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Ok, so...Ren'Py coding is easy they said. Turns out they were right. And wrong. Some things are, some things don't. 

Turns out this might take longer than expected. Well I kind of expected it but still. It's not coming out february, guys. March is realistic.

Inventory was too difficult for me so I have given up (for now) and worked on the Character Stats and Skill system. And that weirdly worked all out as planned. It is pretty cool.

(neat retro interface, I know, haven't made the skill buttons yet)

So, this is one of the 3, maybe 4 screens that I want to have in this game. These are inventory, Character Statistics (also displays the skills), the map and (Optional, not sure if we need/want it) a Questlog. 

Don't look at the stats like Body and perceiption, they are just here for testing. Now, what happens if you hover over the HoverMe or the Close button...or later the skills and stats?

Look at that. A text displayed in a small window when you hover over it. And wait, there is more. Unfortunetly you can't see it because windows screenshots weirdly don't show the cursor...but the cursor GLOWS when you hover over those things! Yes! Also the cursor is custom, not the standard windows one. It fits the rest of the GUI, so do not worry mouse cursor fetishists, I got you covered. :)

Now there is 3 ways to react to all of this:

You think this is good, you love how this is looking, you love the steady progress!

 - To those I say thank you for the trust! This game is going to be nothing short but amazing, trust me on this! It takes a long time, but compared to the Femdom City UI who feels clunky at times and gives people a hard time with saving, this is just so smooth. You will fall in love with this, I swear!

You say this is ridicoulus. I spent a whole week on 3 menus and the inventory is not even working!?

- I also had to implement the stats and skills and the level system, but yes, most of the time I had went down for this. To me this is good progress in an engine that I do not know. I usually don't see these kind of detail in other Ren'Py games...and this is why I want to do this right, to make it special. Which leads to the 3rd way...

You say this is wasted time. I should just use standard out of the box Ren'Py like all the other visual novels out there. This is bullshit! You are here for the pictures and animations, not for stats, skills and a quest log!

- Sorry, but no! This is not going to happen! I spent so much money the last months! On assets so that the characters and places look awesome, on fitting music, on new sounds, on the GUI (I bought so many Game Interface Asset Packs that I was not satisfied with afterwards I can open up my own store by now). Do not think that I like spending that much time on the code because I really don't and maybe I am not the fastest at picking it up, but...

I want to make this right. This is my baby. I know not all of you are hyped about the whole dark, witches, occult, vampire and demon setting but if you give this a chance I am sure it will suck you in. If you are a fan of the previous games I put out you will love it, I am sure! 

Don't think that because of the setting your favourite fetish will be neglected!

So give me a bit of time, let me work a bit on the questlog that you might find uneccessary and things will work out great.

I might do a short video preview next week so that guys see the main menu and the first minute of the game.

I can also show you the new video animations if you want to, but these would all be spoilers. Let me know if you do!

As always, thanks for the support and

Stay kinky!




Oh, yeah...new skeleton avatar btw. treated myself with a hat :D


I hope it's not all vampires and monster girls, and at least some of the women are young and sexy (Bella!) : )


no. in fact, you might complete this game without seeing a monster girl...if you don't uncover their secrets


Take your time! I'd rather play a completed, good game in a couple of months than a buggy, unfinished game right now


Most of the shots posted so far are pretty scary, or at least have a lot of tattoos and piercings. Do you have any that are more "wholesome"?


yes, but they are all "weird". for example they want you for their own and get obsessive. The game is about the characters and their secrets or do you just mean the look? Like Bella. Because Bella is not wholesome at all characterwise. If you want a Bella look type I got you covered already, do not worry.


Firmly in camp 1. This looks good, I love it and can't wait to see how it develops. I am actually happy that you put so much work into the less glamorous stuff because I'll be honest: Kinky stuff is amazing but I think it needs some balance. If it's just back to back sex scenes that you are handed without effort, it doesn't feel as good as when the sex scenes are the spice to a good meal, so to speak. Also an idea regarding the optional 4th screen: Maybe the screen could also display stuff like relationship values with the different NPCs, or if there is like a gift system what kind of things they like etc.


Good things come to those who wait. You plan and Renpy laughs! I love and admire your dedication to quality. No problem. I know that it will more than be worth the wait.


Well it could be in the quest log but that would be a long list if i do that for every npc. it could also be displayed before you talk to the character...or hover over her with the mouse! i am very good at making things appear when you hover over them. I am a code wizard now :D


Yeah, I mean the look. I'm not a huge fan of tattoos and piercings. I like more of a sweet and sexy or even slutty look but with a "deviant" personality.


Since I was a little kid I've been looking forward to a fairy tale in which the witch succeeds and keeps her victims locked up forever. So when it comes to female vampires, demonesses, monster girls, etc., I'm totally in and frenetically applaud. In case you want to make me more than happy, please add a snotty vampire brat to your game.


Regarding the inventory I don't dare to presume to say anything about it, except that it should be easy to handle and rather increase the fun than make the game unduly complicated. Furthermore it must fit in the context of the game. Since I have been supporting you for quite a while, I trust that you make the right decision, like you used to do in the past, in order to make your new baby another overwhelming sensation to which I'm eagerly looking forward. Please keep up your great work and make your kinksters happy once again.


Thanks, I will try my best. Will see what I can do regarding the inventory!

Francois Champagne

I'm in the "I love the steady progress" group 😉


Heh. People that have never written code before (and some that have) don't realize how long it might take on what may seem trivial but really isn't till you start to write it out in a logical manner a computer can understand, especially if it's a language you're unfamiliar with! I'm in the patiently waiting (steady progress) group. Been there, written my own (hobby - never published) programs so I'm familiar with the pitfalls of getting stuck here and there while you go looking for the words to even form the correct question to ask.


True, but it is also very rewarding when the computer finally understands what you tried to tell him in the last hour :D. And the hobby program wasn't an renpy inventory script by any chance?


I agree, I like watching video game mechanic analyses on Youtube, and a favourite of mine is a dissection of crafting systems. The take-home is that a mechanic or feature (like an inventory) needs to not only be smooth if it's to be present, but needs to make sense within the context of the game. I'm sure that's the case here, just voicing my agreement and sharing an interesting video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nj7EaryBgak


Definitely in camp 1, and I agree with Charger Pup. Although I've only done minimal coding myself (not in Renpy), I know the feeling of having a skill (like producing neat artwork), wanting to produce a cool work (like a femdom game), and ending up having to learn a totally new skill (like coding) to make it happen. Especially the part where learning the new skill is time-consuming, that's the nature of learning a new skill. I love and create board games, but I have to learn about graphic design to make rulebooks pretty! I respect your attention to detail and mission to create a great game. It's obviously a labour of love and it shows. Cheering you on!


True, a good boardgame needs a nice, fitting rulebook imo. thanks!


Nah. Python program for storing contacts to a CSV was the most current one.