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Back to the most fun part of the dev process, finalizing the characters and introducing them to the game. I have to be careful not to introduce too much on day 2, since you will get action only with very few of them, and while a bit of teasing is fine, too much carrot stick action is not good either. Plus introducing too many might hurt the game.

I am currently only rendering and not really working on the mechanics, just like last time I will most likely push working on the gallery and inventory and skills after I am done with rendering animations and pictures for day 2...and that will take time. I might do some more animations from different angles this time, not sure but I have started animating the first scene of day 2 and what I've planned could work. We will see. If not, I think the animations are already fine as they are right now, with the ability to choose when to move on from the scene when you had enough.

Not much else going on. Pretty much same problem as the first release: I am not sure how much of Day 2 you want to see? How much do you want to get spoilered? I am more than fine showing scenes but they give away quite a lot.

I could just make promotional artwork with pictures unrelated to the game like the 3 in the last post, but these take a lot of time and I think that time is better spent on the game at this point. Let me know what you think...

Have a nice sunday and...

...stay kinky!




oh okay i say show at least a few. Also, when do you think the release will be? I think Shadow over Blackmore is the best femdom game there is. I cant wait to play and see all of it. It combine s the choices from the awesome telltale games with amazing graphics and 3d art. Keep up the awesome work.


Thanks, can't say. I have quit on giving deadlines and release dates until I am getting close to a release. A good update is not rushed, so it will take a lot of time and effort until the new version is released. It also depends on how fast I find certain assets since I want some new music and sounds for the game.


Okay, I say show us a couple scenes from the next update. Not all of them but a couple to tease us before the update shows us the rest of the scenes.


I say show us the new characters and a few of their dialogue but not the whole story.


My vote would go to you taking your time with the update. I'd rather wait a long while for something I can sit down for and appreciate for an hour or longer then wait a week for a hype thats over in 5 minutes. But thats just my opinion🤷


i plan for about the same amount of content as the first release, meaning a full day of story and 2-3 side quests. the day might be a bit longer than the first, since you will visit new places, though


Hello Darktoz! I ask you to reconsider this. The current music is fantastic and fits perfectly with what has happened so far...


oh the music will stay, do not worry. I just want some additional tracks for variety, especially for some worship scenes I want an another ambient track


oh the music will stay, do not worry. I just want some additional tracks for variety, especially for some worship scenes I want an another ambient track


even though it's hard for me to wait and I would like to finally continue playing, I'd rather wish for a full and complete update of day 2 😁


Thank you for your reassuring answer. Because the theme music is just great. Note: At the end of the scene with Tara, "Witchcraft Trainer unlocked" will appear in the top left of the screen. But in the character stats it says "Witchcraft trainer locked."


Note: At the end of the scene with Tara, "Witchcraft Trainer unlocked" will appear in the top left of the screen. But in the character stats it says "Witchcraft trainer locked."


the training is not implemented. you will have to train with tara or other witches in order to unlock the skill. not sure if that feature will be available on the next day...


I don't know if you'll agree, but I think a great way to introduce characters is to have them in the background of other scenes. That way you softly incorporate them.


interesting. is it optional that you can talk to them or do you just see them in the background?

Paul Adore

That Maid looks interesting, just give us a little to Wet our lips and give it your all in the game Dev side as you do, think this has the potential to be epic.


I would say it depends on what they're doing, but most of the time no. They're busy doing something else. Doesn't have to animated, maybe they're reading, drinking tea, looking at their phone, etc.


It's also fun to try and talk to a character and they ignore you. Because they might be watching you, but they're still just observing.