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Femdom City MANTIS is now going public again and can be played by everyone (thanks to your support!). If you want to help me to grow and help others to discover and enjoy the days in Femdom City, please share this link everywhere you want :


Would appreciate the extra marketing, but you don't have to. You already do enough by supporting me and my project with money in these difficult times! So thanks again for making all this possible!

The russian Asylum

The Asylum is now available in russian language. A translator approached me with an already fully translated version of it. That talented guy goes by the nickname of MAKeevchanin. So if you ever wanted to know what injection xx means in russian, you can now find out ;) Would also be nice if you share it, of course. Maybe you know someone that doesn't speak english but russian, or a forum or similar :)


Kind of sad that Visual Novel Maker is such a difficult engine that makes it hard for translators, otherwise we would most likely have different languages available for Femdom City already...


The poll of last week made it pretty clear that a large majority wants to see the next steps of the path of kink. That is what I will focus on next...got any ideas on what has to happen? Let me know :)

Stay kinky!



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