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When her two handsome boys returned, Tifa was dressed, although she might as well have not been. The outfit was tight, a short black skirt and a white top that she hadn’t worn in years held together only by a pair of suspenders so constricting that her jiggling stomach rolled over the top, but it was the sweat that was staining it that really showed the difference.

She hadn’t noticed them come in, giving Cloud a clear wobbling view of her butterball profile. Fat breasts perched on top of a fatter tum, with jiggling thighs and a shelf for an ass that hiked up her skirt. Her belly was trying to break the suspenders and snap the belt of her bottoms, even though they were set to the final loophole, as Tifa’s belly billowed with wheezes. She was hardly able to hold herself up on their kitchen counter.

“MaMAAH!” Zack’s shout turned into a playful giggle as Cloud snatched him up with one arm and began twisting him around. “Ahhhh! Stobbit! Daaad!”

Cloud saw Tifa stumble back three steps, dropping into a chair at the table before he flipped Zack back over with a flourish. The young boy twirled before landing on his feet and catching the falling groceries in the bag.

“Mean!” he objected up towards his dad before racing forward. “Mama! Did you see me flip?”

“I-” Tifa paused to groan. “I saw, baby. Real high.”

“Real high!” the child grinned and held up the bag. “We gotchu noodles and more of the ice cream and- phew, you’re stinky.”

Tifa narrowed her eyes and released another puff.  Her pose on the seat had one arm in her lap, the other behind her back. She talked in short sentences, still huffing for breath. “Yes. I know sweetie. But you’re not supposed to say that. Girls always smell like flowers. Remember?”

“Stinky flowers…”

Cloud dipped in to protect his fellow man. “Alright, soldier. Head off to wash up, and I’ll get breakfast started. You gonna give Mama her gift?”

“Oh! Yes.”

Zack dug into his loaded bag and Tifa gave Cloud a speculative eyebrow.

“I got this!” Zack proclaimed. He held up a small piece of wrapping paper. She took it, unwrapping a little ball that looked like frosted blue materia. “It’s mochi from the mochi cart. Papa said it reminds him of you.”

Tifa desperately fought to keep her scowl from turning into a smile as she looked up into the soft, knowing grin. “Thanks,” she said flatly.

“You’re welcome!” the boy grinned before Cloud clapped him on his back. 

“Alright. Go wash.”

“Mmmkay!” He hurried from the room.

Tifa put her mochi ball down on the table. She went to stand but found Cloud’s immobile hand pressing her shoulder down. “No chance.”

Tifa bubbled and gurgled before whining. “I can do it!”

“You cannot,” he coldly replied. “Hand it over.”

Tifa puckered her lips in a bright pout. “One more try.”

Cloud didn’t move. “How many have you tried already? You’re soaking wet.”

“It’s not that bad!” Tifa wobbled. The action was too much for the belt and the leather snapped free, letting her belly bounce until the strained suspenders caught and hoisted her up.

She glared down at her stomach before looking back up at him. “One more.”

He took one step back and crossed his arms over his chest, glaring.

Tifa gripped the table to help her stand back up, trying to convince herself that her thighs weren’t exhausted beyond even carrying her own porky weight. She lifted the hand she’d been concealing, revealing a green object. Pure elemental materia.

She pointed it directly at the wood burner stove.

“Fire,” she panted.

Then she was in his arms, being carried like the world’s sweatiest princess. She was struggling to breath, every muscle burning inside. Her arms had gone limp, her tummy rolled over her padded thighs, and her eyes were having a hard time focusing as droplets of sweat stained her sight.

“You’re so stubborn,” he whispered. “But you can’t be dumb. You’ll get yourself hurt.”

She didn’t have the energy to respond. 

“And if you get hurt, you could hurt her too.”

For that, she didn’t have the words.

He put her down gently onto a plush rocking chair, careful to keep her long hair free from being pinched by her butt. Then he went to the side of the chair and pulled a lever, putting her feet up but not leaning her too far back. She realized that her suspenders had snapped, now hanging useless to the sides of her breasts.

He got a blanket and put it over her middle, then went and retrieved her ball of fresh ice cream.

She looked at his hand as he held it in front of her before leaning forward and nibbling the ball in half. 

“You need to get your energy back up,” he told her. “I’ll get some chocolates too.”

She reached over and took the ball from his hand. “What about… breakfast?”

“You’ll be able to eat enough. Probably starving as it is.”

She was more than starving. She was famished, so hungry that her tummy had stopped rumbling and the little child inside was constantly niggling her. Zack traipsed up as Cloud returned with a thick, unwrapped chocolate bar.

“Mama? Are you alright?”

Tifa held a breath before sighing. “Yeah, baby. Just… getting old.”

“You still look young to me, Mama!” he grinned.

Despite herself, Tifa felt a small smile pull up on her lips. “Thanks, sweetie.”

“You’re just fat!”

She couldn’t even be mad. Her son was too cute. She bit on the chocolate, a fat and pregnant piglet in a blanket, before she looked up at Cloud. “Your fault,” she smirked.

“Mhmm,” he responded. “It’s my fault that you can’t stop stuffing your face.”

“I’m glad you agree,” she took the second half of the bar and put the entirety in her mouth for one huge chomp.

He leaned down and kissed his piggy on her soft cheek, eliciting a truly fat smile.

“Oh hey! I know this!!” Tifa looked up to see Zack had wandered away. He was picking up the green materia orb.

“Zack, that’s not a-”

“Fira!” the boy shouted.

A large globule of flame splashed into the black iron stove, catching the wood into a quickened inferno. Sparks popped outward, rebounding off of the slab of granite the stove was perched on and setting the stockpile of wood to smolder. The coils up top began a pleasant warm glow.

Tifa stared.

“Wow,” Cloud folded his arms. “That was pretty good. I thought for a second you were going to hit the wall.”

Zack beamed.

Tifa continued to stare before a rumble from her tummy had her put her face in her hands, emitting a groan that sounded like a dying bloatfloat.

Another chocolate bar was perched on her belly before Cloud asked, “So, you want to help with the noodles?”

“Yush!” Zack chirped. He hurried off to the window to grab a stepping stool.

The parents exchanged a look. 

“Don’t you dare,” Tifa warned.

Cloud continued his teasing smile.

“I’m already mad enough at you as it is,” Tifa tried to cross her arms over her breasts. She failed, her breasts too big and too sore to comfortably cross between her weighty arms, and she was forced to rest them on top of her tum. 

“Me? What’d I do?”

“You…” Tifa began before looking at their son. Zack was struggling to get a large saucepan out of one of the drawers.

Cloud glanced. “Hey, solder. I need you to do something else for me.”


The blonde man reached for his pocket, withdrawing a pouch full of gil. “Aunt Marlene’s been making a special summer cake. Will you go see if she’ll sell you one for Mama? You remember which house is theirs, right?”

The little sea-green eyes sparkled powerfully, but it was followed by a Tifa-sized dribble of sugar-craving drool. “Can I have one too?!”

“Of course,” Cloud ruffled his hair.

“Yes!” Zack ran for the door but stopped, turning around and hurrying back to Tifa. “Bye Mama!” he called with a bow, and then he was gone.

Tifa turned to Cloud, her cheeks bright pink. She didn’t have to say anything.

“He reminds me of you when we were little,” Cloud watched him run off. 

“No way!” Tifa’s blush brightened. She put the lever down and stood from her chair. “He’s way more like his father.”

Cloud snorted. He moved to the window and looked outside.

The sun had risen, coloring the clear blue sky. Their yard wasn’t much, but it was real. A yard with grass and with flowers, which bloomed in spite of Tifa’s horrendous gardening skills. Zack ran across the patch of lawn to the street, turning back to wave as Tifa wobbled up to his father. 

“I don’t think I was ever that happy,” Cloud replied.

“That’s not true,” Tifa took his arm. She leaned into his shoulder and felt his hand cup the lowest part of her tummy. “You were always like that when you were with me.”

He chuckled, an actual deep and filling chuckle that made her feel so happy and warm. She clutched him tight, then letting him twist her as he dipped her back for a deep, filling kiss.

He broke it off after a moment and the two just stared into each other’s eyes.

Everything had changed except for that gaze. Even though the color had been altered, Cloud’s eyes were his, just as they always had been. And he’d always been hers.

“You are so lucky that you’re so frikin cute…” she whispered, her fingers tightening in his shirt.

“What? What I’d do?”

“I’m not wearing this old outfit because I want to, Cloud!” Tifa took a step back. “Look, I wanted to show you what your hands did.”

Tifa lifted up her top. There was the sound of several threads being pulled past their limit before her breasts tumbled out, forced again to either side of her tummy. Her fluffy tips where indented now, with a slick shine of wet sweat making her skin glow in the morning light. “Look at my hip!” She tugged on her skirt. 

It didn’t move. 

Tifa had to struggle to bring it down, her body exploding over the top like dough from its wrapping. Finally, she managed to find the large purple bruise which peaked over the top. “And my ribs!” She twisted her soft doughy body, love handles forming a big fatty roll. There was another swelling purple bruise just beneath her armpit. “You’re too rough sometimes! I bruise easily!”

She looked up to pout at her lover.

He wasn’t looking at her. He was looking out the window all of two feet away.

Tifa loosed a small “Eeep!” as she shot backwards, a three-hundred-pound pregnant bowling ball. She covered herself with her arms. After a moment she asked. “D-did anyone see?”

“I don’t think so.”

Tifa grumbled, reaching down and poking her belly. She gripped herself by the navel. “I really am hormonal, aren’t I? Idiot.”

“You’re pregnant,” Cloud said, finally turning to look at her. “And you’re huge. Bigger every day. Of course you’re feeling off balance.”

“It’s not just that,” she closed her hands over herself, lifting and dropping her weighty stomach. “I got so peeved earlier cause you made me swear again.”

Cloud narrowed his eyes.

“That one really is your fault!” she blushed. “I wouldn’t do if it weren’t so… If you didn’t… Blaaaah!” 

“You got mad at me for… making love to you?”

“I got mad cause you’re too fuc- raaaah!” Tifa wiggled, pulling her top back down. It split at the seams but she didn’t notice. She was plodding on her swollen cankles to the icebox, reaching in and grabbing a cool blue cardboard container. The icon on the front, an obese blonde woman nearly twice the size of Tifa, flexed an arm with non-existent muscles. In her other hand she held pudgy fingers over a whale sized ice cream sandwich.

Tifa’s favorite brand, ‘Fat’s Bounty,’ had developed into an extreme comfort food. She dropped the box after securing her prize.

She unwrapped the huge vanilla-stuffed cookie and slamming about half into her mouth all at once. “Yor too good a’ it!” she belted, scattering a mouthful of crumbs into her vanilla-stuffed cleavage. “‘Akin’ ‘e schware in fro’ o’ the babi.”

“You’re mad because you swore in front of the baby?”

Tifa nodded, her pale pink lips sloppy with drips of vanilla. She could hardly open her mouth wide enough for the bar, but she shoved as much in as could fit.

“Tifa,” he said, trying not to sound as if he thought she was being overly emotional.

She swallowed. “Don’t talk as if you think I’m being overly emotional!”

He let out a breath, before lifting his arms. “I know. You’re not. You’re being perfectly reasonable.”

She narrowed her eyes at him, but her mouth was too full to submit any accusation. Her belly rumbled gratefully to finally have sustenance, and the sweet dairy had a calming effect on the heat in her brain.

“I’m gonna start making breakfast,” he came closer to her. “How about I help you get changed first though.”

Tifa hadn’t realized what had really been bothering her until he came closer. She’d honestly thought that it was the swearing or the bruising, but the momentary sweetness of sugar melted into Cloud’s body scent, and as he reached her, she leaned up on her tip toes and planted a large vanilla kiss onto his lips.

He nearly fell over, forced to quickly find his footing. Locking his hands at her hips he lifted her back, her sweat-stained body sliding against him as he hoisted her over his chest. Doughy soft arms swept over his shoulders, quivering thunder thighs encircled his waist.

“Bed,” Tifa ordered, pulling away from his lips and reaching in for his neck. “I wasn’t done.”

Cloud hissed as she bit him, sucking deeply on his neck. She thought about asking for another ice cream but hadn’t realized how quickly he moved, carrying her back to the room before she had noticed.

She gasped and laughed as he dropped her fat ass down on the bed, then, gripping her top, tore it in two straight down her breasts.

The skirt came even easier, as she’d broken most of that with her gut, but Tifa truly gasped as he ripped her panties off along with it. 

“I just got those!” she complained before he was on top of her, shoving her back like an animal that needed her now, and drawing out the same hungry beast in return.

Tifa’s throat purred and again she thought of herself as his heavy fat pig, her whole body hanging as she clutched at his sides. The bed whined as she slammed against it, feeling as heavy and wide as the entire mattress.

Her nails skated over his bare back like claws, feet folding behind his muscular thighs and pulling him in. He returned her clamping bite, aiming for the same exact spot on her neck, sucking the skin with the most pleasing pain while she guided him in.

Tifa’s body responded with a quivering gasp as he entered again, thrusting into her dripping wet sex and satisfying her deepest hunger. She wanted more, a greedy grumble that pulled him as tight as she could while her voice dribbled out in delicious moans.

He was rougher, faster, stronger now. It was making her crazy, feeling him grab and pull her so forcefully, how he pushed through her fat gut and penetrated her body. She rose up to meet him feeling her stomach slap against his, not paying attention as the new stream of sweat was soaking their sheets. 

Their bed was thunder, the headboard clattering against the wall with each deep push. The overworked bedsprings tried their best to lift Tifa up, but she was a boulder being hammered into their surface. She let herself cry out as he lifted back from her neck, snatching his shoulder and pulling him back down.

“More. Oh fuck, oh fuuck,” Tifa whispered into his ear, the pleasure from his lips overwhelming senses. She couldn’t see, couldn’t think, could only feel her Cloud and the pressure within, the bubbling returned to her swollen tummy.

She wanted to see him then, needed to see him. She pulled him back by the hair and stared into his mako-colored eyes, eyes that were blazing with passion and love. It drove her wild and she cried out as the white flash returned, squeezing him with every fiber of muscle. She felt him respond, the heat and the wetness splash her inside, and it made her bubble with overweight pride.

He had moaned, actually moaned, an out of breath pant that let his mouth hang open, and Tifa felt her emotions swirling inside. She lifted her arms, flexing her fingers and biding him down, rewarded as Cloud lowered down to her breast. He slipped out of her and lay his head on her boob, the world’s softest pillow.

Tifa’s body shuddered, her hand drifting through his blonde hair. A small burp rocked her frame and she groaned. “Gotta sit up.”

She did so, helped to the headboard by her strong lover, and had him lean into her shoulder, arms over her tummy. 

“That was… Oooh,” she moaned, rubbing her own stomach.

“You alright?” he asked.

“Perfect,” she smiled. “I’m… perfect.” 

She ran her hand though his hair while her other rubbed her fat tummy. After a moment she added.

“I’m sorry. I know I can be… difficult sometimes. But thank you. For putting up with me.”

“What’s the alternative? You’re carrying our daughter.”

Tifa was quiet.

The moment stretched.

“We need to ask her…”

Cloud didn’t respond for an even longer stretch before, quite simply, saying “Yeah.”

That was all of it. The whole conversation wrapped up in a moment, which was a good thing, because the littlest voice let out an extremely irate grumble about not having noodles.

“Alright, I’m getting up,” Cloud said. He lifted from the bed, gathering his shorts and his shirt. “Sorry about your underwear.”

“You’ll just have to take me for new ones,” Tifa grinned.

He gave her a look before going to the drawer. He withdrew a fresh pair, a deep blue color, tossing them to her before going to the closet. “What dress would you like?”

Tifa huffed and puffed, rolling up onto her knees. “Shower first. Then I’ll pick.”

Cloud shrugged. “Alright. I’ll get to cooking.”

“Awe,” she giggled and winked. “You’re welcome to join me. I’ll let you rub my back.”

Her belly rumbled so loudly that it shook the rest of her fat-packed body.

“So whiny!” she poked herself on the tummy.

Cloud smirked. “Noodles. Do you still want to go to the bar today?”

Tifa’s eyes went very, very wide. She stamped a heavy foot on the ground. “Crap! I knew I forgot something!” She turned on Cloud. “You are not wearing that. Get dressed, something better.” Then she held up her hands. “No, wait. Noodles, shower, dressed. Alright.”

“What’s wrong with this?”

Tifa pouted. “We are not attending the seventh anniversary of our bar looking like teenagers, Cloud!”

“Alright,” he put his hands up. “Just asking.”

Tifa didn’t have time to pout further. She hurried past him then paused, doubling back and giving him a fat kiss on the cheek. “Love you. Wear your black pants! And the mako shirt! I’ll wear my dress!”

“That dress won’t fit you!” he called after her.

She ignored him and made her way to the bathroom. Their shower stall was a tight squeeze, but the alternative was a much tighter tub. She managed well enough, sighing in delicious content as the hot water washed the sweat and the grime off her body, and the chocolate crumbs out from between her breasts.

By the time she exited the shower, Tifa had given herself a full scrub down, noting that her skin was now a cheery fresh pink. Except for the two dark spots where his hands had bruised her, which she’d be able to cover up with her dress, Tifa was in the clear.

When she looked in the mirror, she wanted to scream.


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