going on rather than just going straight into inking. Either way, I hope to have this picture and the other one done soon, but balancing larger projects like these with commissions is slowing things down, so we'll just have to see how things pan out.

And that'll do it for this week's snapshot! As always, thank you so much for your support! I hope your weekend has been going well, and that this next week is a great one for you! Until next time!



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