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Release Date: 11th of August (Could be 7th, could be 15th, could be 18th if things go south and you never know what life has in store for you as a solo dev, but you already know that).

I usually don't do release dates anymore, but people constantly ask about the estimated drop and I feel like giving out a date will lead to me having to answer less inbox questions, which leads to me having more time to work on it ;)

All in all, making pretty good progress. Have almost all new onmap characters done (only Malthara is missing), all the scenes done, so it is almost all about dialogue and implementation now. I feel like my english has suffered a bit in the past month (notice the missing comma?), mostly because of me not really writing in english but doing more render stuff, but I'm sure this will come back as I start to work on it more and more. Plus grammar and spelling mistakes are always the easiest to correct.

Not much else to say about CbDE, don't really want to spoiler you with anything, so I think we will just leave it as it is.

Question of the Week:

First of all, I know that these are boring for some of you, but you are the ones I do these games for, and any help makes my future games better. So help me to make better games for you, even though this post is about boring math and rules ;)

I am currently writing the setting of the future game(s), the races that are in it and the characters. I have almost decided on the new engine (it is going to be either VNM or RenPy, with (sort of) an onmap character). But one of the most exciting things for me in a game is character creation and character costumization...which means attributes and skills. And let us be honest, so far I have not been able to pull off something fun in my games in that regard (maybe femdom city mantis is a small exception, even though it is too simplistic at the moment).

Every videogame has mechanics working in the background as you might now. A player attacks an enemy, has a certain chance to hit, a certain amount of damage to deal and a certain amount of health points. Same when he uses abilities in a game. NOW! Since I am creating a new game with a new engine, I have to do that myself. There are popular core rulebooks for pen and paper out there, the most popular is Dungeons and Dragons (their newest version 5e, specifically), that I can use to develop interesting mechanics. 

For example: Mistress appears in front of protagonist. Mistress demands protagonist to please her by licking her feet. 

Slave has a dexterity of 14, giving him +2 (The dexterity base is 10. Slave has developed his character and put 4 points in dexterity so that it is now 14, giving him +1 for every 2 ranks above 10). Slave also has the skill "Footworship Apprentice" (he earned that by leveling up), giving him another +2.

Mistress has an AC (Armor Class, in this case it would be how hard she is to please) of 14.

Now slave rolls a d20 dice (a dice with 20 numbers on it. with his +4 modifier he has to roll a 10 or higher to succeed).

Slave rolls 8

8+4 vs 14 = failure

Slave fails to please Mistress, Mistress is unhappy, slaps Slave and is not paying him for his services.

This is what an encounter in a Darktoz Game with DnD rules would look like. In another PnP rulebook system called Savage Worlds it would look like this:

Slave has Footworship on Level 1 instead of Level 0. That means he can use a d6 die instead of a d4. Rolling a 4 or higher would be a success! With the d4 die the success chance would only be 25%, but slave now has a 50% chance with the d6 die (4,5,6 all means success). Level 2 would be rolling with a d8, Level 3 with a d10 dice and so on.

Slaves rolls 3

To succeed he would have needed a 4, 5 or a 6 = failure

Slave fails to please Mistress, Mistress is unhappy, slaps Slave and is not paying him for his services.

These are just two examples. What I am trying to say is that I am currently looking for interesting mechanics to implement in my games! Simple enough for me to implement and for you to understand, yet fun enough to customize your character to your will and spend some time in the character stat screen :).

Maybe you have an idea. Something like: Hey, that Pen and Paper System: Vampire The Masquerade has an interesting system with Hunger Dice, you could use the system with a twist like Obedience Dice. Or: Hey, that Game Dead in Vinland has some interesting mechanics that I could see working in a Femdom Survival Game!

Long story short, I am too stupid with math to come up with my own system and I'm looking for "mechanics" inspiration, to shamelessly use my Kakashi Copycat Ninja Sharingan on. Let me know if you know something ;)

Other than that, not much to say. Hang in, Episode 3 is going to drop soon ;)

Stay kinky!




You need to remember sex isn't combat but skills and therefore skill rolls.The OGL material unifies everything as d20's but there are other systems. If you're not trying to reinvent the wheel why not view a system geared to adult content. Erotic Fantasy a d20 system supplement to allow sexual content to be added to old school gaming. Then there is Hotchicks RPG - with the depravity wars and tentacle madness - its modern but skills are skills and it might also give you ideas how to deal with various situations. If you're looking for high tech there is Black Tokyo . . . One last option look at Classic Cortex very very heavy in roleplay but has a skill and trait system based on dice pool system, you should check it out to understand it. I GM some unique genre/settings and have found its easiest finding the system that comes closest to giving me what I want.


Nice, thanks! Very useful information. To be honest I didn't even know there already is a Erotic Fantasy d20 System, and I have never heard of hotchicks or black tokyo rpg either! Will check it out!


All that stuff is available through DrivethruRPG.com

The Playful Otter

I've never heard of hot chicks rpg, is it actually geared towards sexual rps or is it just everyone plays hot chicks and they fight in some kind of secret war for the future of humankind?


looks like 2nd: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/56643/HOT-CHICKS-The-Roleplaying-Game


i don't have a clue About of that mechanics but i will look in to that; the Picture the wasteland and the domina pleasing/Fighting System got me all fireed up! And I am really Looking Forward to Ep. 3 and how Malthara will turn out she was really mysterious in Ep. 2


There is a good chance that she will stay mysterious since Ep.3 is not the end...but maybe you can find out a bit more :)


I do enjoy the D&D systems. 5E is a great system, because it's much less number crunching and more about simple advantage or disadvantage. I love 3.5 and Pathfinder (pretty much anything other than 4thE of D&D) but later in those games, the amount of numbers you have to keep track of for every encounter, can become rather time consuming. Using a D&D system, you can also allow characters to choose a certain number of feats when creating the character, to help get into the role of that character faster. Also, consider adding flaws when creating a character, which allows a trade off, like: You start with +1 modifier of your choice (lets just say +1 Str for now) BUT! You have to choose a flaw, like "Character ALWAYS loses to any foot related resist check" or other flaws like that. Here's some ideas: 1. A similar 5E D&D style system, as long as the game keeps track of the calculations automatically after the player updates their character sheet each level. 2. Allow feats and flaws on character creation 3. Allow more hidden items that have multiple purposes, like find a secret item that's very nice in combat, but you could give it to a mistress of our choice to gain more favor with that mistress. 4. Make a unique list of kink related skills or resistsances (+2 foot worship, +4 tough skin, etc)that the player can choose on level up (or perhaps even allow trading of stat modifiers for skills, like: instead of starting the game with 10 points you can put in str, con, dex, etc, you can gain an extra skill every 2 points traded) 5. Have some D&D style skills. Example: I see a hole in the upper wall of a cave, but after investigating it, it turns out I can't make my way up to it without a +2 climb. This would allow more exploration and secrets. You could hide special mistresses around the game, that require specific skill investments to gain access to. 6. Create difficult or humiliating jobs (Like shoe shiner in Mantis) that allow the min/maxers to spend time in, if they want to unlock all the scenes and paths during a playthrough. 7. Have more slave interactions depending on how you build your relationships with them. Some might make you beneficial items like the blacksmith and potion seller. Some might make "use" of you like Shyael. Some might even dominate you later if you make them your enemy.


Nice, very good ideas. Yes, I have planned normal skills as well, I have planned: Awareness, Melee, Ranged, Stealth, Hunting, Persuade, Mining, Crafting, Scavenging, Lockpicking, First Aid, Driving, Computers. I will think about adding climbing. Let me know if you have more!


PS. To be absolutely clear: Your releases are an EVENT. They are never (wellllllllllll... latest cbde was a little boring for reasons given above - no replayability... Oooh, ever played a j-porn game? Once you finish they have this room you can go into (RPG maker) where you click on a crystal and can see each scene again - perhaps add this to cbde?). Still, its exciting to see a darktoz release. Still exciting. Sure, renpy has shot off and perhaps animations (not just clipped together pictures) has pushed the scene forward) but no one makes that twisted sexy content like you do.


Thank you :). I was thinking of adding a room like this, not sure yet. I do not see the "reasons given above". What post are you reffering to?


Great! Because it is "really" getting exciting now and to end it after Episode 3 would have been really disapointing!


Perhaps there is info about it somewhere on the patreon, but could you tell me if saves from previous episodes would work on new version? Or do i have to play 3 episodes from the begining?


I can never guarantee it, but so far all previous saves worked with the new updates, whether it was the asylum or the cbde updates


I love the idea of an encounter being like combat, actually: if you win, you please/satisfy the dominatrix and she either rewards you (= treasure in D&D) or just leaves you alone, if you fail, you're humiliated or better, weakened in some way, or have to make up for it (work) or somesuch. One could even have different skills which would be like different spells or weapons (advanced foot massage, ass-licking...) - though that would only make sense if one has some lee-way as to what one does, rather than simply being ordered to please in a specific way.


the one thing I don't completely understand is the aversion to spoilers. Sure, you don't want to give everything away, but even Hollywood movies give you previews. If you said something just evocative ("if you thought Samira was mean, wait till you meet the Demon Queen...." "Elorae will make you an offer you might not be able to handle...") I'm sure everybody would spend the next week or two improvising all sorts of crazy fantasies in their heads as to what that might mean and then be all the more eager to know if they got it right.


Well, there is a spoiler right in the first picture, so it's not completely without them. In fact, you can get quite a lot of information from the pictures that I already put out....


Yes, I have planned that. The only problem is to categorize the different skills. I don't know what is missing and what not, and I have to get the mechanics right first, because you cannot just add them later. Here are the current ones for fetish stuff: Blowjob, Anal, Footworship, Bootworship, Cunnilingus Anilingus, Handjob, Sexual Stamina, Pain Tolerance, Sissification Breathplay, Bondage, (Kissing) Chastity and Humiliation work a bit different but are also planned. As for sexual, I do not know if that covers everything or not


hey Darktoz im trying to unpack the asylum file but it keeps saying that it cant do it cuz there could be a damaged file in it. Help


Who is "it"? Your antivirus program? Normally you just download it, unzip it with the lates archiver (winrar, 123zip, 7zip or whatever) and play. Has been done over 25 000 times. A damaged file would have been noticed by now


I my self love D&D so i like the idea of putting this kind of system in your games.


Love it, too. But the real deal would be if I can come up with an even better system on my own. doubt that will happen, though :D


but wouldn't there also be "attacks" by the mistress: e.g., ballbusting, tickling, ruined orgasm, nipple clamp/clothespins, smother, spiked chastity, electro-play...


yes, but these are the mistresses skills, not yours. and you have no influence on that. you can only take the pain and torture with pain tolerance, bondage, breathplay and so on


Looks good. Regarding the gaming mechanics, how about having some kind of resilience score, a bit like stamina or endurance, and when you lose points you become less resistant to a Mistress' humiliation or punishments and each time it reaches zero you level up in submission. Each Mistress has a submission level, meaning that once you meet her level you can no longer resist her demands? Some Mistresses might have a low submission rating and make less demeaning demands, while others have higher ratings and, once you have been sufficiently broken down and levelled up to their submission requirements, they make far more demeaning demands of you that you cannot refuse. Does that make sense?


I think I get what you mean and I like it, but that could simply be done by increasing the difficulty every time you return to that mistress. The difficulty level can also be varying between different tasks from the same mistress, so that any mistress can make demands of high or low requirements. Femdom City actually has that mechanic already in it with Willpower, but right now it is only used for jobs, meaning if you're too broken down and your willpower is too low, you won't be able to work. That could be done with mistresses as well, meaning you cannot avoid them or fight them off if your willpower is too low.


DnD stuff sounds really good for CbdE but for games like MANTIS, I really love the current mechanics. If you want to use the DnD advantage/disadvantage mechanics it cool be interesting, if you get advantage (someone likes you, you have some tool, you are working with someone as opposed to alone) then you roll 2D20 and keep the best, if you have disadvantage, you roll 2D20 and keep the lowest. Keep up the good work. :)


nice, yes! totally forgot about the advantage/disadvantage mechanics!