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I hope to finish the complete bar scene this week. Will be tough because I added a scene with girls from the dark academy and I want to get a scene for you with the two on the left...

Will be interesting, but now, let us talk about the first part of our community mistress!

OK, we are doing this! I am so excited :)

First: The mistress won't be in the next episode. Just Keep that in mind. Also: Don't go for a model that you say "Oh, we haven't had that type of mistress in the game, yet!" - because so far you only played day one and haven't nearly encountered all the mistresses in the game! Really go for the one you like the most instead.

You've recommended a lot of good models, so you'll find most of them in this poll! But not all, because some of them I just was not feeling and some would make such good characters in the game that I picked them up regardless of the poll ;).

Alright! 7 options to choose from, here we go! I will provide the links so that you can look at more preview pictures, but keep in mind that these pictures are usually photoshopped and made to look perfect...the model rarely looks that good ingame! 

It is also important to know that all of these characters come without clothing, hair and accessoires that you will see in the preview. They arrive as bold mannequins! So we can change the hairstyle.

Option Number 1: Rachelle Vamp


Option 2: Cleopatra 


Option 3: Zelara


Option 4: Jada


Option 5: Tasha


Option 6: Kennerly


Option 7: Victoria


This poll will be up for a week, so you got some time before you have to choose. For this one you only have one vote, so really go for your favourite!

I gotta go back to rendering work, the bar scenes are complicated and take a lot of time but I am getting there! I hope you have an awesome start in the new week!

Have a nice sunday and stay kinky!





It's cleopatra for me. Even if you strip off all the egyptian stuff she seems like the most interesting and different model to work with. I also just have a massive weakness for cleopatra/any egyptian styled woman


Rachelle Vamp is by far the most erotic to me.


I liked Zelara, with Victoria a close second. My vote for Zelara didn't make much difference, but switching it to Victoria boosted her enough that I went that route.


For me, its Cleopatra, too.


Zelara and Rachelle Vamp are both of my favorite but me too I didn't vote Zelara because it didn't make much difference too vote for her.

Ethalos M

Rachelle is definitely a character I want to meet!

Baldurs Weight

I find it hard to choose between Jada and Rachelle. It also depends a bit on what the fetish of these mistresses is. Will there be a poll too? If so, I might have found it better to do that first.


they are all beautiful in themselves, but my heart leads me to Cleopatra. I find that not only is very elegant and pretty but also for a sort of mystery that could surround her in my opinion, but then I love the culture of ancient egypt, in this type of game I find that she is perfect. But that doesn't take away the fact that the rest of the girls aren't beautiful either, I find them all gorgeous( my second choice would have been the first the Rachelle Vampire).


Keep in mind what Darktoz wrote, don't be tempted to choose a model by the nice clothes, hair or makeup. This is all just advertising for the mannequin. The model comes completely naked without anything. I find the body type Zelara very appealing, but that's just my special taste, which I had already described in the last post.