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This week wasn't as good as I wanted it to be, outputwise. I had to catch up with some renders and I fucked up a scene where Elorae was fucking you through the cell bars, and there was just too much clipping through, and I had to redo it a lot of times before it was right.

I'm 21 renders behind...BUT, after these are done, it will be a huge update, renderpictures-wise (367 renderpictures, compared to the last episode 25 pictures more...and episode 2 was already pretty big...I think it was the biggest but I'm not sure).

That doesn't mean the episode is really that much longer than Ep2. But it is a nice bump in quality. Most scenes have 1-2 extra frames (pictures), making the animation look smooth :)

So, in conclusion, it will most likely come out in the beginning of august. I have decided not to rush it and focus time on dialogue and ingame options as well. I have also placed all other projects on hold at the moment, meaning right now I'm only working on CbDE full time (when I have time ;).

All the time?

Well, ok...from time to time I get a character idea and create a mistress for a certain scenario with my new indirect lighting method, which is just stunning AND very efficient with the rendertime. Wanna take a look?

Elven Cyberpunk Huntress.

Blue-Eyes, Blonde Hair always works (yes that hair doesn't look orange anymore, shoutout to Heather from the Asylum :)

Now, time for the weekly feedback: This time I want to know something very specific. Imagine your dream femdom/futadom game. Do not think about the specific setting, do not think about the mistresses and how they should look, just think about what mechanics the game should have.

Should it be like Femdom City, where you don't see your character on the map walking around?

Or should it be like The Asylum and CbDE, where you can walk around and see your character?

Just your general preference. Usually, the onmap character brings some stuff that can be fun, like the exploration of the new area. And for example in Femdom City you can access all the areas with one click on the map. That makes it a lot faster, but also makes it feel from time to time that there is a lack of content, since you can access everything right away.

Let me know, I'm very interested. Have a nice sunday!

Stay kinky!



on map Avatars are awesome, but I like the better graphics that Comes with games like Mantis, so it is really a tough decision


yeah, I always ask these kind of questions because the decision is really hard for myself ;)


There is merit in both on-map characters and a no-avatar based game, but I find the on-map character more enjoyable (personally). It makes the game feel more interactive and controlled. Having a controllable avatar makes the gameplay feel more immersive and RPG like, where playing games like Mantis start feeling more like reading a picture book, where choosing options is just turning the page. All in all, both styles offer engaging content that I will likely enjoy regardless, my preference just leans towards having a controllable Avatar.

Drake Breen

I prefer the on map approach because it gives me more of a sense of agency, if that makes sense? Like, deliberately walking down to the sub-basement of the Asylum to (repeatedly) see what happens feels more immersive than just clicking on a map icon.


I like direct access because its faster to grind through and re-try different paths, at least that has been my experience...

Dark Elf

Of course I am for option one. Asylum, and CbDE my favorite games of yours, especially CbDE. Very atmospheric and interesting.I like it very much when a character can walk around the ground to dig ore, look for keys, video tapes ... . In the future I will go through more than once these games.     MANTIS beautiful graphics new engine, and all that ... But I can not play it as enthusiastically as a Asylum, or CbDE. It may seem that I am comparing these games,)) maybe)) I just want to see the games as in the first version of the vote. This is just my opinion and you shouldn’t pay attention to it, you want to diversify your your games, strive for improvement and that’s great. I look forward to the continuation of CbDE.The last episode 2 was awesome (the best of all updates for me)


yes, makes sense. it can also bring additional elements, like trying to hide from another character with your onmap protagonist and so on


good point, even though you can have a lot of rpg elements in the visual novel as well, like for example skills, an inventory and so on.


For now I lean a little more to direct access because I'm personally no more a fan of the graph of rpgmaker(with view from above and low pixels characters). If the avatar and the moving around where in a 2.5d or 3d graphics and maybe in a point & clip style in that case it would definitely be better than the direct access.


I like a game that is interesting to replay and start from scratch, something that you can also blaze through if you so desire


yes, totally agree. Can't see the standard rpg maker assets no more as well. They've just been overused in nsfw gaming.


I liked the Assylum but haven't enjoyed playing CBDE half as much, although I very much enjoy the artwork and the storyline I have found the game dynamics very monotonous. I did like exploring the map on the asylum but don't feel that spending time walking around a map enhanced the experience of the game compared with how the game plays on Fem Dom City. So, my preference is the second option.


Yes. It is hard to balance the experience between new players with not much experience and more experienced players who want a challenge. That's what I found the most difficult with onmap characters. what is simple and easy for one group is already a challenge for others. Not easy to balance for a single person


From all your games that I've played, you've always worked with amazing looking 3D models, textures, and shaders. Have you ever been curious about trying out a full 3D game? As an example, I've worked a bit in Unity, and it practically does all the hard work for you. After hooking up a diffuse, normal, and specular texture map, you get insanely good looking PBR models requiring no render times. Animations can hook up and transition between eachother easily. Movement controls don't require anything complex. It allows you to focus more on dialogue elements and special animations scenes.


I have tried it, yes. Not that successful, since Unity doesn't have a good character creation software right now that is within my price range. 3D models for a render engine are already expensive. Complete 3D models for 3D game usage are not affordable for me right now, because I would need a lot of hot women in there :D. Who knows, maybe in the future... ;)


Is it alright if I ask what software do you use for your models? I've seen some interesting software like "MakeHuman" that lets you customize premade 3D models that are pre-rigged for animation, and supported for export to 3rd party softwares like Blender, Unity, Maya, etc. Although, I'm not sure it would be able to make models quite as sexy as the ones you use. I like your recent post about using the female model to design a male character.


I use poser pro 11. I know makehuman, character creator and the unity figure UMA, but they all lack outfits and customizability...unless I make all of it myself in blender, and I lack knowledge, skill and time for that


Fair enough. It's also best to work with what your comfortable with :) Thanks for all your prompt replies, I'll stop distracting you now ^_^


On map, but on the other hand which way you can produce quality content faster is better


Only onmap character becuase it makes you feel like you are actually in game


that is difficult. I love both, but while making an onmap character takes longer, you also have more to do ingame, so the update usually feels like more content.


Elorae one love <3


I prefer direct access but if you go with onmap please make maps smaller than larger. Nothing grinds me gears more than endless walking about. It isn't a huge deal but it feels like my time is being wasted /shrug.


Interesting. Tbh I always thought my asylum and cbde maps were rather small


they are he's unusual - I mean, not claustrophobic or anything, but they're not so vast you ever get lost or anything like that.


ultimately it doesn't matter to me both are good just my preference is on map but not a big deal, feels like its just easier to add more options in on map if you wanted to add people or places to it


well, it really depends, because technically in femdom city there are onmap characters as well :)