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I feel like I am bouncing around like a pinball ball for the last week. I am really busy right now, we will delay the scene poll for a week. There has been some real life stuff going on that keeps me busy and there are some other game related problems that i have to adress. Well, to be honest it is just one...

...and that is the android port. I have a supporters trying to port it plus myself and so far every port that i tried and that has been sent to me has failed. that is the sad reality. Sorry for everyone that is still waiting for it (i know most are gone by now) but that is just how it is. I am still trying but my android skills are just limited. we will see

Femdom City 0.8 will go public on tuesday, with or without android port, that is how it is (if you think you can help as well, pls just shoot me a message).

So, what are you doing right now, Darktoz?

Apart from getting frustrated with phone game ports, you mean? I want to release something in the next two weeks. Kind of like an artbook. I have already made 12-15 pictures. You know, the stuff that I do to get more skilled with the engine and daz3d...i have made quite a few nice scenes already

I plan to release like 30+ pictures as an artbook, kind of for promo for the new upcoming blackmore release. I think that is going to be released in about 2 weeks if everything goes well. High resolution (2560x1440) fun pictures with some women that have not been introduced yet or did not get enough spotlight, hopefully something you guys get excited and hyped about for the new release.

Other than that, you've guessed it: After the public 0.8 fcity release on tuesday the full focus will switch to Shadow over Blackmore Day 3!

That's all, hope you have an awesome start into the new week!

Stay kinky!




Thank you for making these games! Love the blackmore storyline!!


You are the best, Darktoz and i´m sorry for those problems. :( It seems to be a rough time for you and i wish you the power to for solving the problems on phone. The people will come back. That´s for sure. The pictures look very promising :) Blackmore is such a stunning great game. Have a really nice week, Darktoz. :)