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Wasn't sure what to talk about this sunday so I am just going to show you what I am currently working on. The metro has already been mentioned on past days (briefly) and is about to connect the protagonist with different parts of the city that he's currently unable to walk to. 

The reason for this is that it should really feel like a small town but also I like the idea of stuff happening in the metro. Unlike the car, which was a rather safe space so far, the metro can offer a bit more action and uncertainty! The stations, the trains, and of course the dirty public toilet :). Oh, and maybe something is lurking in the tunnels?

Currently working on the train ride. They should feel like the car scenes, where it really feels like the car is moving! I want the same principle but I haven't found the right angle, yet...I am on it, though!

Who do you think you will meet first in the metro? Let me know...

(Has to make a bit of sense, though - Sybill for example wouldn't use it! Alice wouldn't...but it would make a lot more sense to meet Daisy Doll and her gang...or maybe a pair of nuns? A demon?)

Have a nice sunday and stay kinky!




A horsecock deamon that fucks the MC.

eldritch enlightenment

Demon sounds tempting but I think she should be reserved for the more accurate environment