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I am a bit early, I know...but this way I can write these lines live instead of a preset post that is released on christmas eve.

2021 was a tough one. Lots of bs happening all over the world as you are well aware. For those of you who continued to support me even through these times: Thank you so much! You are amazing! Only because of your support Captured by Dark Elves was finished and only because of your support Femdom City was filled with so much content that even I lost count of how many scenes I rendered this year. I only stay motivated because of you!

So give yourself a pad on the back for supporting me ;). I will give myself a pad on the back for continuously working on my games as well, and will take a short holiday trip - spent some time with the family and do the usual christmas stuff (that means no update next week)!

So, long story short: Merry christmas to you, your family and your loved ones!

...and stay kinky :)




Merry christmas


Merry Christmas to You and Yours. All the best for 2022


And Merry Christmas to you, your family and your loved ones too. Hope 2022 will be a better year for all of us. Thank you for your work.


Merry Christmas, thanks a lot for working tirelessly on these games and giving us such good entertainment.


Thank you for all your hard work on these games across the year 💪 Hope you have a good Christmas!


<p style="color: #008600;">You have done a great job this year. 2021 may have been a difficult year for many, but now there is no need to talk about the bad ... The main thing now is that you relax with your family and have great holidays!</p>


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from me too. Take some time for yourself and let the year end in peace. Your games are really great, I'm always thrilled what a single developer can do in his spare time. Take time for yourself and your family between the years! And don't go alone into the woods during the Raunächte, not that some demonic ladies will kidnap you ;-)


Woo! Glad to be a patron! Although I'm only a newbie, I think you should chill over Christmas. Family time is important, and if you can't have it at Christmas, then when can you? Enjoy and relax!


Merry Christmas!