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Tifa winced. She was in darkness now, leaning backward as far as she could. An inexplicable tightness was tugging on her skin, stretching her throughout her entire body. Her stomach felt swollen, churning uncomfortably with an immense, immovable weight.

She tried anyways, pushing her burning muscles to reach down for her middle, but whatever it was had filled out her chest, her shoulders and arms. All she could manage was to wave her hands against the discomfort. Bubbling and bloated, as if she desperately needed to burp.

There was a taste on her tongue, a heavy tang of fruity flavor that had washed over every taste bud, but the sensation began to fade as something real began to take shape.

Hunger. The flavor that spread through her only served to compact the want, the empty feeling inside of her packed tummy. A liquid bubbling turned into a growl that quivered her stomach, reshaping her body in the dark of her dream.

She had sensed a touch, pressure pushing in from the front of her gut, but it felt more solid now. But rather than a push, it became a groping pull, and Tifa could feel how soft and how hungry her belly had become.

When she opened her eyes, she tried to look down to the hand on her middle. Her vision was blocked by two exceptionally curvy breasts beneath a stretched white top. 

Tifa had been especially well-endowed before everything happened. Almost every single calorie that wasn’t fueling her six pack went straight to her boobs, keeping her womanly soft even when the times were hard.

But the times weren’t hard anymore. 

A subtle squeeze provoked another rumble, and Tifa could feel the slightest bit of pressure as her baby responded to the hand’s touch, prodding her awake. She was hungry for breakfast, just like her Mama. 

Mama had grown lazy, soft and fat. She liked to outwardly blame the first pregnancy, but the fact of the matter was that Tifa’s fat smile was the true cause. She nuzzled her face into the side of her pillow, feeling the tug of her hair trapped beneath her behind, wearing the lovely grin of a spoiled house cat.

One of her best friends, Yuffie, had been hoping to get her gym partner back. But that woman was gone, buried inside of a body that was lovingly sculpted with soft piggy fat. Her weight gain had transformed from an incidental nuisance that she needed to address to the wide foundation of the temple that was Tifa’s body, and her one worshipper seemed intent on building another brand-new expansion.

Her second pregnancy was reaching the late stages now, far enough along to be sure they would have a daughter. A hungry one too, one who’s teeny feet were niggling Mama to get up from her nest.

Tifa exhaled, her mouth pulling down into a frown. The nest was cozy, toasty and warm. She didn’t want to get up, wanted to just lay in bed and burrow her way back into sleep. But food was too tempting. The phantom taste on her tongue awakened the beast in her belly, and she already knew which need would win out. 

Why couldn’t she just have breakfast in bed every day? That way she could just cuddle and snuggle and… A prodding rumble pushed her belly outward and Tifa resigned herself to her hunger. With a deep intake she went to pull herself up and rise from the bed. 

She wasn’t able to make it more than an inch, and only got that far because that was how much fat was able to fold around the gripping hand of her lover. He hadn’t reacted, hadn’t shifted, but his arm was an immobile iron bar. It bound her to the bed until his touch slowly lifted up her shirt. Tifa let out a small pleasured gasp as Cloud tended her softness and pulled her tight to his chest.

“Too early,” he whispered, sounding fully awake despite his words. “Not yet. You’ve only got six hours.”

“What if I have to go to the bathroom?” Tifa laid back into the crevasse between his shoulder and neck. She tried to look up, but her sight was blocked by her voluminous black hair, only able to just make out the messy fringe of blonde strands.

“You don’t. You just want to go fight with the fridge.”

“I do not,” she denied in spite of the loud grumbling of her hungry stomach. A yawn fought past her lips and she ducked deeper into his grasp, flopping back down onto the bed. Her pregnant body was now taking up a good portion of it, but Cloud would have held her this tight regardless. She did, after all, make an exceptional pillow.

He lowered his lips to her shoulder, kissing through Tifa’s unbounded forest of raven-colored hair. It made the sleepy woman grumble as a pleasant smile filled out her chubby cheeks.

“Are you awake?” Cloud asked. “Or, is it sleepy awake?”

Tifa breathed heavily, closing her eyes and layering her hand on top of his. He felt so much stronger now, and Tifa felt so comfortable in his grasp. “Sleepy awake,” she admitted after a beat. “But the little one’s hungry.”

“Blaming her again?”

Tifa lifted her fat bottom, pressing it into his lap. “Her fault...” her sentence drifted off into another sleepy yawn.

She heard a light exhale that could have been a chuckle before Cloud reached down to her shoulder again. He lifted her shirt and let his teeth graze her skin, the littlest feeling of pain being lost under a sweeping sensation of pleasure. Her malleable body shifted to his touch, like a baker shaping the batter of his overweight cupcake.

“What’s she want this morning, then?” Cloud asked.

Tifa didn’t even consider the taste that had made her so hungry it had awoken her. Instead, the familiar question prompted a trickle of saliva to form in her mouth as she muttered out the word, “Noodle.”

Cloud actually snorted this time. “Again?” he prompted. “You had that last night.”

Tifa tried to roll against him, twisting so her butt sunk deep into the mattress while her belly filled out to both sides. The shirt was tight around her center, squeezing with her bottoms while her belly fought to escape. She could only peek at him, with a long stand of her wavy hair covering one eye, but the pudgy pout broke through.

“Alright,” Cloud nodded, his greenish-blue eyes glowing intently in the soft dark. “Cheese and broccoli flavored?”

Tifa’s pout grew deeper.

“You ate all the others,” he reminder her flatly.

She did not relent. “Ham and cheese...”

Cloud opened his mouth, thought better of it, and then, seemingly afflicted by his tragically male brain, reopened to say, “This was a lot easier when all you wanted was fruit salads.”

Tifa would have kicked him.

For all the good it would have done… Cloud looked as if he hadn’t aged a day, and even that hid his true strength. The young man was, quite literally, the strongest man she had ever known. And Tifa had known a lot of strong men.

But that just made it all the better. Because he was Tifa’s. Her lover, her best friend, the father of her children. She flashed back to that first night they’d spent together, really spent together, at the Northern Crater. Laying against his chest, held in his arms, listening to him breathe at the end of the world.

Tears bubbled inside of Tifa’s big doe eyes.

“Alright, alright,” Cloud lifted his arm from her tummy. “Ham and cheese, I’ll go get it.”

Tifa sniffed, grinning and rolling herself onto him. He shifted to her, cupping her around the back as she lifted her arms up and put her ear to his chest. She listened to his heart, slow and steady and so full of life. She nuzzled the man who was hers, the most prized of all her possessions, and let a happy tear cost down her cheek.

“… I get the feeling that this is more than just the noodles,” Cloud said.

“Shut up,” Tifa sighed happily. “You’re gonna ruin the moment.”

She heard him inhale before letting it go. Appreciatively, Tifa squeezed his leg between both of her thighs. She felt him respond to her touch, a waking of lust from the weight of her softness.

The fat, happy grin returned to her cheeks. That was the real sell, that was the best thing about being so big. It was his fault, almost as much as it was Tifa’s for giving in. He had cracked the dam that made Tifa’s weight explode like her tummy did over her shorts.

Cloud loved his spoiled little girl, and Tifa loved what she did to her man.

“So, do you want the noodles?” he asked. “Your hormones are confusing.”

Tifa pouted up into his brilliant mako-colored eyes, her cheeks turning red. “You ruined the moment,” she accused.

“… Uh, sorry?”

She tightened her fingers rather than letting go, twisting herself so that her stomach laid over him. “You’re not supposed to talk about it like that! You make it sound like I’m so indecisive!”

Cloud felt stunned, watching Tifa grumble as she pulled herself over him. Her weight settled over his center, pinching his body between her well-developed thighs. So much of her weight was carried in the lower part of her belly, making her belly button look like a deep pinching hole. Every little movement sent ripples through her softness, her belly smothering his full abdomen.

Her pout highlighted how chubby her face had become, her roundness of chin and shortness of neck. She tucked into herself, a fatty double chin with bright pink cheeks, and rolling curves that swelled out her hips as she jiggled back and forth, lowering herself to him.

He was trying to figure out what to say when she cut back in.

“I mean, really. You’d think you’d know that by now. How many times have I woken up hungry?”

He blinked. 

“It’s not a test, Cloud,” she encouraged, squeezing him between her legs.

She was beautiful like that. Open and bare and in complete control. And her eyes, the honest and pure look in her large hazel eyes.

“A lot.”

“Not true! The baby’s hungry,” Tifa’s belly squelched, quivering even up to her chest with a subtle vibration. “Which means it isn’t the hormones. Mama is perfectly content where she’s at.”

“I thought you said this wasn’t a test.”

“It’s not!” She tightened her fingers around his waist. “Now, how many times have I woken up… hungry?”

She could feel him moving beneath her smothering weight. The puzzlement in his blue-green eyes was so damn cute, his pale lips opening before closing. He was trying so hard not to say the wrong thing.

She took a hand and slowly let her nails scratch down his chest, following the outline of his pectoral muscles. “Maybe it’s you that’s getting confused,” she said with a charm of delight. “Mama knows exactly what she wants in the morning.”

They moved. Rapidly.

The moved loudly.

And they didn’t stop moving, even as Tifa’s gasp became moans, her moans became pleasureful cries, until three tiny taps came from their door.

The knock was so quiet that it was almost silent. Yet the parental spike from both lovers had them separate almost explosively, Tifa desperately clutching at the bedsheets to cover herself.

Cloud snorted and she turned on him, ferociously red as a very quiet voice called through the door. “Mama? Are you okay?”

“Yes, Zack sweetie!” she called back. “Mama’s fine! Daddy was just, uhh, we were-”

“Playing,” he said softly.

“Playing!” she repeated, hopping and letting her bedding drop free.

“Oh. Okay!”

Cloud wasn’t even trying not to laugh. She rounded on him, intent on giving him a soft kick to the shin, but was amazed to see that he was already dressed in a loose gray tee and black shorts. 

He pointed at the bed and Tifa wordlessly obeyed, wrapping the bedsheets over her body as he made for the door.

He opened it and a tiny white face beneath a spikey mop of black hair blinked up as Cloud got down to one knee. 

Zack was hardly older than a toddler, but he’d inherited so much from Cloud. He had Tifa’s black hair and her cheerful excitement but was easily marked by Dad’s strong jaw and his strange, mako-colored eyes. 

SOLDIERs all had those blue-green eyes, the color of the lifestream, and of swirling stars in the sky. But none of the SOLDIERs were able to breed. They couldn’t have children due to the chemical cocktail that Shinra infused them with, purposefully castrating the entirety of their sexual desires to keep them in line. They had emotional bonds, but even if they were taken to make an attempt, they couldn’t perform. Shinra never informed them of their impotence.

But Cloud had never been in SOLDIER. He’d been bathed in mako before being deemed an experimental failure, a poisonous freak that was essentially a radioactive timebomb. He was supposed to fall apart in a week. And then he’d destroyed Shinra’s whole world.

SOLDIER was gone. There was nothing left, nothing but the memories Cloud carried, and the things he would teach their son. A history passed on. A living legacy.

“Hey bud,” he ruffled Zack’s hair. “You’re up early.”

“I-I heard, uhh…” Zack shifted in his stance. He was wearing black and red jammies with a large chocobo icon on the center. “What were you and Mama playing?”

Cloud smiled. “Your mother thought she could wrestle me.”

“Did you win?” the boy asked.

Cloud glanced back over his shoulder. “I think we both did.” 

Tifa’s cheeks could have heated the city. “Zack,” Mama called, “Your father’s gonna be making breakfast. Is there anything you want?”

The small boy thought for a moment before grinning. “Can we get pizza?”

“It’s a bit early for pizza,” Cloud replied. “How about you come with me, and we’ll go pick up some pancake mix? Your Mama wants noodles.”

“Oo! I want noodles! The cheesy brock-brock…” he broke off, looking down at his own mouth. “Brock o lee.”

“Come on, soldier. Let’s go get you dressed.”

Zack chirped like a happy chocobo chick before turning back to Tifa. “We’re gonna go get you noodles, Mama!”

She tightened her blankets, smiling graciously. “I heard! My big strong boys are taking good care of me.”

“And little sister!” he bounced and then reached up for Cloud’s hand. “Gotta get dressed. Okay, we’ll come back!”

“You two have fun!” called the blushing red cherry before tucking her chubby cheeks into her hands and letting out a guffawing laugh.


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