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Oprah's got a new special about weight loss. Is it 1986? No, it's 2024 and we're watching "Blame, Shame and the Weight Loss Revolution"!

You can play the episode directly through Patreon or use our RSS feed to add it to your podcast app. Here are the instructions from Patreon. As ever, leave a comment if you've got a request for future Patreon bonus episodes.

See you next month!



Chelsi Fazio

Thank you both for watching this so I didn’t have to- I knew it was a thing but was very purposefully ignoring it because I have enough rage in my life. I appreciate the service you do our community by helping us process and sharing your time and knowledge. Also, 100% would watch Dr. Butch and The Lady- please someone write this show. Also, also- the comments section is especially 🔥for this episode, I love the MP community!

Kaitlin Mitchell

Unrelated to this episode, but I would love to see a response from Michael and Aubrey to Abby Mahler https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSFwadFQM/

Carmel Montgomery

I noticed the WW sign in the background of your talk at Powell’s in Yr Fat Friend and wondered if that was just a weird coincidence. I’m not as familiar with that location.


OH MY GOD! When the Weight Watchers 'doctor' said they were missing the third prong... did anyone else yell "CELLULAR VOLTAGE!"?

Marie Pinard

This episode made me feel sad and a bit defeated. Life only improves because you're someone different. Everything else stays shitty. Plus you suck because you didn't suffer enough. This level of double cruelty is unreal.

Natasha Jokic

Heads up Mike you can screenshot Hulu you just have to change your browser settings


This is great! And also, I would love a completely fun off the wall patreon sometime!! Its sad to see you two be beaten down by ozempic. Make a fun episode about mike's twitter adventures or about a tv show like the bachelor! Whatever is fun for you guys, its great to hang out with you both!


What concern that is rising with these drugs is malabsorption and then people being malnourished. Something not mentioned in the podcast.

Ben Robinson

Aubrey, it's 20C in Sheffield right now and I am *sweating*

Kate Moore

Dr. Butch and the Lady: new buddy cop/detective show?



Dayna Steinfeld

Would love an update on Oprah’s follow-up special!

Allison Brooks

Thank you for talking about the performative nature of the “weight loss journey”. It’s detrimental to think we owe society access to our weight and the health they associate with it.


Dear god they’re just saying (44:47) yeah, you might get side effects, but you might stay fat instead, and that would be worse. I’m so tired.


I was thin/"average" when I was really young and this episode unlocked a memory for me. Going to the doctors office as a kid I didn't receive fat shaming, but I did receive the opposite. I got thin affirmation. I got told I had a "good" weight. That I was "doing well" and I should "keep it up". I am positive this embedded some anti-fat stigmas in me. After all, if I was a doing a good job for being thin, it must mean fat people were doing a bad job.


Snobs is. No I


I have no idea what happened here. Quite possible! Don't think he know the word snobs yet, but we would never refer to M & A as such.


Now I need to go look and see if we left any nonsensical vaguely rude comments anywhere else. I love everything the Maintenance Phase team does, and keep the great work coming. If we are going to comment that is what I want to say.


Man I wish it was 71 here. Summer where I live regularly gets into the triple digits