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...it is sunday again. Since you guys seem to like posts with preview pictures much more than without them, I will tease you a bit more...

Unfortunetly not with pictures of the Church of Kink, since I still haven't found an adequate model that is to my liking. So I will have to come up with something. Most likely taking a medieval fantasy chapel or something and mod/change it. Isn't ideal, requires a lot of tweaking on my side, but unfortunetly there aren't any good cathedrals (interior) that fit the style of my setting :(.

Doesn't matter that much, the fun stuff happens in the dungeon of the church, anyway.

Other than that, it is going really well. Successful week. Some hot scenes are rendered already, some more to come. Confident that I can deliver it before this month ends :).

We'll see. Have a nice sunday, thank you for your awesome support and...

...stay kinky!



Drake Breen

Obviously I can't speak for the rest of the patrons but if it's gonna be a pain / slower for you to customise a medieval cathedral interior, wouldn't it also work with something more like a big enclosed stadium like one of those modern megachurches? It feels like that might fit the setting too! Not trying to be like, backseat designer or anything, but at least for me I'm happy to support whatever works best for you and your productivity! :)


I understand you woek wery hard and i looking forward to se this wunderfull you have create . Thank you so much for all this work you do for us Kinky people!!


A big enclosed stadium that fits would be even harder to find :D. plus I need a small church for the way I want to present it (dark, gritty, with an underground dungeon). Don't worry, it isn't really hard work. I'm just always looking for the easiest solution ;).


Hi my tip check for "monestaries" on Google and "Latex church" And i have some impressions for you Maybe they will give you some ideas? https://www.metro.us/new-york/avant-garde-artist-battles-misogyny-within-lgbtq-community/zsJqbm---w2hJtSxuPCpPU https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0482470/mediaviewer/rm2735906048 https://www.google.at/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fenacademic.com%2Fpictures%2Fenwiki%2F67%2FChurch_of_Our_Lady_of_Health_at_dusk.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fenacademic.com%2Fdic.nsf%2Fenwiki%2F3143505&docid=dzNBb8upyQU18M&tbnid=kW7kfY3kiW1wmM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwiH6ZDkmYjlAhURmVwKHdyzDN4QMwh0KBQwFA..i&w=683&h=808&bih=943&biw=2523&q=goddess%20cheyenne%20church&ved=0ahUKEwiH6ZDkmYjlAhURmVwKHdyzDN4QMwh0KBQwFA&iact=mrc&uact=8 https://www.google.at/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.dailymail.co.uk%2Fi%2Fnewpix%2F2018%2F04%2F23%2F14%2F4B73F4DB00000578-0-image-a-25_1524489154348.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dailymail.co.uk%2Fnews%2Farticle-5647641%2FHistoric-village-church-planning-permission-home-market-110-000.html&docid=mWygGWxJF9pD5M&tbnid=26yMb23UpnSdYM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwiH6ZDkmYjlAhURmVwKHdyzDN4QMwhlKBIwEg..i&w=634&h=484&bih=943&biw=2523&q=goddess%20cheyenne%20church&ved=0ahUKEwiH6ZDkmYjlAhURmVwKHdyzDN4QMwhlKBIwEg&iact=mrc&uact=8 http://nanshakh.com/fsp3.htm https://www.latexlucifer.com/photos-1


the problem is not that I do not have ideas, the problem is that I don't have the right 3D assets. I need a modern, dark and gritty church that works in Poser Pro 11 and its lighting engine (not Iray!). Interior not exterior. would be best if it had a lot of doors


oh my bad! Haven't seen enysthing with lots of doors or any doors so far :-(


Thanks for the update, keep up the good work! :)

Dark Elf

I really like the second photo :) Will there really be a new workplace, to the toilet?


In your last scene women can use a boy as a human ashtray


yes, and other things as well since he has no chance to close the mouth ;)


will there be cum for the futa scenes?


thank you for your hard work, can't wait for the update, but I will obviously <3


any new characters that you will be able to speak with in upcoming update? :D


OMG IT's so amazing, I hope that they wont wear those smoke masks :D


Darktoz. I just want to say that you are doing awesome stuff. Thank you for your hard work and the things which you are making, it's just so nice. I really like your products. Keep going, man. You are the best =)


one of the five actually is. but you already met her so that's no surprise