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-- CHAPTER 16: Wo Ai Ni -- 



The morning air was cold, quite cold. I snuggled a little closer to the warm body tucked against my chest, only my shirt separating her skin from mine. My left arm snaked beneath the folded blanket we used for a communal pillow, with the hand dangling over the edge of the shelf. As my senses came alive, the fingers of my right hand automatically squeezed the large, bare breast I was currently palming. Reflexively, I ground my morning wood into the cleft of her bare-naked ass. And breathing deeply, I let my head roll forward to push my nose into her jet-black hair, smelling her natural musky fragrance.


As my rational brain slowly booted up, I became consciously aware of my present condition being so contentedly cuddled up to Ziyi’s naked body; this despite her animosity towards me yesterday. She had not been spiteful towards me and still cleaned, cooked, and fed me the catfish and two tilapias I’d caught for dinner, but she’d performed these tasks with a clinical, perfunctory manner devoid of any warmth or hospitality. She wouldn’t talk to me. She wouldn’t look at me. Indeed, she’d given me a cold shoulder throughout the day that was even colder than this morning’s frigid air.


But she still climbed into bed with me at night and tucked herself up against the warmth of my chest beneath our three layers of blankets, same as always. She allowed me to wrap her up in my arms the same way I’d done for the previous seven nights and then silently fell asleep.


Now it was morning, and I woke up feeling quite… content… with Ziyi in my arms, same as always. I remained as I was for a good several minutes, just enjoying the feel of Ziyi’s naked body spooned up against mine. I figured she was still asleep for now and that once she woke, she might shapeshift some clothes back on, and wordlessly slip out of bed to resume giving me the silent treatment. So I might as well enjoy the moment for as long as it lasted.


She eventually did stir awake, taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly. She straightened her legs and stretched her arms while yawning, and I waited for her to roll away from my grasp at any second. But she didn’t.


Instead, she cuddled my arm across her chest and then slid her palm over the back of my hand, molding her fingers behind mine as if helping me cup her bare breast. And she sighed rather dreamily.


But only for a moment.


This was now our eighth morning in a row spent in the cave together, and once she removed her hand from the back of mine, I did the same thing I’d done for the previous seven mornings: I let go of her boob. This would be when she’d slide herself out from beneath the blankets, off the bed shelf, and onto the floor. If I was lucky, she’d stretch and profile herself to me, showing off her incredible ass and those amazing titties Dong was so very fond of before shapeshifting some clothes on. But I wasn’t expecting to get lucky this morning, not after the way yesterday had gone.


I was wrong.


So very, very wrong.


Ziyi did remove her hand from the back of mine, and I did let go of her boob. But she didn’t slide herself out from beneath the blankets this morning. Instead, she merely rolled forward a bit, withdrawing her bare buns so that they no longer sandwiched my throbbing dick. Then she slid her right hand beneath the waistband of my pants, wrapped her cool fingers around my hot cock, and simply… held it.


I completely froze.


Ziyi didn’t move her hand much right away, but she adjusted her grip a few times as if testing my firmness. After a few seconds, she took an experimental stroke, slowly sliding the tunnel of her fingers towards my base, reversing course to slide them all the way up to my tip, and then slowly slid back down to the base.


One experimental stroke turned into two. Two turned into five. And as she gradually sped up, it became quite clear that she was giving me a handjob.


And a fairly enthusiastic handjob, no less.


It belatedly occurred to me that her enthusiasm was in direct proportion to the way I’d started grunting and groaning in response to her manual manipulation of my erection. I wasn’t consciously aware of how much noise I was making, a little too focused on the pleasurable sensations Ziyi’s hand was giving me.


One would think that after so many years of burying myself into the wet and willing holes of hot babe after hot babe with as much frequency as I’d enjoyed, a simple handjob wouldn’t quite stimulate my senses the way it currently was doing. But like I said: this was our eighth morning in a row spent in the cave together, which meant it had been eight days (nine days?) since I’d last had an orgasm (in the Palace of Great Benevolence). So I was definitely at the point of being both willing and eager to take anything I could get.


“Ohhh, holy shit,” I muttered beneath my breath.


“你说什么?” Ziyi asked. And it was only when her translation popped into my head asking, What did you say? that I realized I’d actually groaned out in English.


“继续前进” I told her. Keep going.


“You like it?” she asked with a bit of a coy giggle.


“I love it,” I moaned, once again speaking Mandarin, with my hips pumping slightly to keep fucking her fist.


But Ziyi suddenly let go of me.


I whined like a hungry puppy as soon as she removed her hand, but it was only for a second as she spun around in my arms to face me and grabbed my dick with her left hand instead. Her green eyes sparkled with mirth and merriment for just a moment before she closed them and pressed her mouth to mine, kissing me with primal urgency and need. And I reacted automatically to grab the back of her head with my left hand, wrap my right arm around her lower back, and pull her towards me to kiss her back with ferocious pent-up passion.


But then she suddenly jerked back away from me, wild horror in her glowing green eyes. She looked scared.


She looked terrified.


She looked… ashamed.


And only then did I realize that serpent scales had appeared all over her body, especially behind her head and neck where my hand still held her, as if the nearly indestructible metal had automatically risen up to protect her skin from the potential harm of my hand.


“Let them grow,” I told her quietly as I caressed her neck and maintained contact with her humiliated eyes. As I expected, my gentle touch manifested her viper’s hood beneath my fingers allowing me to stroke her in an erogenous zone she was only now discovering: a small piece of her serpent nature implicitly tied to the sexual feminine creature she craved to be. “You are gorgeous. You are beautiful. You are sexy and stunning and I want to be with you even more now than I did before. I love your scales, Ziyi. Let them grow.


And then I kissed her again.


She whined into my mouth and kissed ME again. Harder.


Desperately harder.


Blissfully relieved even harder.


So hard that her fangs drew blood against my lips.


I didn’t care. I kissed her right back. And hey, the sexual energy of even this kiss was more than enough to heal my cuts almost right away. So I laughed a little and used the fingers of my right hand to caress the scales spreading across her shoulders. Then I raised my right leg, hooked it over her hips to pull her body even closer to mine…


… and we KISSED.


And we KISSED.


And we KISSED.


We kissed without any urgency to escalate things any further beyond a kiss. I knew for a fact that Ziyi was a virgin, and even though I hadn’t cum in the last eight days (nine?), I was in no hurry to get my next one. I could still remember my own first kiss with great clarity, and I understood how special this moment was for her.


To feel accepted.


To feel loved.


The emotions involved were far more important than physical pleasure.


So we kissed.


As our passion grew, Ziyi parted her lips and instinctively fed her tongue into my mouth. I extended mine to tangle with hers, the teasing touch spurring her on even further. She tilted her head so that our mouths briefly separated before mashing back together at a slightly different angle, again and again. She inhaled sharply and exhaled breathlessly, and I found myself exulting in the blissful joy of each different orientation for discovering the pleasurable happiness of an innocent kiss.


Well, perhaps not quite so innocent. Ziyi still gripped my dick in her left hand as if holding on for dear life. She’d stopped stroking it while losing herself in the fresh ecstasy of kissing, but she eventually remembered she still had it in her hand between us. She paused for a moment to catch her breath, opening her eyes to stare straight into mine. She watched the flickers of pleasure in my irises when she resumed pumping her fist up and down my prick, and I parted my lips to moan.


She darted forward immediately but stopped an inch away, not quite kissing me. Instead she extended her very long, very thin forked serpent tongue into my mouth, tickling my teeth. It made me laugh, which made HER laugh, and then she finally pressed her lips to mine, kissed me even harder, and slithered her tongue deeper into my mouth where I had to play tonsil hockey with my own tongue for defense, all while she enthusiastically pumped my prick.


And then she rolled me onto my back.


Sensing what she was doing, I pulled my mouth off of hers and looked up at her. Ziyi stared down at me with wild green eyes, tousled hair, and a carnally voracious expression.


“Are you sure?” I asked carefully, willing her to understand with my eyes that I would still love and accept her exactly as she was without needing to escalate things to the next step.


“More sure than I have ever been in my life,” she breathed as she swung her leg over me, straddling my midsection.


Ziyi’s wet pussy pressed down against my prick, pinning it back against my belly. She instinctively slid herself back and forth along its length, riding my rod like a rail. At first she merely grinned and giggled while watching my face contort into various expressions of pleasure while she experimented with pace and pressure. Then she ducked her head to once again capture my lips with her own, kissing me possessively and growling predatorily as if I was about to become her next conquest.


Which… well… I was.


I didn’t even notice her shift the angle of her hips to get my cock aligned with her virgin entrance. I certainly FELT the first moment that she slid herself back, popping my prickhead through her soaking wet labia and into her pussy, and I pulled my head away from her kiss to moan as soon as I felt that unmistakable, unforgettable sudden warmth of being surrounded by a too-tight teenage snatch that had never been stretched before.


Ziyi squeaked and I looked up just in time to see fresh moisture in the battle-hardened warrior’s eyes when I felt myself tear through her maidenhead, and she reflexively arrested her descent while clamping up around me. It seemed like it had been a tough one that must’ve hurt quite a lot, because she was grimacing like she’d been stabbed in the gut with a short sword.


“Shhh… shhh… shhh…” I soothed, rubbing her lower back with my left hand while using my right thumb to brush away a teardrop that had started rolling down her cheek. I gave her an encouraging smile and murmured sincerely, “万事开头难,子仪”


Everything is difficult at the beginning, Ziyi.


She smiled back through her tears, cupped her cheek against my palm and then raised her hand to hold my hand even tighter to her face.


Wǒ ài nǐ, Chezhou,” she crooned sincerely.


I love you.


“I love you,” I told her in English, only mildly surprised to realize that I meant every single word, and not just as a way of making a recently deflowered girl feel better about said deflowering. Then I repeated, “I love you, Ziyi.”


Her eyes furrowed in confusion for a moment at the English words, but then a moment later she pulled her head back an inch as an expression of dawning realization spread across her face.


She’s hearing the translation in her mind, Dong explained to me quietly. She can understand you.


“I love you,” I repeated. “Wǒ ài nǐ.”


Ziyi smiled.


And then she sank all the way down.




I wish I could say that Ziyi’s first time was the Greatest Thing Ever in the history of Greatest Thing Evers, but in truth it was merely “pretty good”.


I knew that Jade could use her shapeshifter skills to expand and mold her pussy around my big dick so that she never felt overly stretched out, produce copious amounts of lube on command so that she never felt overly chafed, and generally fuck my brains out for hours on end without any negative side-effects. But Ziyi hadn’t learned those skills yet, and her poor virgin pussy reacted to its deflowering much like a normal human girl’s poor virgin pussy would.




There was blood on my shaft from where her hymen had torn, and there was a tension in Ziyi’s eyes the whole time she rode me. She felt pleasure, sure, but there was also some pain. And although I used my extensive library of techniques built up from years and years of experience to concentrate on making her feel good and ultimately made sure she still had an orgasm during her first time having sex, I didn’t draw things out, rolling her over onto her back and pumping hard to get my own orgasm sooner than later, ultimately pulling out and spilling my load all over her mons.


Both of us were hot and sweaty, the thick blankets tossed aside while our steaming bodies cooled in the morning air. Still, she turned to set her cheek on my chest while I encircled her with my arm, panting hard from her exertions and smiling up at me with a post-orgasmic glow.


Flush with fresh sex-energy, I smiled back at her and leaned in to kiss her. She hummed happily, reached up to hold my cheek, and kissed me back with affectionate warmth, if no longer passionate heat.


When she pulled back, her green eyes were still aglow with happiness, and she repeated once more, “Wo ai ni.”


Wo ai ni,” I replied in kind.


She studied my face for a moment, furrowed her eyebrows and then sat up a bit. Her lips moved hesitantly for a second, with no sounds coming out. But then a moment later, she stated slowly and haltingly, “I… ruv… you…”


In English.


I chuckled and replied back, also in English, “I love you, too.”


Again, Ziyi took on an expression that told me she was hearing the Mandarin translation in her mind. She smirked and then told me in Mandarin, “Say something else in your language.”


I thought about that for a beat before smiling and saying in English, “The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all.”


Bro, did you seriously just quote Mulan???


‘What? You started it,’ I thought back with a smile.


Ziyi was likewise smiling as she once again took on the expression of understanding. She then shook her head in disbelief, scarcely able to comprehend what was happening. And perhaps the simple magic of being able to translate the English language in her head reminded her that there was a different kind of magic she’d been looking for yesterday, because she sat up quickly and asked, “Can you make the water ball now?”


I didn’t know what she meant at first, muttering, “‘Water ball’?”


“You know: the magic spinning water ball that exploded on the guards,” she said excitedly.


“Oh, well… I… uhhh…” I fumbled before frowning. “Maybe we should go outside for that. I wouldn’t want the thing to explode in here and destroy all our stuff.”


She rolled her eyes but waggled her head a second later. “Fine. Hurry up! I want to see it!”


Giddy as a schoolgirl, Ziyi slipped off the bed and stood up, stretching her arms out wide. Those amazing big titties bounced quite buoyantly as she did so, which made me go slack-jawed and a bit drooling as I ogled her. She giggled and made her ta-tas dance side-to-side for me, clearly enjoying my ardent gaze. She then looked down at her own bouncing boobies for a moment before the sticky strings of my semen on her pelvic mound caught her attention, and she scraped some of it off her belly with her fingers.


“I thank you for being thoughtful and considerate,” she said flippantly with an indifferent shrug, “but you don’t need to worry about impregnating me. Hui are infertile.”


“Oh, uh… I should’ve known that. I’m sorry.”


“Nothing to apologize for,” she stated dismissively, although I caught the briefest of grimaces on Ziyi’s face. If I had to guess, knowing that she could never bear children didn’t necessarily weigh on her, but at the same time, that knowledge could only make her feel even further away from being fully human than she already felt.


But it was only a fleeting grimace, and she went back to smiling gaily again as she raised her fingers to her lips and took an experimental lick at my man goo.


“Mmm!” she hummed happily as if tasting longxusu or Dragon’s Beard candy. “Does all semen taste as good as this?”


“Ah, I’ve never actually tasted it myself, but I’m told the answer to that question is, ‘No. Nobody else’s semen tastes as good as mine.’”


Ziyi’s eyes narrowed. “Perhaps I shouldn’t take your word for it. Perhaps I should seduce the next man I see to find out firsthand for myself.”


Sensing the challenge in Ziyi’s voice, I smirked and stated coolly, “Over my dead body. You’re my woman now, Ziyi. I love you, you love me, and in the eyes of Qinglong you are now bound to me and only me.”


Her green eyes sizzled. “And are YOU likewise bound to me and only me?”


Danger, Will Robinson! Danger!


I grinned and issued my own challenge. “If you are able to satisfy me all by yourself, I would have no need to look elsewhere.”


Ziyi grinned rather… malevolently… and for a moment I saw the future Jade’s condescending confidence on her face, the kind of expression that plainly said, Challenge: Accepted.


But a moment later, Ziyi blushed and giggled, saying, “I want to say yes, and yet I cannot deny that I very much want to see you making… to see you fucking… a whole bunch of other girls again. To see you dominating girls like Lianhua, Guiying, Puning, and the others.”


I chuckled. “Really? I thought watching me do that stuff made you uncomfortable. So uncomfortable that you kept leaving.”


“I kept leaving because watching you made me so horny. I kept watching you, wishing I could lie down before you and spread my legs the way I watched those women spreading themselves for you. I wished I could push my face into their pussies after you had made them orgasm so I could lick out their cream and see if it was as sweet as I imagined. I kept leaving because had to slip away to where nobody could see me so that I could rub myself in private, feeling flush with shame, unable to stop myself.”




Ziyi blushed again and twisted away from me, covering her breasts as if feeling embarrassed to be naked in front of me. She shrugged and said, “It was a good thing I did, too, actually. It was only because I was out in the receiving room at Puning’s palace that I saw the Huodou and the soldiers approaching and was able to stop them.”


I blinked twice. “Stop them? I seem to recall the Huodou blasting you into the bedroom through the outside window, nearly killing you in the process.”


“Precisely!” Ziyi pronounced, her chin held high. “Had I not intervened, the Huodou would have probably caught you completely unawares, and his fireblast would have incinerated you before you could raise a single ice shield. Speaking of: I want my spinning water ball! A BIG one!”


I laughed and swung my legs over the edge of the bed shelf, ready to get up.


“Whatever my princess desires, she shall receive.”




After getting dressed and going outside, I really did make Ziyi a spinning water ball, and a really big one at that. Being flush with sex-energy really did give me a boost, not only in my power level but also in my focus and fine control. My senses of vision, hearing, smell, and touch all felt sharper. I instinctively knew what hand gestures to make and how to make them. And it readily became apparent that I could once again do pretty much everything I’d previously been able to do that night at the Imperial Palace.


Massive, double-edged ice sword? Check.


Sharp icicle daggers? Check-check-check.


Floating ice platforms? Well, yes, but they got a little less stable and a LOT less reliable the bigger I tried to make them, such as the big ones forty feet up in the air like I’d tried to make while leaping off of the palace walls.


Small ice platforms that lasted just long enough for me to quickly step on them and reach for the next one before evaporating? Those I could do pretty well, and I managed to scamper a dozen or so steps across a small creek not far from our mountain cave, ascending about ten feet up in the air before the last disc didn’t quite materialize the way I needed it to, and I wound up face-planting into said creek.


“Maybe you need more sex-energy?” Ziyi suggested while I crawled my soggy ass out of the water.


I smirked. “Worth a shot.”


So we went back to the cave, hung out my wet clothes to dry by the fire, and crawled back into bed.


And we gave it a shot.


And another shot.


And another shot.


He’s talking about sex now. Just in case you weren’t clear on that.


Holy shit, Ziyi was insatiable. Perhaps it was because we were still in the Longmen Mountains with so much metal energy nearby to help her heal, because her pussy didn’t feel sore at all anymore. Perhaps it was because she was a shapeshifter who was starting to learn how to expand and mold her pussy around my big dick so that she never felt overly stretched out, how to produce copious amounts of lube on command so that she never felt overly chafed, and generally be able to fuck my brains out for hours on end without any negative side-effects.


Bit of both?


Whatever the reasons, Ziyi became an animal, and I don’t mean that as a snake pun. She wanted to have sex all the time, as often as I could get it up, and well… you already know that sex is my superpower, so I could get it up as often as I needed to.


And I needed to a lot.


A LOT, a lot.


Sooooo much sex. Holy fucking shit she was insatiable.


You think that Jade had wanted to fuck me non-stop after we’d first gotten together? She had nothing on her younger counterpart. It was like Ziyi and I were making up for lost time after all those nights snuggled together in bed with my hand on her bare breast but NOT doing any hanky-panky other than that. Hell, it was like we were making up for lost time dating back to the first time we’d met each other… which, technically, wasn’t THAT much longer, but you get the gist. We were having a LOT of sex, and if it wasn’t for the fact that Ziyi ALSO wanted to see what other non-sex superpower abilities I could come up with, we probably would’ve ended up having sex every waking minute of every single day.


But she DID want to see what other non-sex superpower abilities I could come up with, so for the next two weeks, we pretty much fell into a routine that consisted of having sex, trying out my abilities, having more sex, brainstorming some more abilities, eating a bit, having more sex, trying out more abilities, and then having more sex.


Yeah, it was pretty much the Greatest Thing Ever.


That first time we “gave it a shot” after my little dip in the creek, Ziyi was both excited and enthusiastic but also slightly nervous and apprehensive, as any recent virgin surely would be. Lack of experience meant that she both wanted to try new things but also felt hesitant about trying new things, so I took my time introducing her to all the basics before attempting anything fancy.


I made love to her missionary-style beneath the blankets, listening to her breathy moans and cute little gasps as I drove her up the proverbial wall over and over and over again before filling her womb with all my baby batter for the very first time.


Since she’d already experienced cowgirl, I then introduced her to doggy-style sex, which she enjoyed well enough for the physical pleasure of it, although she found it somewhat lacking in the emotional-connection department.


“I want to be able to look into your eyes,” she murmured cutely with big doe eyes after we were both done, her lower lip jutting forward to pout.


“Then look into my eyes,” I replied with a smirk. “Don’t tell me your serpentine spine can’t twist around a little.


She mused on that, grinned, and promptly bent over on all fours once more.


She then kept her chest pointed downwards while rotating her head around a hundred and eighty degrees, which was honestly more freaky than anything else, and NOT in a good way. Quite frankly, I had zero interest in sticking myself into her at that moment, no matter how glorious her ass was.


Ziyi immediately laughed at the expression on my face and turned her torso and shoulders to adopt a much more natural position, still on her knees and her right arm but reaching back to me with her left arm, showing off her yoga-like flexibility to caress my cheek and coyly invite me to enter her pleasure palace once more. I did so quite happily and leaned over her for a sweet kiss. And we remained face-to-face like that, rhythmically pumping away, until we each showed each other our “O” face once more.


After that, we went outside to do more water and ice manipulation, and with some practice I was able to fashion a water rope like in Avatar: The Last Airbender and control it to the point where I could use it as a jump rope.


I was also able to use it like a lasso, binding Ziyi around her waist and then tugging her back towards the cave so I could introduce her to other forms of lovemaking.


That introduction started with Ziyi’s adorably shy request to inspect my male equipment, followed by her careful and cautious examination of cock and balls. Examination turned into experimentation, first with her hands and fingers, then her talented tongue, then her supple lips, and finally with her entire mouth.


Ziyi’s first blowjob was all hesitation and anxiety. She was terrified that her fangs would come out involuntarily and that she’d bite me, which (to be fair) she actually did.






Fortunately, sex was my superpower, so I healed pretty fast from those occasions. Still, her inability to control herself only made her even more nervous, so I wound up introducing her to cunnilingus as a form of distraction, which she absolutely LOVED.


No, seriously, she kept screaming, “Wo ai ni! Wo ai ni! Wo ai ni!” the whole time I ate her out. Hell, she might’ve liked me eating her out even better than sex.


And when she finally pushed my head away, she got all energized to give me a proper blowjob without a hint of hesitation or anxiety, and she promptly expanded her throat open, deep-throated my dick, and hammered her face up and down my throbbing cock until I grunted and filled her belly with all my tasty cum.


Great Dragon Lord she looks so fucking awesome with those supple lips wrapped around the very base of your rod.


‘Agreed. Fuck yeah.’


She’d barely finished swallowing the last drop before she mounted my still-hard shaft and then rode me like a rodeo clown with all the spastic herky-jerky arm flailing, twisting tornado hair flying, and wobbly gyroscopic wriggling that made her convulsing cunt clamp down around my cock in indescribably incredible ways that felt so fucking good that as soon as her snatch started spasming in orgasmic ecstasy, it started sucking out all my scalding sperm as well.


And that was only the first morning of the first day.


With a near-constant flow of fresh sex-energy, I found myself able to not only alter the course of the creek’s current, but I could actually surround an individual fish within its own ball of water, levitate that ball of water out of the creek (fish and all), float the whole thing over to Ziyi’s open bag, make the water evaporate, and allow the fish to drop neatly straight into her bag.


Ziyi tested my defenses by throwing pebbles in my general direction so that I could practice throwing up small ice shields to deflect the pebbles aside.


Then she started hurling fist-sized rocks straight at my face, forcing me to be a little quicker about my shielding. I actually missed blocking one and the rock smashed into my forehead right above my eye.




But Ziyi’s solution was to sink to her knees right in front of me, inhale my dick, and aggressively facefuck herself on my fuckstick until the gaping wound above my eye had completely healed, followed by jacking my steaming sperm all over her big tits and then scooping up the globs and popping them into her mouth with relish.


After that, I told her she could hit me in the face with a rock anytime. Hell, I wanted to purposefully miss blocking the next one just so I could get another wild blowjob like that.


Ziyi’s favorite way to make love was missionary-style, holding my head and staring into my eyes while we rolled and writhed together like intertwined sinuous snakes. She whimpered, “Wo ai ni” into my ear more times than there are stars in the sky, and she always had deeply satisfying orgasm whenever she felt me filling her up from the inside with all my liquid love.


But her second-favorite way to have sex was to ride me cowgirl, setting the tempo and controlling her own pleasure. She always grinned and giggled and threw her hands in the air like she just didn’t care, reveling in the sheer joy of ecstatic bliss as she athletically fucked me until she brought both of us to screaming orgasms.


Cowgirl was also Dong’s favorite position. He was quite appreciative of Ziyi’s bouncing boobies, after all.


Bounce, titties, bounce!


But we were by no means limited to only the two positions. Even though sex wasn’t necessarily Ziyi’s superpower as well, she still had superhuman strength and stamina. She liked to sixty-nine with me standing up while she was flipped upside down, wrapping her legs around my neck for stability and aggressively bobbing her head back and forth along my big dick. She could hold a wheelbarrow position for what felt like hours, and even walk around our cave on her hands like that while we kept fucking. And even though the position didn’t readily lend itself to being able to look into my eyes, she said she rather enjoyed me hammering her face-down, ass-up body while she closed her eyes and fondly recalled watching me pounding Puning, Lianhua, or any of the others in a similar manner.


She definitely orgasmed a lot in those situations. Hell, she orgasmed a lot in every situation.


She crooned her climaxes into my ear while clutching my heaving body above hers with all four limbs.


She howled her happiness while hedonistically humping herself up and down my big dick.


And she mewled her love for me over and over and over again from almost every position we tried, but most especially whenever I went down on her and slithered my not-quite-snakelike-but-still-pretty-long tongue deep into her pussy and ate her out to orgasm after orgasm after orgasm.


And I had plenty of orgasms, too.


I filled her convulsing cunt with all my creamy cum.


I bathed her big boobies with blasts of boiling baby batter.


I even thrust my turgid tool into the tight tunnel of her tractable throat to spill my slimy semen straight into her stomach.


We came and we CAME and we CAME.


We fucked, we ate, we fucked, we played around with my powers, and we fucked some more. We made love tenderly beneath the sheets and athletically rode each other all over the cave (and several times outside of the cave as well).


So yeah: Greatest Thing Ever.


At least until Ziyi decided to actually withhold sex from me.




“You may have supernatural water powers that I can only dream of, but you still can’t take a punch,” Ziyi scoffed with a teasing smirk while flexing her fingers above my face and then tapping the tip of my nose.


Lying flat on my back across a grassy patch of semi-even ground amidst the mountain forest, I groaned and fought to get my eyes to stop wobbling around in erratic spirals, only managing to bring her face back into focus with concerted effort. We had been doing defensive training again, this time with Ziyi not only throwing rocks at my face, but also darting in and around me to execute various Kung Fu moves with her hands, fists, legs, and even tail to force me to continually block her supernaturally fast attacks. Obviously, I’d failed to block all of them. And I’d just now received a four-knuckle punch right in the face for my most recent failure.


“Well if I kill every soldier who tries to get within a hundred feet of me, I’ll never have to worry about taking a punch,” I groaned. After taking a deep breath to collect myself, I gave her a lopsided grin and said plaintively, “I’m hurt. We need more sex to heal me.”


Ziyi’s green eyes glittered as she gave me her own lopsided smirk with the kind of haughty, disdainful expression that convinced me she would indeed someday become the Jade I remembered. She had that malevolence in her eyes, albeit a playful malevolence, while she intoned, “You want to get back in my pussy? You’ll have to defeat me first.”


I blinked. “What?”


“I mean it: no more sex until you defeat me.” Ziyi’s eyes glittered again as she stood up and turned to walk away without helping me off the ground. Feeling my gaze on her lithe and limber body, she gave me a coy look over her shoulder and briefly let her clothes melt away, revealing her spectacular body from behind in all its naked glory.


Dude, look at dat ass. It’s spectacular. Seriously, get the fuck up, Dong chided.


‘I’m getting up, I’m getting up.’


It took me a minute, but I did get up. After brushing dust and dirt off my clothes, I took a deep breath and assessed the situation. So far, I’d pretty much spent all my time in one place, defending myself in a 360-circle against all of Ziyi’s various attacks. But this time she remained where she was about fifty feet away from me, profiling herself with her shapely backside and a bit of side-boob. Her hands were to her sides, not up in a defensive position. But I could sense her snake-like alertness, her muscles coiled and ready to move.


“Catch me if you can…” she challenged musically, slithering out her forked tongue and waggling it with a tease.


Raising my right index and middle fingers, I pressed my thumb to them and then whipped the trio around with my wrist. A water rope shot forth with lightning speed as I concentrated on snagging her around the waist, but she was ready for me and too far away, springing in a single bound behind a tree well before the rope reached her.


But I knew that. The rope itself was more distraction than anything else, as I’d let go of it almost as soon as I shot it forward. Allowing the stretched-out strand of water to fly as straight as an arrow, I sprinted forward after it, closing the gap between us. And when she ducked behind a tree, I extended my arm with the hand palm out, creating an ice barrier to the side of the tree which would prevent her escape in that direction, flushing her out to the left. And sure enough, she came out from behind the tree on the unblocked left side, directly in front of me.


Anticipating the move, my second water rope was already on its way. This one I actually expected would snag her, but with lightning quickness, Ziyi sprang straight UP and out of the way, morphing into a Mangshan pit viper and coiling herself around a thick branch.


Raising my knees as I continued running, I materialized a half-dozen ice platforms beneath my feet to continue my forward momentum while also progressively raising my elevation fifteen feet in the air. Leaping off the top one, I was in the perfect position to snag her again, but she slithered the length of the branch, transformed back into a human at the end, and vaulted herself into the open air with both arms extended.


I watched Ziyi perform a gymnastic somersault before hitting the ground neatly on her feet, rolling into another somersault to bleed off her excess momentum. I still remembered watching her dodge city guards with all the grace and ease of a parkour professional that first day I’d arrived in Luoyang, and I inwardly groaned realizing just how difficult catching her would be.


Plus, I had my own problems to deal with. I was fifteen feet in the air going in the wrong direction, and I did NOT possess professional parkour skills.


Fortunately, I had other new skills I’d developed over the past few days.


I started by flinging a water rope out in front of me, wrapping it around the same thick branch that Ziyi had just leaped off of. Tightening my grip, I used the water rope as an impromptu Tarzan vine, using it to swing myself downward towards the ground without splatting against the ground like a bug and then ride my momentum back upwards.


Unfortunately, I was still developing my new skills. I certainly hadn’t mastered them.


That lack of mastery became immediately evident when for some reason, my stupid brain came up with the brilliant idea of continuing my Tarzan move by creating another water rope on a different branch and leaping from one rope to the other. Honestly, I would’ve been better off imagining myself as Spider-Man, creating a second web-strand and ensuring I was properly attached to said second web-strand before letting go of the first one. But no, it was Tarzan that entered my head, and while I successfully created a second water rope, I did NOT successfully make the leap from the first to the next.






Face-down in the dirt, I groaned at the pain radiating throughout my entire body. Fuck. Fuck. FUCK.


I didn’t hear no bell! Get up! Get up! Catch her and you’ll get to have sex with her. And you’ll heal. And you’ll get to have sex with her! Get up!


‘I’m getting up, I’m getting up.’


Twenty feet away, Ziyi posed prettily, put her hand beneath her chin with her fingers extended, and she blew me a kiss.


I growled and got to my feet.


You got this, buddy. You got this.


I didn’t have it.


Rather than run away, Ziyi stood her ground and adopted a fighting stance with both hands raised to eye level and sharp-clawed fingers pointing forwards. The left hand extended and the right hand cocked behind her ear as she grinned and repeated, “Catch me if you can…”


I knew I couldn’t defeat her in hand-to-hand combat, but I clenched the fingers of both hands to form a trio of floating round snowballs with each of them. Throwing one set after the other, I forced her to deflect the six snowballs which gave me enough of an opportunity to wrap a new water rope around her waist and jerk her towards me.


“Caught you,” I growled triumphantly as I dragged her to within a few feet in front of me.


“Have you?” she challenged before transforming into a snake again, dropping to the ground, and then springing away. Morphing into her hybrid form on the way, she lashed out with her powerful tail, which caught me right across the jaw, sending me spinning through the air to fall flat on my face in the dirt again.








Three minutes later, she grabbed me, spun me around, and slammed me into a tree trunk.


Two minutes after that, she tripped me from behind and I fell flat on my back, which knocked the wind out of me.


I actually almost had her right after that, freezing her hands against a tree branch with ice balls that locked her into place so that for whatever reason, she couldn’t even shapeshift into a snake to escape. But she was still able to shapeshift her legs into a tail, using it to slam into my midsection like a baseball bat with enough force to knock me back into the creek.


‘Please tell me I DO eventually catch her,’ I silently groaned while I crawled my soggy ass out of the water.


It has already been written.




Shut up and keep trying. This is good exercise.




Every muscle in my body ached, some of them having never ached before. I was a lover, not a fighter, after all, and I’d certainly never been in a fight like this before.


Fortunately, the ice balls that had magically frozen her hands to the branch sustained themselves, no matter how much Ziyi struggled to free herself. She used her powerful tail to try and smash the ice balls without success. I saw her frowning in frustration as she tried to shapeshift back into a snake and slip away. But perhaps there was something unbreakable about the magical bonds, and with that idea in mind, I concentrated on forming another magical ice ball to similarly trap her tail.


I literally froze her tail to the ground.


Ziyi couldn’t move.


“Caught you…” I crooned musically, feeling a fleeting sensation of triumph.


“Let me go!” Ziyi shouted.


“‘Catch me if you can…’” I quoted with a smirk. “That’s what you said, right? Looks like I can.”


“Let me go!” she yelled even louder, turning to fix me with a fiery hot glare that stopped me dead in my tracks.


She was crying.


She was scared.


She was terrified.


Her body had been covered in scales throughout the fight, just another part of her battle armor. But the scales were now climbing up her face, covering her cheeks and forehead for extra defense. She was shaking - trembling, really. And it became quite clear to me that nothing scared her more than being so trapped that she was literally unable to move.


I snapped my fingers and the ice balls around her hands and tail abruptly disappeared.


And then she collapsed.


“Ziyi! Ziyi!” I exclaimed, feeling just a bit terrified myself. Kneeling quickly, I scooped her into my arms and held her tenderly against my chest. Ziyi shuddered and then swooned, her eyes closing while her head lolled against my shoulder. I rocked her slowly back and forth, urging, “Ziyi… Ziyi… I’m so sorry. It was just a game! I didn’t know! I never meant to hurt you.”


“Che…” she blubbered into my neck. “Chezhou…”


“It’s okay… It’s okay… I’m here. I’m here. I’m so sorry! So sorry! I never meant to hurt you! I love you, Ziyi! I would NEVER hurt you!”


“I-I know…” she stuttered, briefly looking up at me before clenching her eyes shut and pushing her face back into my neck. Her arms went up around me, clutching me close. “I know…”


“I’m sorry, Ziyi. I’m so sorry. I love you. I love you. I love you.”


Wo ai ni, Chezhou. Wo ai ni.”


It was true. I loved her.


I was in love with Ziyi.


The year was A.D. 908. I’d transported myself over a thousand years into the past to be here in this place. To be here in this time.


With her.


With Ziyi.


Forget my iPhone. Forget Instagram. Forget the internet.


Forget air conditioning or central heating.


Forget even fucking In-N-Out.


For her.


To be with her.


For all The Matrix jokes I’d already endured, Ziyi was The One. I knew it. I FELT it.


She was my Destiny.


I was meant to stay here.


I was meant to be with HER.


For the rest of my life.


Wo ai ni.


For anyone who can't wait, VIP Tier will maintain a one-month head start.

Remember that all authors thrive on feedback, so let me know how you're enjoying the story! Leave a comment here or come chat with us on Discord! And be sure to connect your Discord account here on the Patreon website to get access to the Patron-Only channels! https://discord.gg/fg3m6MdfN9


Prologue & Chapter 1: The Ax Effect: https://www.patreon.com/posts/102225387

Chapter 2: Santa Monica: https://www.patreon.com/posts/102437478

Chapter 3: The Zellij Fountain: https://www.patreon.com/posts/102691018

Chapter 4: Euhemerism: https://www.patreon.com/posts/102919819

Chapter 5: The Fremont Troll: https://www.patreon.com/posts/103191700

Chapter 6: Jade: https://www.patreon.com/posts/103443053

Chapter 7: The Blue Gecko: https://www.patreon.com/posts/103699709

Chapter 8: Yaoguai: https://www.patreon.com/posts/103978374

Chapter 9: Rome: https://www.patreon.com/posts/104213388

Chapter 10: Seeing Sights: https://www.patreon.com/posts/104466709

Chapter 11: Liu Kang: https://www.patreon.com/posts/104728056

Chapter 12: Ziyi: https://www.patreon.com/posts/104949855

Chapter 13: Huodou: https://www.patreon.com/posts/105203881

Chapter 14: Longmen: https://www.patreon.com/posts/105600662

Chapter 15: Difficult: https://www.patreon.com/posts/105783706


JeanMartin Freites

I cannot put into words just how much bouncing around there is with Ziyi and how she feels about Aksel at any given time. At least this same things appeared to be stabilizing somewhat. For one thing after all this time they finally have sex. Not only that but they spend literal weeks at it still. With some breaks of course. If Ziyi's kind are sterile then I can't help but wonder how they even reproduced. I do you think that this is something that will be answered eventually so I'm not going to spend too much time focusing on it. But one thing that really did catch my eye was the ending and how Ziyi's reaction to being bound and immobilized. There is clearly a story there.