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Femdom City Mantis is now available for all Patreon Supporters

CLICK HERE to get to the post containing 0.8.1 version 

Guys my android sdk is fucked, i really don't know why. Maybe because of the seed key?

If someone can do a basic port (I have the www folder and everything, i just need it turned into a .apk file), please reply in the comments or send me a quick message! Would be awesome! If no one can offer some help I need to reinstall all android applications on my other pc and see if that works!

Otherwise, enjoy 0.8.1! We will be doing a poll this sunday on which character will 100% get a scene in the next update for Shadow over Blackmore!

Stay kinky!



Ben Hammer

Looking forward to the android release , please make it happen :)

Red Right Hand

Thank you! Looking forward to the Blackmore update!


i am trying and a supporter is also trying to port it, but i cannot promise anything


what a lovely place to live and the male tax is more than reasonable.