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Yeah baby, I did it! Train is moving! I have to implement it, but it is already working like the car scenes and maybe even better (moving up and down a little like a train should, but i have to properly test that...also need a fitting train loop sound).

I didn't want to spoiler what happens (or should I do that? Or reveal the women without showing too much of the scene itself?) and make it a surprise, but the 3 women you will encounter in that train will give you a possible bad end option :)

we are at 22% renders done. Good progress! Next up is the protagonist getting to the tower, having an interesting meeting!

I am feeling a bit dizzy today (i think it is the weather) so I will keep it short! Have a nice start into the new week aaaand...

...stay kinky!




:) That sounds great. Nice job, darktoz. I think, it´s better not to spoil it even if i´m very curios what will happen. Have a great week and stay healthy :)


keep it a surprise ;)


Oh geez... I missed thuh train!!