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I don't have to tell you much this time. I am making progress with the intro, and I have implemented some simple mechanics. Nothing crazy.

If you think of a point&click adventure, the main things are following the story, combining object a with object b and solving puzzles. I am not sure about puzzles because I am new to the renpy engine, but I have made a successful test with collecting a crowbar and then opening and old door. I know this is very simple, but I think it adds flavour to the gameplay.

The Asylum was a bit similar, where you had to do or find certain things to progress. It made the game a bit more linear, but for storytelling it made sense. This is what I am currently trying to achieve.

Then, of course, there is the setting. I am currently collecting assets like crazy. Weird looking towers, old looking buildings...everything to make this town, blackmore, a weird and exciting place full of fetishes and mystery!

I have found some real nice places so far. I am looking for basements, castles, some old fashioned bedrooms...I also want a mausoleum, a church (outside and inside) and a creepy forest. 

You got an idea what kind of place needs to be in this town? Let me know!

The most fun is of course creating characters. I have looked at the ones that I have created so far, and I cannot help but feel a bit like creating Fcity 2.0. Because most characters could easily be divided in Uptown and Downtown. I have to be careful not to make this too similar, but somehow I think that every game of mine has to have a Harley Quinn like character, an evil older looking antagonist, a punk gang and some muscular futas. I might be a one trick pony, lol :D

By the way: Christmas is knocking on the door and I have a ton of stuff to organize. Last time we couldn't celebrate with the whole family...this time it looks like it is going to be the case. Fingers crossed, you ever know what happens these days.

Next two weeks might be a little quiet in terms of updates. Hope you understand!

And I hope you and your loved ones are safe and sane in these crazy times! :)

Stay kinky!




Hello i hope you got a wunderfull christmes whith your family . I realy love your new story. then i sit here in dark and think. Mebe some kind of secret police like if it was in old russia and tjernobyl. you are on a place there nobady gone mis you . Some kind of prison whith more males you can se be tortured and feel feer. Just some thinking from me


yes, it is the right direction, but it is a bit more tricky than that. I cannot spoiler it, because i plan that it takes a long time until you find out what is really going on in blackmore ;)


Maybe an old lab of some kind? Could be medieval or modern depending on where the story is going? Or a factory line for slaves? Have a good Christmas with family, I wouldn't worry too much about updates over this period, sure people will understand 👌


an old lab is planned, i already have the assets for it! a factory is a neat idea, have to look out for assets that go in this direction


Thank you for update. Have a nice holidays and stay safe.


Any chance that one or more of the Dark Elves make their comeback?


Hello. The way you mentioned point and click games and puzzles gives me an idea that you could create puzzles like for example: You're in a room at a disposal of a Lady and you have to figure out how are you supposed to serve her and you may or may not have some prior information on what she likes and you can fail or succeed and get favors or punishments.. just an idea. Good luck!


there is a chance :) but it will most likely not be the one you expect ;)


thanks. how would that look ingame? would you find it out via dialog or would you click on her different bodyparts like her feet for example?


I think it would be cool that you could score some points for paying attention to what she's saying and doing. Gathering hints throughout the play-through and then utilizing them when with her. Of course i don't know the format you'll end up going with. But getting to know the ladies and maybe even from that thinking of new things they might like and showing it to them would give the characters more depth. In practice for example you (during development) could probably think up the fetishes beforehand for each character and drop hints at them to the player, and the character would also not know all of them, so for example one of the Ladies would mention that she absolutely loves her shoes, but they hurt a lot to wear, so knowing that, when you get a chance to serve her, you could volunteer to take of her shoes and massage her feet and eventually you'd help her discover she likes you around as a seat she can rest on or something. Practically it would make sense as you said it, the player would overhear or be directly told hints and then you could just click her feet and select maybe from 3 options - Worship, Massage, Custom.. where custom would be specific to character/body part. So like feet - Worship, Massage, Take shoes off (be a footstool for another character maybe).. Hands - Kiss, ???, give.. so you can hand over stuff.. for example character that told you before that you're not to touch her above her knees, if you try to touch her hand or butt or something, you get reprimanded. You (during development) could give the characters preset fetishes that will have positive/negative reaction and if the player pays attention, they can get attraction points from pleasing her and have "breakthroughs" when you help her discover a new thing she likes. I hope this is not too rambly, i enjoy your games and look forward to your next projects.


Just wanted to say that it’s hard to describe how much I appreciate the work that you do. There isn’t enough of femdom in this world, and you’re doing incredible job creating these games. Thank you so much!


thank you <3! Always motivating to read compliments like this!


It's a known fact that Samira is the best thing that ever happened to Femdom gaming, is it not?


Well, I love The Asylum (I was your patron when you were making TA and resigned few months after it ended, I just never felt the same love towards CbDE and FC :( ) and I love point-and-click adventure games and logic puzzles so I'm all for it. Regarding characters I hope there will be some interesting relationships to develop and maybe even some multilayered characters/LIs. Looks wise - for some characters we can establish long(er) lasting relationships with - I'd love to see black women and/or black muscular (though not over the top) women. But in general I think your models are always awesome (punk girls especially), maybe minus Harley Quinn wannabees, I hate them in every game (and HQ from movies too).