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Hello Patrons! Hope your weekend has been going well!

Let's jump right into it! This was a really weird week for me. On Monday, one of my housemates got into a car accident, and so I was with them all day as I took them to Urgent Care and then later the ER. They're okay thankfully, and the injuries weren't nearly as bad as they could've been based on symptoms, though going through all the tests and such took the entire day, so I didn't get any art done that day, and even if there was time for it, I doubt I would have due to the fact that it was still an incredibly stressful day. 

Tuesday reared it's head in a different way, probably as a result of all the stress of the previous day if I had to guess, but I started out really fighting any art I was working on, and the thoughts I was having that day were really reminiscent of when I was in the worst of the last couple months where I had trouble doing anything. Thankfully I was able to overcome it, by shifting gears and practicing inking, tweaking brushes to better behave like other brushes I've used for sketching, and it wound up working quite well to squash that mood, resulting in the completed pics of Toriel and it's alternate versions. Ideally I'd like to do a few more alternate versions, but those will come later.

The rest of the week was spent between the three remaining pieces you see on the snapshot. I had mentioned last week that I wanted to spend more time on completing pieces instead of doing a ton of new sketches and warmups, and instead I took the time I would have previously spent on new warmup sketches to cleanup the pics of Zeezi and Loona, and make more progress on VioletNeon's commission. And while I'm happy that the time spent resulted in more polished work, I still wish I had more time to work on art this week, but obviously that was out of my control.

To quickly touch on the Loona piece, that's not actually finished, as I still have to add a good amount of environment detail to make it clear she's also macro in that image, as well as add Onyx and do a full lighting pass (it will be at least on par with a rough painted lighting pass, but if I have time I'd like to have a really polished lighting pass). That all said, there was enough work finished to at least have a somewhat completed pic to show, and I know Loona is a favorite, so it made sense to have her on display!

Last thing to touch on for this week's update, I've been helping the other housemate with moving some stuff this weekend (things out of storage and new furniture acquisitions), and unfortunately I injured my drawing wrist yesterday. Typing this up is a little painful, but I tried some really basic drawing earlier and there wasn't much pain, so hopefully that won't impact my ability to draw in the near future, but I might have to take it easy if it gets worse. Here's hoping it doesn't though!

Alrighty, I gotta get back to helping move stuff out of storage. Fortunately it's all pretty lightweight stuff from here on out, so I don't think my wrist will be any worse. As always, thank you all so much for your support! I hope your weekend was great, and that you have a wonderful week! Until next time!



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