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-- CHAPTER 29: Cosplay -- 





A stray beam of sunlight woke me up. The curtains had been shut, but there was a half-inch of space between them, and at this very time on this very date, the sun’s rays came through at just the right angle to hit me right in the eyes. I immediately winced and shifted away from the unwanted illumination, only to feel my vision swim as vertigo took over after attempting to move my head too quickly for my sluggish brain to keep up.


My skull felt like it had shrunken two sizes too small. My mouth tasted like I had a cotton ball on my tongue. My throat was dry and scratchy. And the room around me spun when I tried to look around and put together the puzzle pieces comprising my present existence that would explain the who, what, when, why, and where of my current condition.


Oh, right. We’re back to this point again.


It took me a little while, but I eventually remembered everything that had transpired between Sam showing up in my bedroom Saturday night and this moment here on Monday morning. Despite never having met each other before, Isabela and Sam hit it off right away and had their faces in each other’s crotch within minutes. And although I felt pretty wiped out having already cum four times, Sam was quick to fetch Matty Junior and then proceeded to drill the horny Hispanic babe into the mattress right next to me.


At the end of the night, we all cleaned up, took showers, and then crashed in one of the four available beds. Isabela and Luna took Naimh’s room, Eva took Sam’s room, Lily stayed in Belle’s room with her, and Sam and Naimh both stayed with me. Having my busty blonde bombshell back in my arms for our “Sam Saturday” night had even stirred up a miracle fifth erection for me, and I’d finally cum deep inside my Aphrodite’s warm and welcoming pussy before collapsing on top of my lover and quite literally passing out from exhaustion while we were still joined together.


And then Sunday turned out to be more of the same.


The girls had let me sleep in past noon as I definitely needed the rest and recovery time. When I finally woke up and came downstairs, the house was empty except for Naimh. My Head Girlfriend was curled up in the armchair under a blanket, fast asleep with one of her school textbooks on the armrest beside her. I’d woken her up from her impromptu nap by way of softly kissing her lips until she moaned into my mouth and reached up to hold my head to hers.


I’d started to say my usual ‘Maidin mhaith’ greeting before catching myself and muttering, “I actually don’t know how to say ‘good afternoon’ in Gaelic.”


Tráthnóna mhaith,” Naimh explained.


I made a face and muttered, “You know what? I think I might’ve finally maxed out my foreign language mental library. How about I just say, ‘I love you’ instead?”


“Works for me.” She giggled and then kissed me again.


Naimh explained that the others had all left: Sam and Belle went running, Lily and Eva wanted to talk, and Isabela and Luna had gone home. But later in the afternoon when Sam had asked for a recap of the previous evening and then mourned regretfully for missing out on most of it, Naimh had suggested they just do it all over again since everyone had seemed to have so much fun.


So we did it all over again.


Lily and Eva returned to the house before dinnertime, and Isabela and Luna arrived shortly thereafter with overnight bags. We had another barbecue (fish and vegetable skewers instead of chicken and corn). We played Mario Party as a group (Eva dominated). And then we socialized around the living room with a few drinks.


Scratch that: a LOT of drinks. My skull felt like it had shrunken two sizes too small this morning, remember? And I blame the alcohol for getting me to let the girls blindfold me again.


In any case, I found myself stripped naked and seated on the couch wearing Naimh’s sleep mask while the girls took turns giving me blowjobs while I tried to guess which one of them was blowing me. The girls were having a grand old time, laughing and giggling as I made incorrect guess after incorrect guess. You’d think I’d recognize my girlfriends’ mouths by now or something, but they each were deliberately obfuscating their technique, and what made the whole thing even more frustrating was that even after I made an incorrect guess, they still wouldn’t tell me who was who!


And what made the whole thing even MORE frustrating was that somewhere along the way, Belle whispered into my ear that Luna had taken a turn sucking my dick for the very first time. I very nearly whipped the sleep mask off my head right then and there, but my impish pixie giggled and quickly added, “I’m kidding! I’m kidding!”


But she said it in such a way that I wasn’t completely convinced that she was kidding.


Such a tease.


Five minutes later, it felt just like old times to hear Sam commanding, “Do NOT make him pop!”


The girl who was currently trying (unsuccessfully) to deep-throat me pulled off and whined, “Aww…”


Her voice gave her away, and I reached up to pat her head, “Another time, Lil.”


After that was the blindfolded fucking round with the girls taking turns riding me cowgirl and mashing their tits into my face. I actually got pretty good at guessing who was who since the girls had neglected to order me NOT to use my hands to grab their asses, plus I was pretty good at identifying their breast tissue against my cheeks and the feel of their nipples in my mouth.


But then they had to go and spoil my fun by switching to reverse cowgirl so their friends could eat them out at the same time while ordering me to not use my hands. So once again I found myself being used as a living dildo that existed solely to provide the girls with a hard object to sit on. But I didn’t actually mind this time. The whole blindfolded round-robin aspect of it felt like old times, actually, and I rather selfishly enjoyed feeling like the center of attention again. Letting ALL of the girls find their pleasure with me - not just Isabela - apparently made all the difference in the world. And I was happy to hang on for the ride as one-by-one, each of them got themselves off on me (except for Luna, of course).


Even Eva cried out in climax while riding me reverse cowgirl. She didn’t have another girl licking her out at the same time or anything, but Naimh leaned in and told me I was allowed to reach around and help rub her off. And after she collapsed back against my chest, sweaty and satisfied, she turned her face to mine and we shared a sweet kiss while the other girls around us clapped and cheered.


THEN they let me take my blindfold off. And in gratitude for me sitting there compliantly for the better part of an hour, I was given permission to grab any of the girls I wanted, take them wherever I wanted, and fuck them however I wanted for the rest of the night.


I must’ve started drinking more then, because the rest of the night is a fuzzy haze of fragmented memories. I remember roaming about all over the house throwing girls over my shoulder and carrying them to whatever odd locations struck my fancy so we could fuck. I bent Lily over the dryer and banged her from behind, her shorty legs waving in the air, unable to reach the floor. I skullfucked Sam against the kitchen cabinets. And I cornholed Naimh’s sacred core while standing atop on Belle’s bed with my lovely Irish lass kneeling face-down and ass-up, just because I’d never done so with her in Belle’s room before.


I do remember that started up an anal round, because Sam parked herself face-down and ass-up right next to Naimh, and then Belle pulled out the butt plug she’d been wearing to park herself right next to Sam.


Lily had also been wearing a butt plug, and after reassuring me that she was ready to try out the real thing for the very first time, I pulled out of Belle and started easing myself into Lily’s heretofore virgin anal chute. But I never actually got the mushroom head inside, because my cute ku’uipo wriggled and writhed in complaint too much, instinctively reaching back to plant her palm against my midsection and prevent me from pushing. So I told her that we needed to stop trying for the night.


I didn’t miss Belle’s fleeting guilty smile at Lily’s inability to take my big dick up her ass on her first try.


In any case, Eva was next to park herself face-down and ass-up and let me sodomize her like a drilling oil derrick. But right when I was about to cum, Belle warned that if I blasted my yummy cum within the depths of Eva’s cornhole, Matty’s Little Cumslut wouldn’t be able to keep herself from going after the creampie.


Eva clamped up TIGHT at that pronouncement and nearly made me lose my load deep within her bowels, but as soon as she relaxed I pulled myself out, turned my hips, and started pumping out what felt like gallons of cum straight down my Baby Belle’s gullet as she sucked my schlong straight out of Eva’s ass.


Isabela, however, balked at surrendering her asshole to me. “Lo siento. I don’t think I can fit tu verga gigantesco dentro de mi culo pequeñito.”


“No problemo,” I assured her.


“You know the word ‘problemo’ isn’t actually Spanish, ¿verdad?


I simply laughed.


She was quite happy for me to fuck her doggy-style though, so long as my verga gigantesco didn’t try entering her culo pequeñito.


At the end of the night, we all cleaned up, took showers, and then crashed in one of the four available beds. I wanted Sam to sleep with me again, but my ex-Head Girlfriend reminded me that it was a school night and went to bed alone in her room. She then suggested that Eva very well might appreciate spending the night with me for the first time, and the pretty Hawaiian hapa girl blushed pink but smiled in such a way that I thought that was a very good idea, and I told Eva that I’d be very happy for her to come join me. Belle and Lily stayed together again. Naimh volunteered to share her room with Isabela and Luna. And in the end, Eva and I had a very pleasant makeout session in my bed without having sex (I was WAY too tired by then) before she finally fell asleep with her head on my chest while I gently stroked her hair.


So now you know Eva and I went to bed alone, which begs the question: how did we end up waking with Isabela?


To be honest, I thought I’d only dreamed about the beautiful, buxom brunette slipping into bed beside me in the middle of the night. I’d been spooned up behind Eva, but the dark-haired succubus had gently turned my face to hers for a tender kiss that slowly grew in passion and intensity until I rolled onto my back and took her in my arms. She’d hand-pumped my slumbering cock, rapidly reviving it while our tongues tangoed. And before I’d even known what was going on, our two bodies were enjoined once more.


Crushing her big tits against my bare chest, Isabela and I made love with our mouths in equal measure to the undulation of our loins. But when we broke for air, I looked to my left and found Eva watching us with half-lidded eyes while one hand wriggled between her legs. Isabela also noticed my evening’s bed partner and quickly turned her head to the hapa beauty, leaning over and pressing their lips together.


But Eva gasped in surprise, a cutely innocent sound that made me chuckle inside, before she pulled her head back an inch or two.


Isabela gave the other girl a warm smile, intoning softly, “It’s alright. It’s alright. Just feel it.”


She leaned in to start kissing Eva again, and this time Eva started kissing the luscious Latina in return. But it was only for a moment before Eva pulled back once more and gave the other girl an apologetic look.


To Isabela’s credit, she stopped, held up her hands, and said gently, “Hey, it’s cool if you don’t swing that way.”


“I-I-I-uh… I just…” Eva stammered for a second before Isabela gestured with both hands for her to relax.


Calma, calma… con calma,” Isabela encouraged soothingly. “It’s cool.”


Eva’s nervous eyes went to me, and I immediately leaned in to kiss her instead. We made love that way for a long time, with me alternating liplocks with the two incredible women in my bed. In the end, Isabela rode herself to a pleasant but quiet orgasm, and then pulled off so she could swallow my spending. And then she crawled up alongside me and the three of us fell back asleep.


My head had been swimming the whole time and there was a strangely surreal quality to my memory fragments of the midnight encounter, right down to the confused and yet still interested expression on Eva’s face.


But there was nothing surreal or strange about this morning when Isabela slithered up my body, held my dick in position, and sighed in sweet satisfaction as she sat herself down. I was fully conscious even if a bit hungover. I knew the who, what, when, why, and where of my current condition. And I’d had enough of passively letting myself get ridden like a living dildo.


So I rolled the buxom brunette onto her back, grabbed her legs and pinned them down by her ears.


And then I fucked her.




Ten minutes later, I thrust forward one final time and bellowed while blasting what felt like gallons of pent-up sperm into the back of the beautiful brunette’s womb. I’d neglected to actually turn my alarm clock off, so the damned thing started blaring its infuriatingly shrill sound of demonic exasperation designed so that no human being could ignore it for long mere seconds after I’d started blowing my brains out through the thick column of my cock straight into Isabela’s creaming cunt. She screamed, I screamed, and the fucking alarm clock screamed with us in riotous cacophony until Eva finally reached out and shut off the alarm.


The noise had brought back my ear-splitting headache though, and since Eva got up and got off the bed, I no longer had my personal teddy bear to cuddle up with to help quiet the pulsing throb of my skull.


I was still happy to collapse on top of Isabela and hold her close. But she only put up with it for five seconds before tapping my shoulders in a clear indication for me to roll off. I wound up flat on my back, panting heavily while Isabela smiled beside me in supreme satisfaction. Her limbs were askew as she gasped for breath, her big breasts heaving. And I glanced down with a bit of a smirk at the sight of my creamy jism leaking out from the blissfully satiated girl’s gaping-wide slit.


Eventually, the pain in my skull subsided enough for me to get up and start getting dressed. Eva had likewise gotten her clothes on, and we were soon both ready to head downstairs. Isabela, meanwhile, remained naked across my bed. When I went to check on her, she waved me off and said, “You two go ahead. I need another minute. ¡Dios mío, Matty! You fuck like a GOD.”


I honestly didn’t think I’d done anything particularly “God-worthy” this morning, but I accepted the compliment with a nod. Part of me wanted to grin and give her a cocky look of smug condescension. But the other part of me knew better than to get a big head about it. And besides, I still felt hungover and slightly confuzzled.


Plus, I knew that today was Monday and we all needed to get to class. So after we’d both gotten dressed, Eva and I headed downstairs together and went straight to the kitchen.


“Morning, Sam,” Eva greeted politely to the beautiful blonde bombshell dressed in a crisp navy-blue suit with a white blouse and navy miniskirt.


Sam turned away from the gas range and said brightly, “Morning, Eva. Morning, Matty. I’ll have brekkie ready in a jiff.”


Eva jerked a thumb over her shoulder. “Thanks, but I need to run back to my room to change and everything before class.” The heavenly hapa girl then leaned in to tenderly kiss my cheek, saying, “See you later… cowboy.”


“Bye,” I replied warmly, sad to see her go but happy to watch her leave.


Eva glanced back at me over her shoulder as she departed, and when she found me staring at her ass, she gave it a quick wiggle before disappearing around the corner.


Meanwhile, Sam left the range and came to me in the doorway. “I’m still not entirely sure what to think of Eva calling you ‘cowboy’. Doesn’t really fit the image of you I have in my head.”


I chuckled and gave her a weary smile, as if the effort of making sense of the nickname wasn’t worth aggravating my already existing headache.


My ex-Head Girlfriend (but still girlfriend) held me in her arms and gave me a look of concern, asking, “You alright? You look like you’ve been burning the candle at both ends.”


I wanted to chuckle at her reusing my joke, but grimaced instead. I shook my head, which was a bad idea, and as the vertigo returned I wound up leaning one hand against the doorway to keep from toppling over while Sam quickly grabbed me for support. And with a sigh, I muttered, “That candle metaphor is pretty accurate. You girls have wiped me out.”


“C’mon. We had crazier weekends over the summer,” Sam chided as she adjusted her grip around my midsection and then gave me a quick peck on the lips.


I kissed her back and then groaned, “I felt just as wiped out by the end of those as well. My head is so foggy right now, the last couple of days are only a half-remembered blur.”


My ex-Head Girlfriend narrowed her eyes and gave me a look of concern. “I heard Isabela screaming her bloody head off a minute ago. How many times did you go in the past thirty-six hours or so? Are you feeling that same sunburnt/chafed thing again?”


“Nah, not chafed. I’m doing alright,” I reassured her.


“Glad to hear.” Sam gave me what I assumed to be another peck, but then her lips parted and her tongue snaked into my mouth.


I moaned into her mouth, blissful feelings of love washing away all my sadness and even quite a bit of the headache. I could feel in the strength of her embrace how much Sam still loved me and loved to be held by me. Getting repeatedly laid all weekend with me and the girls - in addition to quitting the orgy early in the evening so she could get a full night’s sleep - had done wonders for Sam’s mood. I made a mental note to thank Isabela for making this weekend happen, if for no other reason than the improvement in Sam’s mental state. And I basked in the warm glow of my lover’s loving embrace while we kissed each other with tenderly intimate passion for a minute or two.


But alas, all good things must come to an end. Sam and I were still kissing when rapturous moans floated into the kitchen from the open doorway. My buxom blonde bombshell and I broke apart, both of us giggling.


“That sounded like Neevie,” Sam remarked.


“And that sounded like Luna,” I added when another moan emerged.


“Right: Izzy and Luna. Good thing I’m making extra food.”


“Can I help you?”


“Nah, I got it.” Sam patted my ass and then made shooing gestures with the backs of her fingers. “Get the OJ and set the table, yeah?”


I nodded, gave her one last peck on the lips, and then headed outside to do as she’d instructed before taking a seat. Belle and Lily joined me a couple of minutes later. Then Isabela came downstairs. And finally Naimh and Luna emerged halfway through breakfast with pink blushes and sheepish grins.


Just another routine Monday morning.




Per our normal Monday/Wednesday routine, Naimh held my hand for the walk from our house onto campus while Belle and Lily followed behind us. One slight deviation from our routine was that Isabela and Luna accompanied us today, and I wondered how much of a regular occurrence that would start to be. No one had yet discussed whether or not the Latina newcomers would eventually join The BTC. But if my recent history with girls was any indication, it seemed rather likely.


When Naimh and I reached our usual intersection, my happy Head Girlfriend gave me a quick kiss and then bounced away towards the Biology buildings while Belle slid her small hand into mine for the journey that remained. Lily then slid her hand into mine from the other side while Isabela and Luna lined up behind us, and I felt a surge of cocky pride flood through me as I navigated the school walkways with four sexy girls surrounding me.


But Lily and Luna split off together at the next intersection as their classes were in the same vicinity. Isabela gave Luna a quick kiss goodbye. I gave Lily a quick kiss goodbye, and then she and Belle did their little palms-pressed-together thing before gently pushing each other away. The next thing I knew, Isabela was slipping her hand into mine from the other side, taking Lily’s place. And I wound up walking towards E10 sandwiched between Belle and “not-Bella”.


When we got to the plaza outside the auditorium, my petite “little sister” jumped up into my arms and wrapped her legs around my waist so she could give me a passionate French kiss. I let her snog me for a minute before relaxing my grip as a signal for her to put her feet down. But then rather than spin around to head off towards Chemistry, she wrapped her arms around the back of Isabela’s neck and started snogging with her.


“Oh, damn,” some guy behind me muttered in appreciative awe, and I glanced over my shoulder to see two other students staring wide-eyed at the Sapphic display.


But Belle and Isabela acted like they hadn’t heard a thing and kept right on kissing for another few seconds until pulling apart and grinning at each other with sparkling eyes. And it was Isabela who patted Belle’s ass and then sent her off towards Chemistry.


“Almost makes me wish you and I were splitting off to different classes so that we’d have an excuse to kiss each other goodbye,” Isabela remarked lightly. “Ah, fuckit.”


The pretty brunette quickly wrapped her arms around the back of my neck and plunged her tongue into my mouth. I chuckled before kissing her back, but we only stayed like that for a minute before I patted her ass. And she set her heels back down onto the ground and smiled up at me before looping her arms through my elbow and asking, “¿Vamos?


I smirked and patted her forearm before leading the way into the building, no longer caring what people might think about me walking into the auditorium with a pretty girl hanging on my arm. While I might’ve briefly harbored some illusions about not winding up with the kind of reputation I’d had back in high school, Belle, Naimh, Skylar, and now Isabela had quickly disabused me of such an unrealistic notion.


We entered the building together and then walked over to the lecture hall, descending the steps side-by-side. Isabela did most of the chatting while demonstratively flirting with me. She rubbed my arm, giggled, and played with her hair while I took note of the way surrounding conversations hushed around us. And when we got to the fourth row, Isabela entered first to sit down on the seat next to mine before I dropped down into my regular spot.


Isabela and I kept chatting right up until the familiar sound of high heels rhythmically striking individual stair treads caught my attention. I glanced up just in time to see Skylar descending towards us, and the beautiful, busty blonde bombshell gave me and Isabela kind smiles before continuing on her way.


Skylar started taking questions from students. Isabela and I kept chatting. And eventually, Professor D ambled over to the front of the class at the bottom of the stairs.


“Good morning, students,” the stodgy old graybeard greeted in his typically loud but quavering voice. “Let’s begin.”


Isabela’s hand slid onto my thigh.




“Matty, would you be so kind?” Skylar asked me while holding out her takeout bag just outside the front door of her apartment.


“Oh, sure,” I said, taking hold of the bag with my free hand while my other hand still held Naimh’s. Skylar then fit her key to the lock, braced her foot against the base, and then put her right shoulder into the door to get it unstuck and open up, the same way she’d always done whenever bringing us back to her place. The three of us then walked inside and I set Skylar’s paper bag onto the dining table.


“So now that we can have a private conversation,” Skylar began out of the blue as she closed the door behind us and started walking over to the dining table, “would either of you like to tell me what happened this weekend?”


Naimh and I glanced at each other in confusion, and I queried, “Ah, can you be more specific?”


Skylar grinned as she took a seat. “Specifically, I’m curious to know what led to Isabela giving both Matty AND you very, very passionate kisses after class today.”


“Ah. That,” I muttered lamely before giving Skylar a sheepish look and then glancing over at Naimh.


The redhead didn’t look sheepish at all. Naimh smiled and replied matter-of-factly, “Oh, we spent all weekend fookin’ each other’s brains out.”


Skylar blinked in surprise. “How did THAT happen?”


“Well you see, young Skylar,” I began carefully. “When two people love each other very much--”


Skylar snorted and kicked my shin beneath the table to cut me off.


I shrugged and said instead, “You should know better than to expect me to talk about my sex life.”


“You? Certainly,” Skylar conceded before grinning conspiratorially, setting her elbows down on the table, and dropping her cheeks into her hands while facing my girlfriend. “Neevie?”


Naimh lit up with her ‘Ooh! I get to gossip!’ face on while I merely sighed and rolled my eyes at the double-standard of it all.


“So it all started with cosplay,” the redhead began.


Skylar frowned. “Cosplay?”


“You know: dressing up as costumed characters from movies, books, and videogames?”


“I know what cosplay is,” Skylar muttered dryly. “I simply fail to see the immediate connection between cosplay and Isabela shoving her tongue down your throat in full view of all my students.”


Naimh giggled. “Well, Matty and I first met Isabela at the school Halloween party. I’d made costumes for everyone, and they were pretty good, if I do say so myself.”


“They were really good,” I interjected. “Neevie’s amazing.”


My girlfriend blushed and gave Skylar a rather embarrassed look. “I’m a mere amateur compared to some of the artists I’ve seen online. But anyways: Isabela noticed Matty from class, but then -I- noticed Isabela’s friend Luna in her handmade Catwoman costume.”


“Seriously, Neevie couldn’t stop gushing about how difficult it would be to stitch all the leather panels together and make them fit perfectly,” I added.


“I’m serious. Luna is good. WAY better than me,” Naimh insisted.


“I find that very hard to believe,” I muttered skeptically.


“Aww, you’re sweet, luv.” Naimh blew me an air kiss. “But while I like to dabble in this stuff, Luna is a true cosplayer.”


Skylar looked perplexed. “Define being ‘a true cosplayer’.”


Naimh pursed her lips and pondered for a bit before responding. She took a deep breath and considered her words. And only after solidifying her thoughts did she finally speak.


“First and foremost, I think of myself as a friend to The BTC girls and Matty’s girlfriend,” Naimh explained. “Collectively, they are my number one priority.”


“I totally agree,” I stated while rubbing my Head Girlfriend’s knee beneath the table.


She smiled at me and elaborated, “So I guess you could say I primarily consider myself ‘a girlfriend’ when it comes to my sense of identity. Then, I consider myself ‘a daughter’ to my parents. And on the next level down I consider myself ‘a student’.”


“I think I get where you’re going with this,” Skylar pondered.


“While I enjoy dressing up, ‘being a cosplayer’ isn’t part of my sense of identity the way it is for Luna. If anything, I think she sees herself as ‘a cosplayer’ above identifying herself as ‘a student’. She’s told me about skipping high school to go to Comic-Con. She’ll spend hours and hours on her costumes.”


“And you don’t?” I interjected.


Naimh shrugged. “I’ll spend a lot of me free time on it, yeah, but as soon as you’re home and available, I’ll immediately walk away from me sewing machine to come spend as much time with you as I can. And if I’ve got a test to study for, I study for the test.”


“And Luna won’t?” I queried.


Naimh waggled her head. “She’s still a good student - good enough to get into Cal, at least - but she’s told me plainly about how important cosplay is to her. How shy she feels when she’s just herself, but how confident and powerful she feels when she’s in costume. And she tells me I have the kind of special talent to be ‘a real cosplayer’ meself.”


“Well that I can certainly agree with,” I stated firmly. “You ARE an amazing talent.”


My girlfriend blushed until her freckles disappeared again.


“Well I can totally see you being an amazingly talented artist, even if you only brought half the passion I’ve already seen into your designs,” Skylar interposed. “And while I’d love to see your work sometime, I think we’re getting a little off-topic.”


I snorted, smirked at my girlfriend, and jerked a thumb back at the blonde while telling Naimh, “Skylar’s eager to hear the X-rated stuff.”


“If you’re that hard-up fer sexual release,” Naimh teased with twinkling emerald eyes, “we’d be happy to take you into yer bedroom there.”


Skylar pursed her lips and rolled her eyes.


“How long has it been since you last got laid?” Naimh added.


Now it was Skylar’s turn to blush pink enough to make her freckles disappear, if she were to have any freckles in the first place.


“See, now that’s the kind of question I’d get into a lot of trouble for asking,” I pointed out.


“’Cause you’re a guy,” Naimh drawled, giggling lightly. Arching her eyebrows inquisitively at Skylar, she added, “Not gonna dignify that with a response? Has it been that long fer ya?”


“Too long,” Skylar admitted with a sigh before holding her hand up. “Not long enough to be tempted, and we’re getting off-topic again. It seemed you were saying that cosplay with Luna somehow led to Isabela snogging both of you out in the plaza in full view of the entire student body.”


Naimh shrugged. “I ran into Luna about a week later, she immediately asked me about what costume I was working on now since Halloween was over, and I invited her to come check it out.”


“Which costume were you working on?” Skylar asked.


Naimh smiled. “Jessie from Toy Story 2.”


“Oh how cool! Love her!” Skylar exclaimed. “I’d love to see you in the costume.”


“When it’s ready, certainly,” Naimh agreed. “But like I said: I’m a girlfriend, a daughter, and a student first. And I haven’t had much time lately.”


“Especially after we just spent all weekend… uhhh…” I let my voice trail off before I spilled anything further.


Skylar laughed while saying, “Neevie already admitted you ‘spent all weekend fookin’ each other’s brains out’.”


Naimh giggled and explained, “Isabela showed up with Luna and more or less seduced me. That girl… whew.” The redhead started fanning herself with her right hand. “She’s an aggressive one. Just goes for whatever she wants… or whomever she wants.”


“I can tell,” Skylar noted. “I’ve seen the way she is with Matty in class.”


My Irish girlfriend perked up. “Ooh! How is she with Matty in class?”


“Well like today,” Skylar explained. “She held his arm coming into the lecture hall, sat next to him with her hand on his leg. Kept rubbing his shoulder and playing with her hair and did all those things a girl does to make her interest quite clear. That’s actually why I was surprised to hear you say you’d already spent all weekend fucking. Isabela acted like a girl still trying to get laid instead of a girl who’s already gotten laid.”


Naimh laughed. “That’s because even though she’s already gotten laid, she really still IS trying to get laid again! That girl’s appetite is insatiable! What were you tellin’ me, Matty? That even after two nights of back-to-back orgies, she still snuck into your room last night to mount you in your sleep, and then had another go-round this morning?”


I blushed and nodded. “Um, yes.”


Skylar narrowed her eyes. “Exactly how many girls were at these back-to-back orgies?”


Naimh thought for a moment before confirming, “Seven girls.”


“Matty was the only guy?” Skylar marveled. “For seven girls?”


“Well in fairness, Luna’s gay, so Matty didn’t have to take care of her. And the rest of us girls are really good at takin’ care of each other whenever Matty needs to recover. Well, except for Eva bec--”


Neevie,” I warned, pinching her knee beneath the table. And I gave her a look that plainly told her I’d rather she not spill everything.


“Go on…” Skylar intoned with clear interest. She hadn’t touched her lunch yet, and even slid the paper bag aside so she could park her elbows atop the table, fold her hands into a platform, and set her chin down atop it.


Naimh grinned. “We’d be happy to make it eight girls next time if--”


Neevie.” I pinched my girlfriend’s knee again.


Skylar smirked and turned her attention to me. “Seven girls for two nights in a row, and you still had enough for Isabela to crawl into bed with you in the middle of the night AND then fuck her again in the morning?”


I blushed and shrugged, muttering lamely, “Um, I’m used to it.”


Skylar snorted in laughter and sat up straight. “Matty, Matty, Matty… So does this mean you’re about to have another girlfriend?”


“No, I really don’t think--” I began while Naimh simultaneously said, “I think that’d be a great idea!”


Skylar laughed, and I rolled my eyes before sighing at Naimh, “When did you turn into Belle?”


“I just want everyone to get along; Ultimate Voyeur Belle just wants to watch you poundin’ girls,” Naimh stated plainly.


“The motivation may be different, but the outcome seems to be the same,” I sighed.


Skylar leaned forward. “Belle calls herself ‘The Ultimate Voyeur’?”


“Well, no,” Naimh admitted. “I just made that up on the spot, although she really is the most voyeuristic girl I’ve ever met. She does call herself ‘Matty’s Little Cumslut’ though, and she goes after every crea--”




“Oh, cut Neevie some slack, Matty,” Skylar advised. “Can’t you see how happy she is? Enjoy it. And I promise I won’t reveal a word of this stuff to a single other soul.”


I threw my hands up in surrender. “Fine. I’ll let you two share every dirty little secret. Meantime, mind if I eat?”




I ate my lunch.


And some of Naimh’s lunch.


And a few of Skylar’s sweet potato chips.


Dude, back-to-back orgy nights plus midnight servicing plus morning servicing: I needed calories.


And a nap.


So I took a nap.


No seriously, I fell asleep on Skylar’s sofa.


The sofa’s owner came to wake me by sitting down in the narrow strip of sofa cushion between my belly and the edge, rubbing my shoulder gently. In my defense, I wasn’t quite conscious yet when I felt the warm body of a beautiful girl against my midsection and automatically wrapped my arm around her waist for a cuddle. She didn’t resist and merely giggled lightly, which added to my sense of familiarity. But when my hand slid up her belly and cupped a large breast, she gently pried my fingers off while clucking her tongue as she said sternly, “Now, now. Don’t go making me change my mind about you.”


The unexpectedly disapproving sound of Skylar’s voice instead of one of my girlfriends sent a surge of panicked adrenaline through my veins, and snapped my eyes open in surprise. As I startled awake, I became aware of a trickle of crusted drool sticking to my cheek and belatedly tried (and failed) to sit up, what with Skylar still looming over me with an arm on my shoulder.


But rather than glare at me with a cold expression for copping a feel, the beautiful, buxom blonde gave me a warm smile and said, “I’m so sorry to wake you, but you should probably be getting to class soon.” And then she stood up from the sofa.


I blinked, sat up, and wiped my cheek and chin with my right shoulder. I checked the time on Skylar’s wall clock and muttered. “Well, you could’ve let me sleep an extra ten minutes.”


Skylar chuckled. “I wasn’t sure how long it would take to rouse you, and didn’t want to risk making you late.”


“I appreciate it,” I muttered before letting out a massive yawn. It felt like my mouth was hanging wide-open enough to fly a jumbo jet through the hole, and after I managed to finally stop, I gave her a sheepish look and apologized, “Sorry ’bout that. I, uh… I guess I was more tired than I thought.”


She smiled. “It’s understandable, given the way your weekend went.”


I winced. “Did Neevie really tell you all about it? And did she get to class on time?”


“Yes, she left an hour ago,” Skylar confirmed before giving me a curious look. “Can you really cum five times in a single session?”


My eyes got BIG. “Neevie TOLD you that?”


Skylar grinned but then blushed pink, averting her eyes. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked that. It’s just hard to separate fact from fiction. Many girls exaggerate their boyfriend’s performance capabilities.”


“Well hold on there,” I muttered defensively. “Neevie’s not exaggerating.”


Skylar snickered while giving me a skeptical look. “It’s not important.”


I squeezed my eyes shut and nodded, feeling embarrassed about getting defensive in the first place. “Right.”


Skylar smirked. “It’s just like whether or not her insistence that the size of your dick would blow my mind is an exaggeration isn’t important.”


My ears turned red again.


Anyways, we didn’t spend ALL that time talking about you having an orgy with seven girls.” Skylar gave me a warm smile. “We spent a lot of time in conversation regarding her relationship with you.”


If I hadn’t been sitting up straight before, I was definitely sitting up straight now. “Really? What did she tell you?”


“Mmm… I don’t think I’m supposed to share all that with you,” the blonde hedged. “Sisterhood and all.”


‘Oh, sure, NOW you wanna keep mum,’ I didn’t say. Instead, I merely rolled my eyes and sighed, muttering, “Fine.”


Skylar touched my arm and gave me a reassuring look. “Neevie loves you. I can certainly tell you that.”


“I know she does,” I confirmed with a nod. “And I love her.”


Skylar narrowed her eyes again. “Do you?”


I frowned. “What’s that supposed to mean?”


She shrugged. “I just… I mean… You have five girlfriends, don’t you?”


“Four,” I corrected.


“Eva still doesn’t count?”


I sighed and looked at her expectantly.


“Fine, four,” she conceded. “However, your attention is still split five ways at least. Six now, if this thing with Isabela continues. Not to mention the girlfriends Neevie told me about who went to different schools but still each have a piece of your heart.”


“True enough.”


“Is it really fair to Neevie that you get a hundred percent of her love while she gets… what… twenty percent at most?”


I arched an eyebrow. “Is Neevie complaining that she only gets twenty percent of my love?”


“Well, no,” Skylar admitted. “This is me trying to make sense of your multiple relationships. We spoke last week about Belle believing she was third in line for your feelings.”


“And we spoke about me not ranking the girls in my life.”


“We did.”


“Favorite color, favorite food, favorite movie… They’re all my favorites, and I don’t see anything inherently wrong with that.”


“Yet there’s a finite amount of time you can spend with each of them.”


“A finite amount of time, yes, I can agree with. But not love,” I argued. “Love is infinite. Love can’t be measured in percentages, and loving one girl isn’t mutually exclusive from loving another. I can love Neevie with a hundred percent of my heart, and love Belle with a hundred percent of my heart, and Sam and Lily and Eva and Holly and Alice and Mari and Zofi.”


“And Isabela?” Skylar asked curiously.


I immediately made a face and pursed my lips, the first thing coming to mind being that initial coupling where I felt like a mere living dildo to be used.


“I wasn’t expecting that expression on your face,” Skylar muttered.


“It’s not that she… Isabela’s a great… I’m just not sure that…” I started before my voice trailed off. And in the end, I finished lamely, “I think it’s way too early to tell where that relationship is going.”


“That’s fair enough,” Skylar granted. “For one thing, Neevie suggested that Isabela seems far more interested in physical pleasure than in forming any romantic attachments to anyone.”


“I would tend to agree with that.”


“Neevie said that Isabela and Luna are girlfriends, but that they’ve enjoyed seducing boy/girl couples together. In theory, the arrangement would preclude getting romantically attached, but they’ve had some problems with girlfriends getting jealous when their boyfriends start wanting Isabela more than themselves.”


I waggled my head. “I can see that. Isabela’s certainly alluring enough. But I really don’t think that’ll ever be a problem for me.”


“Not if your facial reaction continues to be what I just saw a moment ago.” Skylar smirked. “A bit of advice? Don’t ever show that face to Isabela.”


I laughed and shook my head before sighing. “But now you’re getting off-topic. You were supposed to be telling me more about your conversation with Neevie regarding her relationship with me.”


“I was not supposed to do any such thing,” Skylar countered. “Sisterhood and all. Rather, you were trying to insist that love is infinite and not mutually exclusive.”


“Right. I love Neevie with all my heart, and I sincerely hope she believes that.”


Now Skylar made a face that seemed to answer my implicit question without requiring words. And I frowned at her expression.


“Wait, does she really doubt that I love her?”


Skylar pursed her lips and pondered her response. And it took her a moment before she finally replied, “Neevie knows you love her.”


“You said that in a tone that was the opposite of reassuring.”


Skylar took a deep breath and then sighed. “Neevie is… She’s passionate. She’s young. She’s a dreamer and I love her creativity and imagination. Unfortunately, that same wide-open imagination that allows her to make such amazing costumes and see the world for all its infinite possibilities ALSO leads her to both imagine and seriously consider all the worst possible outcomes.”


I winced. “Including all the possible outcomes in which I love her less than she deserves.”


Skylar looked at me kindly, repeating, “Neevie knows you love her. Deep in her heart, she knows it. But she’s afraid. She’s insecure. She talks about you always calling her ‘the most gorgeous thing you’ve ever seen’, but she looks in the mirror and struggles to believe it. She struggles to live up to it. Part of her believes you only love her for her looks, and she fears that if she ever gets fat or in any way starts to become less physically attractive to you, that your love for her will likewise diminish. She wonders what’ll happen if you ever meet someone you think is more gorgeous than her. What then?”


I winced again. “Oh shit. Did she call herself ‘the spare’?”


Skylar blinked in surprise at my use of the phrase and then nodded. “She did.”


“I thought we’d gotten over this,” I muttered with a sigh, rubbing my forehead.


Skylar raised her eyebrows and intoned sagely, “No woman ever truly gets over her insecurities.”


I raised my eyebrows and asked, “Spoken from experience?”


“Well… I AM a woman,” she admitted candidly.


“You are a beautiful woman, Skylar,” I stated sincerely. “Both inside and out.”


The honey-blonde blushed and averted her eyes for a moment, unable to keep herself from smiling at the compliment. But she didn’t reply immediately, and she took a moment to compose herself while I patiently waited her out.


Eventually, she spoke, “Neevie said you go to a lot of effort to reassure her, saying the kinds of things to her that you said to me just now. She also said it’s the hyperbole you use to flatter her and make her feel better about herself, but that it isn’t actually true.”


“It IS true,” I insisted. “I meant it the very first time I said it to her, and I’ve meant it every day ever since.”


Skylar held her hands up. “I’m not the one you have to convince.”


I sighed and shook my head.


“It’s this insecurity that drives her to dress up in these costumes,” Skylar continued.


“I don’t think it’s insecurity.” I narrowed my eyes and gave Skylar a skeptical look. “Neevie’s always been creative and made these costumes as a creative outlet.”


“You don’t have to take MY word for it. Neevie said that when she looks in the mirror and believes what she sees isn’t enough, she finds a character and dresses up as her, so that the next time she looks in the mirror, she sees someone who can be MORE than just herself.”


I pulled my head back and sat up straight. “Really?”


“Don’t get down on yourself for not realizing that. Neevie said she didn’t realize it herself until just recently. The idea came from Luna and talking about what being ‘a true cosplayer’ really means. It’s more than just putting on a costume. It’s inhabiting the role (or something like that, I’m trying to say this second-hand), and believing in your head that you’re the character you’re representing. Their superhuman abilities become your superhuman abilities. It’s apparently quite empowering, and Neevie said she’d be happy to make a costume for me.”


“I’d love to see you in one of Neevie’s costumes,” I remarked with a grin before my eyes tightened. “But I also worry that she feels like she has to dress up like a superhero in order to feel better about herself when she looks in the mirror. It doesn’t make sense to me, because when I look at her, I see someone who’s absolutely amazing.”


“I see her as someone who’s absolutely amazing as well,” Skylar confirmed. “Once again, I’m not the one you have to convince. Also, it doesn’t help that she’s surrounded by gorgeous girls who… at least in her mind… are all better than her in one way or another.”


“Better than her?”


Skylar shrugged. “She thinks Sam has better breasts than her. She thinks Zofi has a tighter ass. And she thinks Mari is better at sex in general.”


I blinked. “Neevie said all that?!”


Skylar sighed. “She said you always got more excited about Alice giving you blowjobs than her. She said Holly was your favorite sex slave. She wishes she was as intimately close to you as Belle. She wishes she could bond with you over video games like Eva. And she wishes she could fall in love with you all over again like Lily.”


I frowned. “What happened to ‘Sisterhood and all’?”


Skylar gave me a serious look. “I think you knew all these things already. From your lack of expression, none of this is news. Surely Neevie has either said these things to you herself - or you’ve long suspected them anyway.”


I sighed and nodded my admission. “Going back to Neevie feeling like she’s just ‘the spare’, she’s talked about other things that made her feel inferior in some way or another. She said she was the poor girl of the group with the cheap, used car living in an apartment back in high school while the rest of us lived in quote, ‘mansions’. She had to get into Berkeley off the wait list and thinks Sam is so much smarter and harder-working than her. And you just listed off many of the other ways in which she’s negatively compared herself to the other girls.”


Skylar nodded sadly.


But then I took a deep breath and shook my head. “There will ALWAYS be someone else better than me at something: a better boyfriend, a better listener, a better lover. I’m quite proud of my big dick - I am - but I know there are guys out there who have bigger ones. There are guys who are stronger than me, who are more handsome than me, who are braver than me, and who are better providers than me. I have my own insecurities, and every single day I worry a little bit about whether or not one of my cherished girlfriends will ultimately find someone else they’d rather be with than me. But I don’t let those fears rule me. And I strive every day to be whatever my girls need me to be in order to make them happy and ensure they remain an important part of my life.”


Skylar looked impressed. “That’s quite mature of you.”


“For a ‘kid’.” I smirked. “But the point is: it doesn’t matter to me if one girl has bigger boobs or another girl is better at video games. It’s the whole package that I love so much about each and every one of the girls in my life, especially Neevie. We are all more than the sum total of our parts, and as far as I’m concerned, she doesn’t need to worry about a thing. Because nobody stays exactly the same forever. Nobody. But no matter how much she changes, she’ll always be absolutely perfect to me.”


She chuckled and arched an eyebrow. “Have you given this speech to Neevie?”


“Well… no.”


“Then it seems to me there’s one thing you haven’t done yet to make her happy and ensure she remains an important part of your life.”


“Well, I do have to get to class soon,” I muttered with a sigh, glancing up at the clock. That extra ten-minute buffer I’d had before was gone now.


Skylar chuckled again. “I didn’t say you had to go and do something about it now.”


I smiled and nodded. Taking a deep breath, I planted my hands on my knees and then stood up from her sofa. After grabbing my bag, I glanced back at my… well… my friend. And I gave her a warm smile while saying, “Thanks, Skylar. Thanks for talking to me about this stuff.”


She gave me a warm smile in return. “Anytime.”




As much as I wanted to get home and reassure Naimh that I truly loved her, would always love her, and would love to help her feel reassured despite her insecurities, none of that desire could help me finish my Chemistry 1A Lab any faster. In fact, it was thinking about my Head Girlfriend’s insecurities that got me distracted in the first place, leading me to mess up the timing on my experiment and have to start all over again from scratch.


Bottom line: I had to stay in the lab for a full hour more than the regular class session to get my experiment to work. In high school, the teacher would’ve probably just told me to call it a day and better luck next time, but this was college now, which meant you had to stick around for as long as it took to get things to work.


So I wound up missing my regular Monday afternoon gaming time with Eva. That also meant missing any opportunity we might’ve had for a quickie, but that part I was actually fine with; Eva and I had fucked each other plenty of times already this weekend.


In fact: Eva, Lily, Belle, and Naimh all beat me home that afternoon. An hour later than usual, I hopped up the porch steps of the house and snicked my key into the lock. I opened the door, walked inside, and kicked off my shoes in the front entryway while closing the door behind me. And I could already hear the sounds of girls gabbing in conversation down the hall, specifically identifying Naimh’s inimitable Irish accent and Eva’s more clipped, precise articulation.


To my surprise, though, nobody was in the living room. I actually turned the wrong way into the empty living room just out of habit before realizing the voices were coming from Naimh’s bedroom, and I spun around before coming to a stop and gawking in surprise.


Eva and Naimh were side-by-side on Naimh’s bed, belly-down and propped up on their elbows. Naimh had a large wooden clipboard in front of her with several sheets of blank paper, and Eva lay beside her with her shirt off (but still wearing a bra). The beautiful hapa girl was letting Naimh study her large tattoo, my Irish redhead biting her lip cutely while sketching with colored pencils. And as the drawing came to life, Eva stared down at the paper with an expression of utter fascination on her face.


Neither girl paid me any attention, nor seemed to have noticed my arrival whatsoever.


“Wait, is the Baroness a good guy or a bad guy?” Eva asked uncertainly.


“Well, technically she’s a bad guy,” Naimh explained, “but like any good villain, she’s multi-layered. She’s cynical yet romantic, calculating yet naïve, blunt yet prone to beating around the bush - kinda like you, really. And then of course she’s an absolutely gorgeous femme fatale. The whole point is: you don’t just wear the costume - you inhabit the role. Their power becomes your power. It’s quite a rush.”


Eva nodded with a smile. “Cool.”


“And then I’ll be her G.I. Joe nemesis: Scarlett,” Naimh continued, setting aside the first drawing and then furiously sketching another figure onto a new page.


Eva looked up at the other girl with a smile. “You’d do matching character costumes with me?”


“Of course! You’re one of me BTC besties!” Naimh giggled.


And Eva grinned right along with her.


I decided to leave the girls alone and try to sneak away without the girls noticing, so I started to slowly back out from the doorway. But just before I could get completely out of sight, the steady [clomp-clomp] of feet rapidly thumping down individual stair treads grabbed my attention and made me look over to identify the source of the unexpected sound.


The sound also drew Naimh and Eva’s attention, and as she looked through the open doorway, Eva exclaimed in surprise, “Matty!”


I briefly glanced at her, but before I could say anything, Belle came tearing around the corner with tears in her eyes, and she brushed past me to sit down on the stool in the foyer to start yanking on a pair of walking shoes.


“B?” I asked in alarm at the sight of the rivers of water running down her cheeks. “What’s wrong?”


“Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine,” my Annabelle said brusquely while shaking her head. “Go check on Lily.”


“Lily? Wait. What’s going on? Belle. Please. Talk to me.” When she stood up with her shoes on, I grabbed her upper arms and stared down at her face, willing her to reply to me.


Belle grimaced but stared defiantly right back into my eyes. “I’ll be fine. I just need to walk away from here for a minute. I’ll be right back, I promise. Lily’s the one who really needs you now.”


“Please, tell me what’s going on,” I insisted, not letting go of her arms. “And for goodness sake, B, you’re still crying right now. I really don’t like the idea of you walking around outside on your own in this state.”


Belle huffed and then glanced down the hallway at Naimh and Eva, who had both come out of the room. “Fine. Neevie, come walk with me so Matty won’t freak out about me being alone, alright?”


“Uh, sure, B,” Naimh replied almost immediately.


I sighed and nodded but didn’t let go of her just yet. “Fine, I’ll let you go with Neevie. But first, you gotta tell me what’s going on!”


Belle gave me a forlorn look and shook her head sadly. Fresh tears started running down her cheeks, and she looked like she was in so much pain that I instantly regretted making her tell me.


Still, she finally explained…


“Lily and I broke up.”


Patrons will maintain a 2-week head start on StoriesOnline and Literotica. For anyone who can't wait, VIP Tier has the complete first draft: https://www.patreon.com/posts/btc-2-0-complete-102426293

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Prologue & Chapter 1: The BTC: https://www.patreon.com/posts/99290461

Chapter 2: Hoalauna: https://www.patreon.com/posts/99357682

Chapter 3: E10: https://www.patreon.com/posts/99433482

Chapter 4: Leeloo: https://www.patreon.com/posts/99506524

Chapter 5: The Fifth Element: https://www.patreon.com/posts/99618767

Chapter 6: Lily: https://www.patreon.com/posts/100326143

Chapter 7: The Hangover: https://www.patreon.com/posts/100548952

Chapter 8: Quality Time: https://www.patreon.com/posts/100806434

Chapter 9: The Favor: https://www.patreon.com/posts/101140618

Chapter 10: Ku’uipo: https://www.patreon.com/posts/101372817

Chapter 11: The R-word: https://www.patreon.com/posts/101672192

Chapter 12: The Beach: https://www.patreon.com/posts/101896200

Chapter 13: Into the Blue: https://www.patreon.com/posts/102179037

Chapter 14: Out of the Blue: https://www.patreon.com/posts/102357109

Chapter 15: Evelynn: https://www.patreon.com/posts/102690659

Chapter 16: Liliana: https://www.patreon.com/posts/102919229

Chapter 17: Envy: https://www.patreon.com/posts/103193408

Chapter 18: Eva: https://www.patreon.com/posts/103442618

Chapter 19: Head Girlfriend: https://www.patreon.com/posts/103699433

Chapter 20: Halloween: https://www.patreon.com/posts/103954586

Chapter 21: Unexpected Feelings: https://www.patreon.com/posts/104213220

Chapter 22: Just Sex: https://www.patreon.com/posts/104435555

Chapter 23: Aikane: https://www.patreon.com/posts/104682962

Chapter 24: Delicate: https://www.patreon.com/posts/104949648

Chapter 25: Confidante: https://www.patreon.com/posts/105204095

Chapter 26: Permission: https://www.patreon.com/posts/105451691

Chapter 27: Kai: https://www.patreon.com/posts/105743957

Chapter 28: Isabela: https://www.patreon.com/posts/105783916


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