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I'm almost done with all the renders for the new update (about 400 new pictures. might be the most pictures in one update...but due to no artwork hiding behind some kind of grind it might feel like the shortest nonetheless :). Just a few more and I will be going to implement them....and...

...well, that is the question. I wanted to improve some sounds as well, since with the last update i didn't pay much attention to it, but like everything, that takes time. I'm not sure if sounds like new whipping/licking/sex sounds are worth it, since browsing for new ones takes additional time, and we are already at the end of october, which means people might be interested in a faster update instead of me spending time on new sounds.

I've decided to do a poll on this, just to see what my community currently thinks. Some of the people here who have been here for a longer time have heard the same whipcrack in all of my games over and over :D. But there are also some who can't wait any longer.

The game is close to a release nonetheless, I hope that everything goes well in this week and the next...cannot say if it is going to come by the end of this month or the beginning of the next due to some real life stuff that I have to work on first, but you don't have to wait that much longer :)

Thanks for your support, have a nice sunday :)

...and stay kinky!

(is it even called sfx sounds/effects? I was just wondering...)



do as you want, i like your sound effect, they are part of the immersion of the game, but if you don't want to spend more time on it, it's your call, you are the one working on it ^^


The current sounds are okay, personally I would rather get the update sooner :)

Timothy M Mahon

Don't underestimate good sound effects.


Quality audio is definitely a bonus, but I wouldn't consider it a priority, personally.


I have the feeling that if sound effects really make a good difference, its not something we'd realize. That said, i don't think you its relevant to release stuff ASAP, i believe that you should release the update when you think its ready, with or without new sounds. You're the creator and i'd like you to follow your gut


Maybe next update you can focus on sound but for me right now i just want an update am really looking forward to this one!😊


If it takes more than 1 week release now and next time don’t ask 😉


So.... for me. take your time, new sounds would be great, quality first :) - BUT - as I see - if you decide according to will of more people - there will be no harm for me... also in that case it would be outstanding update :)


I usually play with the sound off anyway so I'm not fussed about new Sound FX. If a keen majority of Patrons want updated sound FX then fair enough but it feels a bit like fixating on minor details to me.


to be honest sound is not important to me. what matter is the text and story. the more text describing things and working along side the pics the better.


yeah, I guess a lot of people do turn of the game sound and listen to their own music


yes, the thing is that I'm not even sure if I find really quality sounds so it would be a gamble ;)


the game isn't ready nonetheless. with the renders being ready now I still have to implement them into the game and write all the dialogue


true. thing is, I really don't know if it is worth it and if I even find good quality sfx


well, since the artstyle and the mechanics are not going to change it is one of the only parts where the game can improve...other than just making more content and scenes for it


well, you are the ones supporting my work, so you have a word in it. plus I'm really not sure if it is worth it or not


I honestly think the sounds and music you've put in so far are perfect.


Hi I guess the nuns for Femdom City are different but I still would like to share the Picture. https://www.flickr.com/photos/154244564@N08/44133472710/in/datetaken/


is flickr something people look at for femdom artwork? curious if it is worth it to create an account there and share my artwork


Actually there's everything on flickr Tranny; Femdom; Gay; Cartoons; Art ;Fetish Games; Lots of Second Life wher you find Groups and Avatars and People who designe Game Stuff etc. If it's worth to creat an account I can't say but hell it's free an uploading Pictures takes seconds...