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-- CHAPTER 46: Neevie --


Something tickled my balls, and with a start, I jerked awake.

“Mmph!” somebody grunted, and as I sat up, I realized I’d just shoved my dick an inch into a girl’s throat. She took it like a trouper, gagging only slightly and keeping her head down, breathing heavily through her nose until I pulled back. She let me withdraw, pulled her head up to take a deep breath, and then once again she lowered her lips around my thick shaft, all the way down until she had my nuts in her face.

My eyes fluttered for a brief second, giving me just enough time to see the copper-haired head bobbing up and down in my lap at an oblique angle. She wasn’t on top of me in a sixty-nine position or anything, but she was reversed on the bed so that her hips were next to me as she knelt and gave me my morning wake-up call. A minute later, she pulled off and glanced back at me, emerald eyes glimmering in the light. And as she recognized that I’d come fully awake, she swung a leg over my face to complete an actual sixty-nine and lowered her musky cunt down to my waiting lips.

We got each other off quick and dirty with nothing but our mouths. It was a Monday morning after all, and we had to get to school. There was no need for another round of intercourse. Believe me, we’d gotten plenty of THAT all weekend.

See, Naimh had arrived Saturday afternoon with a small suitcase and an announcement that she’d be spending the entire weekend with me. Long story short, she’d told her parents that I was going to Berkeley and she was going to UCLA and that she intended to make the most of what little time we had left. While her parents weren’t thrilled with only getting her back for one night after she’d already spent the entire week in Santa Cruz, I think the fact that there was a finite limit on our relationship actually made them feel better about her spending additional time with me.

We went out to lunch together, burgers for me and a smoothie for her, although she did steal quite a few of my fries. This was no pre-planned date; we just sort of hung out. Instead of going back to my house to fuck like bunnies, Naimh took me to the bookstore. I wound up seated in one of their stuffed armchairs while Naimh sat on the armrest, showing me artwork from different cultures, teaching me things like how to distinguish Ming dynasty artwork from the Song or Yuan dynasties. I’d never before taken a really big interest in ancient artwork, but then again, I’d never had a history teacher as beautiful as Naimh, either.

We actually spent close to two hours in the bookstore and I wound up cooking dinner for both of us at my place. My no longer “ex” girlfriend flirted with me throughout the meal and played footsie with me beneath the table, but even after I put the dishes away, she casually deflected my invitations to take things upstairs.

At the time, I figured she was just playing hard to get as a way of amping up my desire for her. She did let me draw us into a hot and heavy makeout session on the couch, and allowed my hand to slide into her shirt and paw at one of her big, firm, titties. But when I reversed the direction of my fingers and tried to slide them into her pants, she broke our kiss and stared up into my eyes, saying, “Not yet, Matty.”

Not able to think of a single time the nymphomaniac redhead had EVER turned me down, I frowned and finally asked, “Why not?”

“Belle’s not here yet,” she replied as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. “She doesn’t know I’ve come over here yet, does she? I’m already crashing her alone time with you and don’t want her walking in to find us already fucking.”

I frowned. “Don’t you girls normally coordinate that stuff in advance?” The last time Naimh had come over on a Saturday for her ‘first time for the second time’, she’d pre-cleared it with Belle.

“Not this one,” Naimh admitted. “I was supposed to arrive tomorrow for the official Sunday start of my week. Showing up a day early was… well… I just wanted to see you.”

“I’m glad. I had a great time with you today.”

She looked at me skeptically. “Even though I talked your head off with all the art history stuff?”

I nuzzled her nose. “I enjoyed myself. Couldn’t you tell?”

“Well, I wanted to believe you were enjoying it… but I couldn’t be sure you weren’t just putting up with me for the sake of putting up with me.”

“Believe it. I’m not going to change majors or anything, but you made it really interesting. And if it’s something important to you, I want to know about it.”

That got her to start another makeout session, but we didn’t want to go past Annabelle’s arrival. Naimh did let me start fingerbanging her, and she even got a small orgasm, but we otherwise kept both our pants on.

Belle did walk in shortly thereafter, surprised to see me cuddling on the couch with Naimh but not upset in the slightest. Naimh explained that she’d gotten permission from her parents to stay the weekend, and asked, “Would you mind if I joined you two for the evening?”

Belle’s response?

“I can’t fit Matty and Matty Junior in me at the same time, but if you don’t mind, I wanna see how many fingers you can fit in my ass while he’s fucking me, and maybe a rimjob while you’re at it? Then once I get mine, he’s welcome to cornhole the hell outta you and leave a massive pool of sperm in your colon for me to slurp out.”

So yeah, Saturday night was great.

Sunday morning, Belle actually left me and Naimh alone in bed together so she could go running with Sam. Naimh and I had a pleasant screw that finished with her wrapping her big freckled tits around my cock and humping me until I gave her a rare facial. She recalled how I used to give her facials all the time, back in the days before we’d started actually fucking, and admitted she rather missed feeling me hose her down freckled face. I promised I’d remember to facialize her more often from now on.

She scraped off what she could and slurped it up before cleaning up. We then headed downstairs to find Mother making brunch alone; Sam and Belle hadn’t returned from their run just yet. Mother made pleasant conversation with Naimh and scolded, “Wait for your guests, Matthew,” when I eyed the food rather hungrily. Fortunately, I didn’t have to wait long as Sam and Belle arrived less than ten minutes later, both of them sweaty and flushed and absolutely beautiful. Despite my hunger, I paused to kiss each of them quite deeply before settling down at the dining table with my plate.

The girls (including Mother) chatted amiably throughout brunch while I focused on the food, per usual. It occurred to me that the three of them had been the most antagonistic during that Thursday evening fight, save perhaps Holly. But this morning, any animosity from the trip was completely gone.

It also occurred to me that the three girls I had the strongest feelings for were at the table with me right then and there. I mean, casual acquaintances I knew at school would often ask me which of the six was my favorite, and I’d always deflect from giving anyone a straight answer. But the reality was that I always had a favorite. It’s just that the identity of my favorite at any given time was pretty fluid and often subject to whichever one of the girls had given me the most recent orgasm.

I thought about that first night in Santa Cruz when Alice, Belle, and Zofi had gotten into their little speculation session about my feelings for Naimh, Sam, Mari, and Holly. There was some truth to what they’d been saying that night. With apologies to shy Mari, I WAS attracted to strong, aggressive women, and she was leaving for Caltech anyway. Alice had fit nicely into her best buddy role and Zofi had made clear she was romantically attracted to women. So that left Naimh, Sam, and Belle.

All of them I had strong feelings for. All of them I had… complicated… feelings for. At the moment, I was good friends with all three of them – friends with benefits. Of the three of them, only Naimh seemed to be pursuing me with any interest in becoming my girlfriend. Sam and Belle had both opted out of being my Girlfriend of the Week and I wanted to believe Belle was genuine about her desire to be my anchor, my little-sister-with-benefits. At the same time, I had no idea how that stance might change once we were in college together with the rest of the BTC elsewhere at different schools. She insisted she was happy in her role as my ‘little sister with benefits’, and to be honest I was happier with our relationship in that form as well. But anything was possible once we were alone together in Berkeley. Would she want to become my girlfriend then? I mean, she did joke about me marrying her, didn’t she?

For some reason, Sam’s utter lack of pursuit lately made me want her even more. She seemed to show up the most when things were at their worst, like the way she’d been there for me after the whole Conor thing, or even that little blowjob on Friday morning after the big fight just to make me feel better. Her absence somehow made my heart grow fonder, not forgetful. I knew she’d done Early Decision to Stanford and was therefore locked into going there in the fall, but Palo Alto wasn’t so far remote from Berkeley as to make a relationship impossible.

And Naimh? I was still figuring this one out. We’d tried being the one boyfriend/girlfriend couple in the BTC, to mixed results. On the one hand it had been an amazingly awesome sexual relationship. On the other hand, it had been an emotionally-vacant one. Would dating again give us the chance to correct past mistakes? Was it even worth trying given that there was a ticking countdown until our inevitable separation when she left for LA? Might it be better to not even try and just accept a friends-with-benefits relationship for the months that we had left?

Could I fall in love with one of them?

Could I fall in love with ALL of them?

SHOULD I fall in love with ANY of them?

What the hell did the word “love” even mean?

All musings about Captain Corelli’s Mandolin aside, the concept of “love” was still something I struggled with, and I’d been making a concerted effort to not say the word itself quite so often. I’d been trying to separate my lust for the girls from my love for the girls.

Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away.

Of course, it’s hard to focus on what comes after when the lust part slams her big naked boobies in your face. That’s pretty much what happened to me after Mother left and three horny babes decided to team up on me.

Seriously, I wound up flat on my back across my bed with Sam doing her level best to suffocate me in her cleavage. In her defense, I don’t think she really knew how close she was to murdering me because Naimh was busy eating her pussy at the time.

The point is: I couldn’t really separate my feelings of love for the girls from my lust for the girls so long as they kept fucking my brains out every chance they got. The solution would seem to be obvious: stop letting the girls fuck my brains out every chance they got and give myself time to really think about what feelings of love still remained.

Pssht, yeah right.

That was never gonna happen in a million years.

So in the meantime, I had to accept things as they were. I had six horny babes constantly requesting me to service their every sexual need and repeatedly plunge my throbbing hard dick into each of their willing holes, seven if Holly hadn’t actually bailed.

Yeah, in another four months or so we’d go our separate ways to college and grow up into the young adults we were meant to be. But in the meantime, well… I had six (seven?) horny babes constantly requesting me to service their every sexual need and repeatedly plunge my throbbing hard dick into each of their willing holes.

I could live with that.

Sam and Belle both went home, well-fucked and quite satisfied. Naimh and I drove out and got dinner together. And after dinner, we drove up to the hills to get a nice view over the city and the way the clouds were turning rich hues of orange and red.

She sat between my legs while I kissed the back of her neck as we watched the sunset together. Her body felt VERY warm and comfortable with my chest pressed against her back and our fingers interlaced together. And once the final rays of light had disappeared beyond the horizon, she turned her lips to mine and we began a kiss that felt like it would never end.

The next thing I knew, we were still kissing but had somehow magically transported into my bedroom. Our clothes were off and she was riding me with urgent need while her tongue delved deep into my mouth. I felt the weight of her big tits crushing into my chest while I gripped her firm asscheeks and yanked her body back and forth against my crotch. And in the end she moaned my name, “Oh, Matty…” as she reached her zenith and became overwhelmed by exquisite agony.

“Oh, Neevie,” I responded in kind, pinning her body down as far as it could go to let my penetrating prick belch out steaming vats of sperm straight into the back of her sweet honeypot.

So like I said, by Monday morning there was no need for another round of intercourse; we’d gotten plenty of THAT all weekend.

We got each other off quick and dirty with nothing but our mouths, my current Girlfriend of the Week (and maybe longer?) squeezing her nectar out of her delicious slice of heaven while I erupted great gouts of creamy jism for her to swallow as well. And afterwards, we cuddled together naked in each other’s arms.

No more angst. No more stress. No more fights or betrayals or repressed resentment. Just good old-fashioned orgasms.

Yeah, maybe real “love” would be what was left over when the passion was no more. But in the meantime, the six girls (seven?) I spent all my time with had plenty of passion to burn. So I resolved right then and there to stop worrying about “love”.

As I squeezed my Irish freckled redhead in my arms, I realized: I had all I could ever want right here.


Naimh and I got dressed, headed downstairs to have breakfast with Mother, and chatted amiably until Belle joined us in the minivan for my first three-person drive to school. Belle still got shotgun, of course. Let’s not get crazy here. The two girls nattered on happily with each other, leaving me alone to focus on driving.

Alice was waiting for us at the parking lot and came over as soon as we stepped onto the curb. She gave me a fist bump first and then leaned in for a quick peck on the lips second. After we passed the first gate, Naimh had to head clear across campus to get to her first period, so she gave me a fierce kiss and a mournful, “This is gonna be the first time we’ll be apart since Saturday morning.”

I chuckled, kissed her again, and said, “I’ll see you at recess.”

She had to be satisfied with that and hustled away. Belle and Alice kept chatting for another minute before the three of us split up.

Sam gave me a warm smile when I came in the door for first period. We had a little time to chat and she even gave me a quick peck on the lips when it was time for us to take our seats. After class, she held my arm and we walked together to second period.

At recess, though, I finally got the confirmation I’d been dreading all weekend. Sure, I’d been plenty distracted banging Belle, Alice, Naimh, and Sam (and I knew I shouldn’t be greedy), but it was still disappointing when Holly didn’t join us. I had no idea where she might be; all I knew is that she wasn’t here for the first time in weeks. And when Sam read the scowl on my face, she reached out to rub my knee and said, “She promised she’d drop by at lunchtime to talk to you.”

I sighed, her words not very reassuring. Sam hadn’t said, ‘Oh, she’s busy right now but will be with us again at lunchtime.’ Still, I tried to shrug it off like it was no big deal. But inside, I knew Master would miss Personal Slut.

No, that was actually putting it a little too crudely. Yes, the sex play with Holly had been delectable. But she was a genuinely vivacious, sexy, and all around fun girl to be around. Her presence in my life had been a breath of fresh air for the past few weeks, and I’d miss her.

So when Holly did show up at lunchtime and ask if we could find a quiet corner to talk, I told her all of that. And I also told her I’d rather she didn’t leave.

“It’s not like I’m saying ‘goodbye’,” Holly insisted. “I’m still a student here and we’ll be seeing each other around school.”

“It’s enough of a ‘goodbye’ that you felt the need to come talk to me.”

“I can’t stay. I mess up the group dynamic too much.” Holly sighed. “Everyone’s paired up and I’m the odd girl out.”

I shrugged. “You seemed pretty happy to be paired up with me for a few weeks there.”

Holly smiled and reached out to take my hand. “Yeah, I was pretty happy… for as long as it lasted. I hope you don’t mind, but I’m gonna refer to you as one of my ex-boyfriends, even if it was only for three weeks.”

I chuckled. “I don’t mind.”

“Maybe if I could STILL be your girlfriend, I’d stick around,” she began a little hesitantly, her expression suddenly nervous. She bit her lip and fiddled with her hands, the ever-presence bubbly confidence she usually had momentarily gone. “Personal Slut would very much like to still belong to Master.”

I blinked and pulled my head back a bit. “You mean like… official-official?”

She winced and spoke quite tentatively, quite slowly. “Would… would it really be… so bad? I mean, for me… to be your official girlfriend?”

Before I could answer, the quick, superfast Holly came rushing back. “You know what forget it I don’t even know what I was thinking I mean why would a hot guy like you want somebody like me when you’ve got those ridiculous babes like Sam and Neevie and Belle and Zo--”

I cut her off abruptly with a kiss, holding her close with a hand at the back of her head. Holly whimpered and kissed me back with fierce passion.

But I didn’t want to lead her on. I broke the kiss almost as fast as I’d started it, and taking a deep breath I looked into her pretty hazel eyes from only inches away saying, “Don’t ever think you’re not worthy. In a different world, I would KILL to be your boyfriend.”

“In a different world…” she muttered miserably.

“I have obligations to the BTC. I belong to them, and you know it. Neevie’s already started her week as my official girlfriend.”

“Can I get back in line?”

“Maybe. If you ask them. But that would mean coming back.”

“No, no, no, I can’t do that. I told you: I don’t belong. They all know it. I mean, Sam and Zofi are cool with me, but we both know Belle resents me even if she tries not to. She’s not mean about it, but the resentment is still there, and she’s not the only one. Alice, Mari, and even Neevie a little bit. I’m the outsider crashing their party just before midnight. A Spring Break house in Santa Cruz bought me some extra time, but we both know I was just visiting.”

“Give them more time to get used to you and figure out a dynamic that includes you.”

“Time, we don’t have. And the fact that you’re all about to split off to different colleges soon only makes them even more desperate to cling to what they have left. No, I can’t come back and you know it.”

I sighed. “Can we still be friends?”

Her eyes narrowed. “Of course we can be friends. Or were you asking to be ‘friends with benefits’?”

I raised my eyebrows. “The former is what I was asking for. If you want the latter, you’ll have to go through the girls. Lack of formal titles or not, I’m the BTC’s boyfriend.”

Holly smiled. “Well, I’ve got some pull with the person who has the most influence in the BTC. Oh, and I’ve got some pull with Sam, too.”

I chuckled and blushed a little. “Well I’ll agree that the girls would probably be happier not messing with the dynamic of adding you permanently, I’m sure exceptions can be made from time to time.”

“I just might take you up on that,” Holly murmured, closing the gap between us again. “Personal Slut would very much like to visit again.”

I grinned and kissed her one more time.

This time, Holly was the one who broke the kiss. She didn’t even say goodbye or anything. One moment, we were Frenching madly with our tongues in each other’s mouth. The next, she was walking away without a backwards glance.

But that was okay. I knew I’d see her again.


Belle, Naimh, and I drove home together and Belle gave me a quick kiss before heading over to her own house to wait for Mari’s arrival. Mondays were still “Neevie Mondays” after all.

You’d think that after fucking almost non-stop since Saturday afternoon that we’d get tired of each other or something, but it definitely didn’t work out that way. My nymphomaniac girlfriend was all over me as soon as we got in through the door. I’m not quite sure how, but we ended up banging with her bent over the washing machine in the laundry room. The damn thing wasn’t even running; she apparently just wanted to fuck me in the laundry room, with her right leg up atop the machine to really spread her cunt wide open for my hammering thrusts.

Of course, once Naimh got her first climax, she wanted to change positions. Only, her choice of new position was to lay her chest down atop the washer, reach back with both hands to spread her cheeks, and croon how much she needed to feel my considerable cock giving her an impromptu colonoscopy.

After I squirted her cornhole full of cum, we went upstairs to take a shower. Soaping up the freckled redhead’s fabulously firm breasts got me hard again, and this time my horny girlfriend braced herself against the back corner of the shower, raised her left leg to the adjacent corner where the aluminum frame met the wall, and had me fuck her standing up.

The position was pretty awkward but she was ridiculously turned on, and after she screamed her head off in joyous ecstasy, I remembered my promise to facialize her more often, dropped my girlfriend to her knees in front of me, and let her pump my prick with both hands until I gave her forehead, cheeks, and lips a fresh sperm bath.

And THEN we did some studying.

A little.

Although in fairness, our lack of sufficient study time was not actually due to sex. No, Naimh and I actually… well… talked.

We wound up sitting in bed, re-dressed and leaning back against my headboard, cuddled together in a position not unlike the one I often found myself in with Belle. We talked about school and we even talked about Holly a bit. But what I remember most from that conversation is when we started talking about our inevitable separation.

“I really, really wish I could go to Berkeley with you,” she sighed somberly.

“UCLA is a good school. And Alice will be there with you.”

“I know, but…” her voice trailed off, and there was moisture in her green eyes when she looked up at me. “I can’t imagine a future without you in it.”

I sighed and squeezed her close. “I’m having a hard time imagining a future without you in it, either.”

A moment later, she suddenly turned in my arms, grabbed my head, and planted a fierce kiss on my lips. A wail of sorrow gurgled up from her throat, and I pulled away to find her already in tears.

“I’m gonna MISS you, Matty!” she whined.

“I’m gonna miss you, too.”

“I love you!”

I… hesitated.

And Naimh’s face fell.

“I’m sorry,” I said immediately. “It’s not that I don’t care about you.”

“No, it’s alright. We’ve had a LOT of discussions about the meaning of love, lately. I’m not asking you to prove yourself with the L-word or anything right now.” And with that, her momentary frenzy passed and she set her head back down on my chest.

I gently stroked her hair and cuddled her close. And for a moment the two of us lapsed into silence.

But eventually, she spoke. “I still can’t believe we’re all splitting up. Well, apart from me and Alice. And of course everyone’s perfectly aware you and Belle will be together.”

I read a bit of bitterness in Naimh’s tone, and I glanced down. “Does that bother you?”

She thought about her words before answering. “I don’t think ‘bother’ is the right word. We’re all certainly jealous of her. Everyone, including Zofi, would have liked for you to go with them. I mean if anything, I’m a little more worried for you being alone with her.”

I frowned. “What’s THAT supposed to mean?”

Naimh pursed her lips and got off my chest. Twisting around to face me, she raised her eyebrows and said, “Everyone’s noticed how much more clingy Belle’s gotten over the last couple of months. It used to be that she was happy to be your little sister voyeur and wanted to stretch her wings a bit before settling down. But as time went on, she started to resent how much less of your attention she got and apparently tried to just bottle up her jealousy. I mean, there was that whole bit where she admitted to hating my guts, remember?”

“How could I forget?”

“I know she’s working on it. She told me you took away her house key after the whole butt plug incident, and she’s desperate not to lose your trust. But she’s even more desperate not to lose you, period. I mean, Belle getting all outraged about you not confirming the two of you were going to Berkeley together is what set off the whole fight in the first place.”

I pursed my lips. “I sorta forgot about that part.”

“When the two of you get to Berkeley, without the rest of the BTC, everything’s gonna change. I’ve always been envious of your relationship, envious of the bond you two share. If you ask me, this ‘siblings with benefits’ relationship is perfect for both of you. But what if you two were to actually start dating?”

I shook my head. “She doesn’t want to start dating. She skipped her Girlfriend of the Week slot, for one thing. I’m certainly more comfortable with Belle as my ‘little sister’ instead of my girlfriend, and she’s stated plainly that she’s happy with that role in my life.”

“Is she? Or is that a cover for her true feelings?”

I sighed. “I’d like to think she’s sincere.”

“Then what was all that shit between her and Holly?” Naimh raised her eyebrows. “What happens when some hot babe at Berkeley makes a pass at you?”

I chuckled. “Knowing Belle, she’d probably want to drag that hot babe into a threesome and suck a creampie out of her.”

“Well, maybe,” Naimh conceded. “But what if that hot babe wants to stick around and become a little more meaningful to you? What happens if your ‘little sister’ decides she gets to make the decisions about who is good enough for you or not?”

I pursed my lips and thought about it. My initial reaction was to protest and say that Belle would never do such a thing as interfere in my love life that way, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized she was perfectly capable of acting in such a manner. The hostility she’d shown to Holly was evidence enough, and that didn’t even factor in her recent admissions of jealousy.

“Well, I suppose she and I will have to talk about that sort of thing,” I said finally. “I really don’t intend to start dating her or anything, because I genuinely believe our relationship is better the way it is, and I’ll make that clear. Everything else… we’ll have to work out. I mean, I don’t have any choice otherwise. The reality is that we ARE going to Berkeley together, and nobody else is coming with us.”

“That didn’t have to be the case.”

I gave her a puzzled look. “What do you mean by that?”

Naimh shrugged. “Mari, Zofi, Alice: they all got into Cal. But they made the best choice for themselves and picked the schools they really wanted to be at rather than make a decision that was based solely on you.”

I frowned. “Mari and Zofi I knew about. Alice got into Cal?”

Naimh nodded. “She didn’t tell you?”

I shook my head. “Gonna have to ask her about why she’d hide that from me.”

“Maybe she’s feeling guilty about choosing her school over choosing you.” Naimh frowned. “Don’t get me wrong: I’m thrilled I won’t be alone. It would’ve sucked even more for me to go to UCLA without her. But here’s a thought… maybe she hasn’t turned in her paperwork to UCLA yet because she’s still thinking about choosing Berkeley instead.”

I sighed. “Please don’t get my hopes up.”

“Fine, fine.” Naimh sat back.

“You know what? Let’s not talk about the other girls. I wanna talk about you and me. I want to know what you want from this relationship.”

Raising her eyebrows, Naimh sat upright in a cross-legged position and planted her elbows on her knees. The position pitched her forward and gave me an excellent view of her cleavage through the scoop-neck of her top. My eyes yo-yoed down for a moment, and her emerald green eyes were twinkling when I met them again.

“You act like I mind if you look at them,” she giggled. “After all these times you’ve stared at my naked tits all weekend - fondled them, squeezed them, stuck them in your mouth, had me wrap them around your dick - you still get the urge to check them out just by me bending over?”

“It’s an amazing rack,” I assured her.

“Thanks for the compliment.”

“It comes from the heart,” I replied with a wry grin.

Naimh looked thoughtful for a moment, and then she sat up straight and cocked her head to the side. “Take your shirt off.”

I shrugged and immediately removed it.

Now it was her turn to stare and sigh dreamily. But a moment later, she pursed her lips and gave me a regretful look. “What is it about you that I can’t resist? What is it that NONE of us can resist?”

I blinked. “I have no idea. I’m no Brad or Keanu.”

She furrowed her eyebrows and fiddled with her fingers for a moment, staring down at them as if absently picking at her cuticles. Taking a deep breath, Naimh looked up at me again and said, “I started the whole Girlfriend of the Week with a specific intention: to win you back.”

I narrowed my eyes. “You say that like it’s not your intention anymore.”

She frowned. “Don’t get me wrong; I don’t regret a thing. Having you date the other girls didn’t backfire. I think your relationships with both Mari and Alice improved for the time you had together. And even the last few weeks with Holly seemed to make both of you very happy. I wanted time to regain your trust, and I think I have.”

“You have,” I assured her.

“I also had time to talk to Mari about what she wanted from your relationship and what she did to make you feel loved. I got to compare notes with Alice about what a relationship based primarily on sex was like for her. And even Holly and I spent a lot of time talking, although to be honest I think she was asking me more questions about what it would take to make you happy than the other way around.”

“So it sounds like you got what you wanted from the little experiment.”

“Not exactly.”

I raised my eyebrows and gestured for her to continue, waiting for her to explain.

“I don’t want to be your girlfriend anymore.”

I blinked. “Excuse me?”

“I love you, and I’m still in love with you. That part hasn’t changed.”


“You don’t really want me to be your girlfriend, either.”

I frowned. “I never said that.”

“You don’t have to. I can tell. We ALL can tell. The fact is: you’re happier being The BTC’s boyfriend than belonging to any one of us. Mari tried her best to draw out whether or not you could have those sorts of romantic feelings for her. Alice wasn’t interested in romance, but she still paid attention to how differently you would treat her if she was your official girlfriend, which wasn’t any differently at all. And Holly spent three weeks trying to get under your skin, but in the end you actually told her you’re the BTC’s boyfriend.”

“Haven’t I always been the BTC’s boyfriend?”

Naimh raised her eyebrows. “Well you were supposed to be MY boyfriend for a couple of months there.”

“You know what I mean.”

“I do. And that’s why I realized I don’t need to become your girlfriend again in the sense of Matty and Neevie becoming a couple. I’m already your girlfriend in the sense that I’m part of the BTC. We’re ALL your girlfriends, aren’t we?”

“I suppose.”

“And that’s good enough for me. I like our relationship the way it is, and I think you do too.”


“A little bit of alone time together, like Neevie Mondays. Maybe a few weekend dates here and there. A lot of time spent sharing you with my friends. Girls like Belle slurping your creampies out of my sodden holes.” She flashed me a teasing smirk at that last one. “I still want to build our emotional relationship. I still want to spend more time having these conversations with you. I realize that we’re about to be separated five hundred miles apart, but that’s not going to happen until the end of summer. And in the meantime, I’d like our friendship to keep growing.”

“I’d like that too.”

She sighed. “Maybe if I were going to Berkeley with you my feelings would be different, but I didn’t get in and that’s that. I don’t want to stress out chasing a romantic relationship when you’re so clearly comfortable being with all six of us instead of focusing on just one. I’d rather enjoy the time that we have left.”

“Me too.”

“So are we agreed? I mean, I’m still your Girlfriend of the Week, but after Sunday, we go back to the way things were?”


She grinned. “With benefits.”

I grinned too. “Works for me.”

She leaned forward again, enough to make her scoop-neck droop and give me an excellent view of her cleavage once again.

Once again, my gaze dropped downward to gawk at her magnificent breasts. And since she’d given me explicit permission to go ahead and stare at her freckled boobies, stare at them I did. I didn’t even bother trying to hide it.

“I love how simple it is to turn you on,” the buxom redhead giggled while reaching for my crotch and gently petting the bulge rapidly growing inside my shorts. “Just give you an eyeful of cleavage and you get hard for me on command.”

“Like I said: You have an amazing rack,” I told her tits.

Reaching down, Naimh grabbed the hem of her shirt and whipped it over her head, tossing it onto the floor. Moments later, her bra joined the shirt, and my lap was suddenly full of horny redhead as she fed one of her swollen teats into my open mouth. And a minute after that, I rolled her over onto her back, yanked her shorts and panties out of the way, and then slammed my sausage into her sweet snatch.

We were just getting started.


Naimh’s first orgasm came quickly as I hammered her into the mattress. Her legs were up in the air in a big V-shape as she howled her release, doing her level best to shatter my eardrums as she verbally expressed her satisfaction with my dick.

Her second orgasm came with her lying on her left side with her ass at the edge of the bed, both legs together and jutting out to my right while I stood on the floor and sawed my thick cock in and out of her tight cunt. The position let me get super deep, her legs together made her super tight, and I could reach forward and manhandle her big boobies at the same time.

Having cum once in Naimh’s ass and then once on her face as soon as we got home, I was inclined to finish a trifecta by filling her pussy. But after that second climax, the horny Irish redhead pulled off me, slipped feet onto the floor, and bent herself over face-down while reaching back to spread her asscheeks.

“Hurt me…” she whimpered.

I knew what she wanted, but I slammed myself into her cunt instead. She grunted from the impact and kept grunting while I pounded away at her. And when she reached out to bunch up the bedsheets in her hands, I abruptly reached back and spanked her ass.


“AUGH!” she yelped.


“AUGH!” she yelped again.





Naimh’s yelp turned into a scream as my rock hard dick unexpectedly lanced through her anus and skewered her anal passage in a single thrust. Her head jerked up and she clenched down HARD. And keeping my dick at full depth, I went right back to spanking her.



Taking a deep breath, I leaned forward with all my weight to really make sure the most gorgeous girl I’d ever seen truly felt every inch of my dick in her rear passage. I held my arms out to the sides and back, inhaling deeply and stretching my pectoral muscles. I let my head loll around to relax my neck. Finally, I rolled my wrists and cracked my knuckles. And after setting my feet a little more than shoulder width apart, I reached down to get a firm grip of Naimh’s hips…

… and then I fucked the hell out of her.

Over and over again I took massive lunges hard enough to bruise my own pelvis against her perky buttcheeks. Having cum twice already, I wasn’t in any danger of popping off early and I allowed myself to thrust with maximum force without worrying about restraining my own ejaculation.

She howled non-stop, her cries that rose in pitch and volume matching my meat-tenderizing hammer blows. And her whole body shook and shuddered beneath me as she turned her head to the side and drooled onto my sheets while I pulverized her pretty patootie.

But I couldn’t keep up that pace forever. My abs and legs were burning from the afternoon’s workout, and after a while I had to finally chug to a stop. I pulled out for a minute, my hands braced on the edge of the mattress as I bent over panting for breath. I stared straight down at the freckled redhead’s lewdly stretched anus, a gaping hole of darkness that showed no inclination to close up on me. Sweat dripped down from my forehead, and a salty drop irritated my right eye. I wiped it away and stared down at the shivering, whimpering teenaged girl face-down on my bed with her asshole wide open. And she turned to look back at me, her eyes streaked with tears but the biggest shit-eating grin on her face.

“Holy fuck, Matty…” she groaned weakly. “I came so many times.”

“Not done with you yet,” I grunted while centering my dick over that dark hole and then stabbing it right back into her.

This time, she got her feet under her better and fucked herself back at me. “Fuck my arse, Matty. I’m your anal queen,” she crooned while I slowly met her thrusts backward. “Violate my destroyed little arsehole. Desecrate my sacred core. Defile me. Rape me. Ream me out. Ohmigawwwwd, Matty. You feel so fucking GOOD. I can’t take it. I’m gonna… I’m gonna cum again… MMMMAAAAAATTTTTYYYY!!!”

She was mid-orgasm when I abruptly bent forward, scooped both arms under her, and hoisted her shaking body upright. Squatting, I made nearly vertical thrusts up and into her ass while gravity yanked her back down, driving dick as deep into her colon as I would ever go. Pivoting my forearms, I grabbed hold of her big Double-D tits in my palms, squeezing hard enough to cause her pain while I continued wrecking her poor rectum. She wailed and thrashed and flailed out with all four limbs, sinking her butthole even further down around my prick every time she stopped supporting her own weight. And she screamed her pretty little head off for what felt like a minute until she finally ran out of air and started to collapse.

And then it was my turn. Still holding her tits, I dropped us face-first onto the bed and then rabbit-humped the redhead’s “arse” for about fifteen seconds before I blew.

“NNGH! NNGH! NNGH! NNNNNNGGGGGHHHH!!!” I grunted before the fire hydrant blew and I started creaming her colon with gallons of cum. Naimh had gone limp beneath me, and I think she actually passed out. Her eyes were closed and she had a beatific smile of utter rapture on her face while I finished twitching and flooding the unconscious girl’s rectal cavity with all my remaining jizz.

Then inky clouds of blackness started creeping in around the edges of my consciousness as well. Too much exertion and not enough breathing was doing me in, especially the end while I tried to blow my brains out through the tiny hole at the end of my penis. I collapsed flat across Naimh’s back.

And then I passed out too.


Although we’d agreed to not pursue a romantic relationship, Naimh was still my Girlfriend of the Week. That meant she still got to call the shots, and even though she’d already done her level best to fuck me silly Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, she had no intention of slowing down just yet.

We shared Alice Tuesday together. I briefly interrogated Alice about her not telling me she’d gotten into Cal, and she countered that I hadn’t told her I’d gotten into UCLA, which was… well, true. The difference was that the whole BTC had talked as a group about Berkeley being the most likely place we could all get into nearby and potentially attend together, and I’d never even considered UCLA seriously, so once it became known that Belle and I had gotten into Cal it seemed a no-brainer that we’d be going.

In the end, Alice apologized for hiding it from me, saying she just didn’t know how to say she was voluntarily NOT attending Cal with me. And then she and Naimh decided that convincing me through sex to change my mind and join THEM at UCLA was in their best interests, and we had a pretty spectacular threesome. Watching Alice slurp my creampie out of Naimh was particularly enticing.

Wednesday was Zofi day. Well, it sometimes was Zofi and Sam day, but Sam was off doing who knows what and it ended up just me and Zofi. She said her parents had commented about not seeing me recently and asked if I could come to dinner over the weekend or something. That jogged my memory that Naimh’s parents still wanted to meet me, and I asked if we should set something up.

“Didn’t we just agree that you won’t be my boyfriend after this week is over?” Naimh asked.

“Do you still want to spend overnights with me at my house? Even if you and I agree we’re not actually together, it’s probably best if your parents think we’re a romantic couple again and that I’m not just banging their daughter for sport.”

“You’re probably right,” Naimh agreed. “You’re really okay with meeting them?”

“Can you promise your dad won’t shoot me on sight?”

The Irish redhead’s green eyes glittered. “No promises.”

Zofi laughed. “My parents think you’re dating me. Mari’s parents think you’re dating her. If Neevie’s parents think you’re dating her too, I’m wondering just how crazy things are going to get at graduation when all these parents come together and start comparing notes.”

I blinked. “I never thought about that.”

Both girls started laughing. I didn’t think it was particularly funny. I knew I’d have some careful maneuvering to do.

Thursday was Belle and Mari day. By pure coincidence, Mari brought up that her parents kept asking about “her boyfriend” and thought it might be a good idea for me to meet them again. There was going to be a family picnic at the local regional park on Saturday and she wanted to know if I could be her date. Naimh thought the whole thing was hilarious, told Mari that I was already booked to see Zofi’s parents Saturday night and then Naimh’s parents for Sunday lunch.

I agreed, of course, and by Saturday morning I was sweating bullets. When I’d agreed to these various appointments, I’d not been worried in the slightest. But now that the time had come and I had THREE ‘Meet my girlfriend’s family’ outings scheduled, I started worrying I’d gotten in over my head. But all three meet-ups went about as well as could be asked for.

Mari’s family was a delight, and I played soccer with her cousins most of the time and therefore couldn’t get seriously interrogated by any parental units. Her mom lightly flirted with me - nothing serious, she was just a natural flirt. Her dad turned out to be really cool. He talked video games and modern rock with me, and made me really feel at ease. He spoke with pride about his daughter getting into Caltech; I got the impression the pressure to get married and start popping out kids mainly came from Mari’s mom. Ultimately, he expressed his apologies that we’d be separated going to different schools.

Zofi’s parents were great with me, as always. Even though it was no longer football season, I still got along great with her dad and we talked about some new Apple products he had in the pipeline. And then Zofi wanted to have a quickie in her bedroom.

I think she didn’t walk right outside and show her mom the way my cum was leaking into her panties.

I think.

And then there was Naimh’s dad.

Well, Naimh’s dad hated me.

Like, he really, REALLY hated me.

He put up with me because I made his daughter happy, but that didn’t mean he had to like me. I suppose I couldn’t blame him, and I did my best to not piss him off even further during lunch. They were a very Catholic family, and I was apparently already in trouble for the two Saturday nights Naimh had recently spent with me instead of going to church Sunday morning.

And there was the whole… y’know… sex before marriage thing. Not that teenaged girls never had sex in Ireland, Catholic or not, but you get the idea.

All in all, having two out of three sets of girlfriend parents like me wasn’t bad, all things considered. Especially since all three sets knew I was fucking their daughters. Actually, Naimh’s mom was pretty nice to me overall, and as much as Naimh’s dad had made up his mind to hate me well before I even stepped through the front door, I’d like to think that he hated me a little less for having finally met me face-to-face and gotten a chance to talk to me. I got the impression he’d hate all of Naimh’s boyfriends for the rest of her life, regardless.

In the end, though, that lunch with Naimh was our final time together as boyfriend and girlfriend…

For her Girlfriend of the Week time, I mean. Not forever.

But that’s a different story.


Belle came over to the house after dinner. With Naimh being my Girlfriend of the Week, Belle had opted to let the redhead have me all to herself on Saturday night. And since I had to meet up with Naimh’s parents for Sunday lunch, Belle and Sam had both missed their usual Sunday afternoon post-run threesome as well. So needless to say, my impish little pixie was quite wound up and eager to let off some steam.

We wound up banging in the shower, me pinning Belle’s tiny little body up against the wall. She dropped to her knees in time to swallow my spending, and then we cleaned up, dried off, and didn’t bother getting dressed. Shortly thereafter, we were sixty-nining on the bed until she deemed me sufficiently hard enough to climb aboard. And then she mounted me reverse cowgirl and bent over on all fours, humping her exquisitely tight twat up and down my dick while I watched her little ass rising and falling, making my thick shaft disappear and reappear over and over again. And in the end I gave her a cream filling that leaked out over the course of several minutes while she reclined against my chest, panting in the aftermath while almost lazily scooping out globs of cum from her own snatch and popping them into her mouth.

“I almost can’t wait for us to go to Berkeley,” Belle sighed dreamily. “I mean, I WILL miss our friends; don’t get me wrong about that. But I already talked to Daddy and he’s perfectly cool with us getting an apartment together. Can you imagine spending EVERY night in bed together like this? No more ‘weekend nights only’. No more worrying about you having to split your time and attention six different ways.”

“B… We talked about this,” I said gently, squeezing my arm around her. “I’d be happy to get an apartment together and I’ll be thrilled to cuddle with you every night instead of just once in a while. But we agreed that you and I aren’t going to become boyfriend/girlfriend, right?”

She shrugged like it was no big deal. “So?”

“So what if you meet some guy you want to date? You said before I wouldn’t be your one and only and that you wouldn’t be able to settle down with me permanently without at least finding out what else is out there.”

She pursed her lips but didn’t answer right away.

“And what if I meet some girl -I- want to date?”

“Will she eat pussy?” Belle asked with glittering eyes. “Will she let me suck your creampie out of her?”

“Will she want to spend the night in bed with me? Just me? As in… you go back to your own room?”

“I’ll happily go back to my own room for any girlfriend you have that understands I’ll always be a part of your life.” Belle suddenly frowned. “You wouldn’t shut me out, would you? You wouldn’t like… choose a girl who would want to be monogamous and exclude me, would you?”

“No, I seriously doubt that. You’re too important to me, and I wouldn’t want our relationship to change. I mean, I can’t promise what the future holds, but yeah, I seriously doubt I would ever choose to stay with a girl who tried to muscle you out.”

“Just so we’re clear.”

“We’re clear. You’re my Annabelle.”

“And I’m not saying I’d ever date another guy. Honestly, I haven’t ruled out having sex with someone else, if for no other reason than I won’t have to wonder for the rest of my life what it would be like. But any guy who’d want to date ME would have to first understand how important YOU are to me,” she insisted. “And I PROMISE you I would never choose to stay with a guy who tried to muscle you out.”

I pursed my lips. “I could be wrong, but I’m thinking you might have a harder time finding a guy willing to share you with me than for me to find a girl willing to share me with you, if the BTC is any indication.”

Belle shrugged. “If he can’t cut it, then he gets cut out: simple as that. You’re my Matty.”

I gave her a smile, and she twisted her head around to kiss me again. Her naked body was otherwise still reclined against my chest, so I took a moment to happily fondle her perky buttcheeks and play with her tits. But once we paused to catch our breaths, she went back to reclining and scooped another glob of my sperm out of her leaking cunt so she could suck on it.

“It’s gonna be different, certainly,” Belle began with a dreamy look up towards the ceiling, “without the other girls. I think we should build a new BTC, you know? Find some hot and horny three-hole sluts with big tits that’ll pledge their allegiance to… what was it Mari called it? Oh, your Altar of Towering Manhood. I can watch you convert them into your willing thralls through the Power of Incredible Orgasms™ and then lap up your tasty jizz while it leaks out of their well-fucked gaping holes.”

I had to smile while Belle chuckled, but a moment later, I sighed a little mournfully. “So eager to leave behind the BTC and form a better one to your own liking?”

Belle frowned at that and sat up. Turning around to face me, she shook her head and said, “I really don’t want you to get the wrong idea. I WILL miss our friends. But Mari, Zofi, and Alice ALL had a choice to come with us to Berkeley. They made their decisions to choose school over staying together. They made clear what was more important to them. I’m not cutting them out of our lives now or anything, but is it really such a bad thing to look towards the future?”

“Neevie would have happily come with us to Berkeley.”

“Neevie’s kinda awesome. I know I said I was jealous of her sexual abilities, but then I’m also jealous of Mari in that regard too. Neevie’s super-fun, super-sexy, and I’d be thrilled for her to come with us. But the admissions board apparently didn’t agree. She’s going to UCLA with Alice, and that’s that.”

“And Sam?”

“Outside of Mari, Sam’s become my best friend. She really understands what it’s like to have these feelings for you but at the same time recognize a romantic relationship isn’t in either of our best interests. I feel like I can talk to her about anything and she always knows what to do. But we both know she’s going to Stanford, and that’s that too.”

I nodded slowly.

“I’m not eager to burn down the BTC just so I can have you all to myself. I get what you’re thinking, and I realize I’ve been just enough of a jealous monster lately for you to believe the worst in me. I’m not proud of what I’ve done or how I’ve acted.” Belle shook her head and sighed. “Even this Holly thing… I genuinely wish she’d stick around longer so I could make it up to her.”

I arched my eyebrows. “Can I tell her you said that?”

“Sure. Totally.” Belle shrugged like it was no big deal. “Look, if I could wave a magic wand and get all six of us at Berkeley together – seven, if you wanted to include Holly - I would. I really, really would. These girls have been my best friends for YEARS. The BTC is the best thing that ever happened to me, you included, and I’d like to think we’ll all stay really good friends until we’ve become old decrepit geezers. So please don’t think I’m like… happy… that none of them are coming with us. I really am just trying to make the best of the situation as it is. You and I are going to Berkeley without any of them. At some point you’re going to have to accept that.”

I was in the middle of formulating a response when I heard the doorbell ring. I frowned at Belle, wondering who could be at the door on a Sunday night. It was early enough in the evening that Mother most likely wouldn’t be home. For a moment, I thought about just ignoring the door and getting back to my naked conversation, but the doorbell rang again, three times in quick succession.

Belle and I exchanged a look, and I slipped off the bed to throw on my pajama pants and a t-shirt. I moved quickly but didn’t rush, and the doorbell rang again before I finally flipped on the porch light and looked through the peephole.

Once I saw who was outside, I pulled my head back in surprise and now moved hurriedly to open the door. “Sam? Hey? What’s wrong?”

The normally confident and poised platinum blonde stood on my doorstep, shivering in the cold night air wearing nothing but a shirt and jeans. Her makeup was running from obvious tears, and she had an expression of such bitter and hopeless sorrow that I immediately reached out the door to pull her inside, kicked the door closed behind us, and then held her fiercely in my arms while she trembled and started sobbing on my shoulder.

Her skin was freezing, so I tried rubbing her arms and back with my hands while trapping her within my body heat. “Ohmigawd, Sam, what’s wrong? What happened?”

She kept crying in my arms, and I squeezed her tightly. By then, Belle had gotten dressed and was about six steps up the stairs, looking over the railing at us. Her eyes asked what was going on, but I gave her a helpless look and shook my head to explain I had no idea either.

Finally, Sam started to defrost a bit, and she looked up at me through bleary eyes. “C-c-can I stay here tonight?”

“Of course!” I replied instantly. “Absolutely. But… why? What’s going on?”

“I can’t go back home. Not right now. Not like this.” She buried her face in the crook of my neck and started shivering again.

“That’s fine. You can stay here as long as you need. You could stay here forever if it came to that.” I rubbed her spine again and held her close. “But Sam, talk to me. What’s going on?”

“My parents are pissed. They won’t listen. I mean, I knew they wanted me to go to Stanford, but still, I thought they’d understand.”

“Understand what? What was that about Stanford?”

Sam looked up into my eyes again. “I withdrew my admission to Stanford. I’m coming with you guys to Berkeley.”


For anyone who can’t wait, the VIP folder also now has through Chapter 54. The rough draft is complete and the Beta Tier readers have all the BTC chapters as well as the first few chapters of ASL2.

Thank you all for joining me on this journey and come chat with us on Discord! https://discord.gg/h6hWctcRqg



On rereading I loved the outcome of the three of them together. It seems very natural. Going to be interesting to see the dynamic for the rest of the term.


I have many thoughts on this chapter but for now I have only one response; Neevie is quite possibly my favorite member of the BTC but I am forever #TeamSam when it comes to Matty's future wife, so this chapter's ending is quite the banger for me in the personal sense.