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Another week of good progress. I managed to implement imagemaps into the game. You already know imagemaps from Femdom City. When you for example are in the camp, you can hover over different spots like the girls or the boxes that let you sleep or the door that leads to the house of pain and these spots get highlighted. You click on them and it leads to another event.

Pretty much the same here. It will work the same. Plus, there will be additional text like you see in the picture (You hover over Lady Vivienne and "Talk to Vivienne" is displayed. I told you about the appearing text a while ago, remember ? ;), and this time there is sound when you hover over something of interest...the mouse cursor also changes. But overall it is the same principle.

Not all of these maps will be revisitable. The scene above will only appear in the intro. What I mean by that is: In Femdom City you always have the option to go to the camp and talk to Jazz for example. After a while it might get boring because she always says the same things, but on the other hand she is always there.

In this scene, though, Vivienne will ask you if you want to meet your coworkers before meeting the matriarch. You can choose to either talk to all of the coworkers you see on the screen or you can skip that and get to the matriarch right away.

But after that, you cannot go back to this scene. It makes the dialogue more interesting because if you come back to work next day, there may be others to talk to, and the old characters will have something new to say. Like it was in the Asylum for example.

And...yeah. That's it, might be boring, but this is what I spent most of the time on last week. Ren'Py is getting easier day by day and with these imagemaps I can pretty much do all the things already that I could do with the Femdom City engine. 

Things are looking good for a release in april. I will take it day by day, though. And only release it once I am satisfied with the quality. But you know that :)

Thanks for your support :)

Stay kinky!




While it might sound "boring" at the first moment, this is a neat little feature. And neat little features often add more to a game than one might think.


This is a cool feature! I have a question about it. Let's imagine two scenarios, continuing from your example. In option A you talk to your coworkers on day one and day two, but in option B you only talk to them on day two. Do they say the same thing on day two (or say something based on a selection of day-two topics) in both options? The question extends to other scenarios and characters, in the game, of course. The reason I ask is because it affect my gameplay. If they do or say the same thing in both options then I'll play with more of "completionist" style, wanting to talk to everyone every day to experience all the game's content, but if they say different things, then I'll play more of a roleplay style (my preferred option). Maybe a bit of an overly complex question for an erotic femdom game, but it matters to lil' ol' me :P


This is important so I will try to explain it: In your Option A you talk to them on day one and on day two. they will say something different on these days, unlike in Femdom City. Unlike in Femdom City, there might be new characters on the workplace on these days, while others are not present. you will be able to ask them different questions and my goal is that no line will be repeated twice! Meaning every dialogue is unique. However: If you have not talked to your coworkers on Day 1, and talk to them on Day 2, their response to you will not be different. Like they will not say "Hey, you have not talked to me yesterday, that was not polite". In theory I could do that, but that would be a lot of variables. However, the Affection system will be back, so how much characters like you will affect how they react and how much they tell you. They will also react to big decisions that you made throughout the day or give you hints about the progress. Kind of like in Captured by Dark Elves, when everyone was impressed that you survived the arena and beat the Crawler.


That means in other words: If you don't talk to someone on day one, that dialogue is lost and you won't be able to repeat it somehow unless you reload a save


Thanks, that explains it :).Can't wait!


Not sure if this was answered but will you have more character returns from previous games? (Specifically from captured by dark elves)

Nahreb Bashai

As always said, take your time. And we will be the happiest people, because we get the best content. I am happy to be back.