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Not going to lie, i felt like shit the whole week. If I learned something it is that I am not made for boosters :D.

Anyway, since I was lying in bed half of the week, I made good progress. I have made 10 animations by now. And I think that's all there will be in the beginning of the game. I wanted to do even less if you remember, but I don't think you will complain about more :D.

The dream sequence is still missing. I have no real direction on how I want to approach this, because this "dream world" should be a giant otherworldly femdom dungeon. But after that, I am done with all renders.

All the renders? Well things like the cover artwork is still missing. Mostly because I can't decide who makes it on the cover. Above you see the characters that have made it already, but because there is not much space left and there are so many good ones I will have to choose.

I hope I can finish all the renders this week so that we can talk about the mechanics in the game. I already told you that I want to mix gameplay of femdom city and the asylum together (simple puzzles from the asylum, like search for an object...nothing fancy). Plus an inventory, a skill tree and some more choosable options. Maybe you have an idea that should definitely be in the game?

Let me know. Other than that, have a nice sunday and...

...stay kinky!




I think something like changeable cloth should be in the game.


the only way that would work is kind of like in femdom city in the underground club, where you wear something special in a specific environment. otherwise i would have to render every scene where the character is clothed twice or more depending on the number of outfits in the game


The face-paint one intrigues me...


maybe a small downloadable preview demo?


of what? the renders, the animations? or do you want a whole demo preview of the intro of the game?


which is easy for you, and succeeds in satisfying our piqued interest.


Damn, she's beautiful (though I think the one from the booster post was even prettier). The driver woman and tattooed one are my numbers 3 & 4 looks wise. Anyway, I wouldn't mind puzzles that require the player to find some details from the environment (like from a painting, poster) or from dialogues, they can be used for solving passwords or as an information, answer while talking later on (though within the same update preferably). I know many players (of adult games) don't like to think too much while playing, but it could be used for some "bonus" content as a reward for player's attention for the details (though at the same time there should be some hints where to look, so it won't turn into pixel hunting). In general though I wish for a lot of choices that will allow us to influence the story and the world in a meaningful way. I know it's not easy to do for a single dev., so I'm not expecting any miracles, but as many as you can do them would be appreciated (at least by me).