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Only one optional bar scene is missing (a futa scene), then I'm done with all bar related content. I have to be honest: So far this was one of the more painful render experiences. Take a look:

11 characters in the scene, lots of lighting. I tried back and forth to make some render scenes inside it, but not a chance. It took forever to pose them, memory crashed multiple times, overall not the most fun experience. The lighting in the background came out extremely well, though. And it was not a real problem to make the action happening either outside of the bar or in the toilet.

So one optional bar scene left (take a guess who of the girls is the futa you'll have some action with), one motel scene left and then it's side quest and done.

Cleopatra won!

Cleopatra won the community poll and it wasn't even close. I picked up her hair as well because I played around with her and this is one of the only hairstyles that fit her well.

(she's looking really good in the render engine, just like on the preview pictures, her skin is nice, the hair a bit difficult to pose)

She's an extremely detailed character, so good choice. Now we have to pick her persona. What kind of mistress will she be?

Let me know in the comments below what you think she should be like. Kind or cruel, sadistic or caring, fanatic or laid back. I will read everything and we will do another poll next week.

Keep in mind, everything is possible. I think most selected her to be a true queen and ruler of slaves but if you want this Cleopatra to be an always drunk and lazy bum or a crazy asylum inmate that just thinks she is cleopatra and dresses up like her every day, we can make it happen ;)

That's it for today guys, 

have a nice sunday and

stay kinky!




I imagine her as something of a royal bitch as in controlling and demanding but kind and rewarding to those that follow orders and please her then a true monster to those that challenge or resist her. A goddess that rewards her followers and ruins her enemies. As for the futa while I'd love it to be Vivienne I'm gonna guess it's one of the dance floor girls (the one in latex especially) since they seem bigger or the bartender.


Absolutely agree with Osk0 in terms of Cleopatra. Demanding, possessive of those who catch her eye and manage to keep it. She'll shower you with attention (sadistic and selfish though it ultimately is) if you're loyal and obedient and please her, but is an absolutely ruthless demon of a woman if you go against her. I think, though, if this is a thing that can be done without being a coding or writing nightmare, you have to invest a certain amount of effort first before deciding to fuck around and find out to get any real punishment from her. Because that's taking up her otherwise valuable time. She has other slaves and devotees, so she isn't interested in chasing you. Basically, if you want her sexy content you have to really earn it.


Royal, bratty, demeaning, haughty, demands to be treated like a living goddess. Maybe she even has a cult submissives who worship her. Demands you kiss the ground she walks on (a real historical practice for Egyptian Pharaohs)


Or maybe she's delusional and thinks she's royal. Insists she has a vast kingdom but in reality the MC would be her only subject if he's dominated by her. That might provide some comic relief.


Pharaohs (including queens) were considered gods themselves during most of Egypt's history. Extremely good propaganda machines, you know. No I'm not kidding about that. If you want a character that plays Cleopatra to the hilt, you really need to go with that extreme kind of performance. Basically ask yourself, what would Bastet (or Isis, or Athena, or...) do? Julius and Mark Antony both got burned bad when they fell into her orbit.


Sadistic cruel Mistress


a delusional character would be kind of fun, but we have an egyptian faction and setting in place, so a true goddess would make sense


like I said, it's not about what's accurate in terms of ancient egypt cleopatra, but more about what's the ultimate fantasy about her character and her being your mistress ;)


In my opinion This character should be kind, but with a certain limit, as he is based on a queen of slaves he should behave as such, if we give arrogant answers he will punish us, on the other hand if we always give good answers and we are kind it will treat us well, this in my opinion is the type of character it must have. ps: for the first question about which futa we would have the pleasure of having more activities I say at the bottom that of color dancing, if I'm wrong patience


color dancing as an activity? what is that? what would the character do in that activity?


sorry it has been mistranslated, I mean those two dancing in the dance floor, the tallest black one

Stessa Metri

As an Egyptian myself I was rooting hard for Cleopatra the queen of my ancestors, and I was on top of the world when she won the poll, whether she is delusional or not, I feel she has to be quite cruel and extremely dominant and I mean mentally not necessarily physically she knows she is a living Goddess, extremely arrogant, she knows her place and will put you in yours, like you have to kneel touching your nose to the ground in her presence (completely prostrate yourself in front of her), or she will make you! people are merely insects to be crushed under her foot if they don't obey her command she demands utter submission and worship, not just from her subjects, but from EVERYONE (even if that's only in her head), maybe she believes that she is the reincarnation of Cleopatra and the spirit of the Goddess lives within her. And I believe I would be agreeing with a lot of people here that (like the real Cleopatra) she should have a manic side to her, which makes her extremely possessive. For a superpower (if she has any) I'd say mind control would be a great fit. That's my 2 cents on the matter. PS. I have only recently came across the genre of fetish and BDSM games, and I've got to say Darktoz, you've got yourself a big fan here, I really admire your work, not just as fetish content but also from gameplay perspective, your games are very well thought-out and entertaining, and as a gamer and also a huge kinkster, your games are a match made in heaven for me, keep up the good work! and thank you so much for providing such great content to the world!


The renders seem to have come out great! You're constantly improving the quality of your productions! As for Cleopatra I like the idea of her being sadistic, but caring and kind hearted, but that's just me :P


wow, thanks so much for the detailed feedback and the kind words :)


I'd love to see a queenly Cleopatra character, one who's defined mainly by her limitless pride. I imagine she would be someone who sees herself as a living goddess, and loves being worshiped, revered and adored. She's laid-back only in the sense that she loves lying down and letting her slaves cater to her every need and whim, but she's not laid-back in attitude, meaning she reacts very strongly to how others treat her. Disobey or disrespect her in any way and she can be extremely cruel, spiteful and petty. But she's also deeply appreciative of those who follow her commands, grovel at her feet and help feed her illusions of grandeur, and isn't shy about rewarding them. Of course, the rewards are all very self-centered as well, because what reward could be greater than being granted the privilege of worshiping your goddess in person? Basically, the way she acts is mostly to make herself feel important and powerful. Humiliating and crushing underfoot those who dared defy her is a power trip, but so is acting like a benevolent goddess who grants rewards to her adoring, grateful subjects. She could probably be a bit capricious at times, and might have a touch of sadism even towards those she likes, even if she's overall kinder to them. Also, I love bondage and I love mind-control, and I think both mummification and hypnosis could fit very well, so I'm completely on board with those two ideas.


Oh, I like that. a cleopatra that is on both ends of the spectrum. would kind of resolve in two questlines though, depending on how you treat her


I think of Cleopatra basically like Eliza from Skullgirls. egomaniac dominant, literally slave driver


Mmmmh...don't know what skullgirls is. Have to google it. But egomaniac dominant sounds fun ;)


voice samples: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ippWS1G0sF0 very similar personality to Zerg Kerrigan in Starcraft. Arrogant, overconfident, demands worship, has servants, self loving worship, ego centric, narcissisms , evil.


I think he means the Skullgirls from FemU


no, skullgirls is an interesting looking beat em up game. I already googled it. eliza is a character in that game that looks exactly like cleopatra


Foot worship isn't my kink but I know it's popular for others here, and fits the vibe. So that's one 'technically' non-sexual thing but also sexual. But yeah, non-sexual tasks, gift giving if that's a thing. Working the chastity system into it somehow maybe. A "good" end would be being able to somehow set yourself apart from her other slaves/pets/worshippers. Not as a lover by any means. Or, hell, maybe that's the pyramid (buddumchiiii) you have to climb. From worshipper to slave to favorite pet.