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Public Post regarding June:

The way I see Patreon is that it is a way to support the artists creativity. But I know that support means giving your hard earned money to another person, and just updates of plain text or other projects is something some people are not interested in.

Captured by Dark Elves Episode 3 won't be coming in June. That is save to say. I'm currently at about 20%.

The main reason is that once I started to learn to code (a month ago...with another engine, already told you this in 'farewell to rpg maker'), everything changed. Everything. I hope I can show you what I mean in the middle of june, when I have something to show you guys that we can talk about.

Other than that me posting stuff and code that I have learned that will benefit my games in the long run and posting minigames might be boring for some.

The other reason is that I'm on holiday for a week and won't bring my laptop with me. I need a break from that thing at least for these 6 days (will still bring my smartphone though, so I will be in the Discord and in the comments...not going to be as active in these 6 days but I'm still an internet addict :D).

Me being very open about the progress has been very well received so far, so I will point this out before the month ends, not shortly after. That's only fair.

I know that most of you are in for the long run and want to see better games, but I also know that a few of you can't afford to pledge every month and are therefore picking the month when a new episode of the current game comes out.

And for those who might wonder: June is still going to be extremely interesting...don't you worry ;)

Stay kinky



Nahreb Bashai

Have a good time and enjoy it.


We already know you're an honest developer my dude, have fun :p


Thanks for the update, and in my opinion the best! Keep just being you


Your the reason why i made a patreon acount i support your work becuse i belive in what your doing and that is some good stuff keep up the good work😊👍


Enjoy your vacation and take care of yourself!


I realize that this has been said often enough, but let me repeat: I support you because you do great original work, and I’m not going to throw a tantrum because you need a little time to look after yourself. Have a great vacation, and take the time you need!


You are doing a great job, you deserve great rest.


Please..Please...continue!! I know this is WAY late on this post...but just got finished believe it or not


ok sorry..on one of your first games,,loved it !! the concept of FemdomCity MANTIS is great! Would love to have seen that go a lot farther. Hope you continue! Thanks!


so for starters let me begin with i do like a lot of the content i have seen. i have currently played through captured by dark elves to as far as it goes atm and i have played your femdom city and femdom city mantis. However, i would like to say that i am personally not a patreon person. i would instead like to drop like 20 bucks on CBDE when it is finished(i like paying for a complete product and i will provide feedback, but it looks like at this point that should be mostly covered.) Would you rather the 20 be dropped here on patreon? or would you get more money if i did it in the download links? id rather you get more money im not sure how the cuts work. Second, i do have some confusion with femdom city and femdom city mantis. THese to be honest are the projects you have i most look foward to seeing completed. CBDE is by no means bad in fact i rather enjyoyed it enough i want to spend 20 on the completed version, but it seems more tedious and less straightfoward which some people may like and i even like a bit(rpgs are great) but femdom city just has better idk vision/scope i guess. Anyway my big question is MAntis is the rebbot of City to my knowledge, but when i play Mantis there are way less encounters and stuff. Is that because i need to transfer my data from City in some way or is that not done? or is it just because it has less content fully done. Also was the contract system ever actually put in in city or is that a teaser. Tbh i havent done a lot of grinding in either because im unsure if it would go to waste or not because of stuff not being put in yet. Also the content in Mantis stops after day 18, but if we continue and grind skill is it possible to ask what can i do for you and get those scenes which i assume have skill based triggers or is that also no more with the encounters past day 18. It seems to me if there is no idk data transfer between games then you should rewrite city into mantis i understand you changed from rpg maker into im not sure and it would take a lot of time(i myself know how to use unity a bit and c sharp and could not imagine how i would ever change engines(someone should make some type of something for that) but it should make the game much more coherent. i will also give feedback if requested but again from what i understand patreon people get the priority as they rightly should. also idk if you have seen it but femdom city has inspired Harshville(another game ill drop around 20-50 depending on how far it gets) by banished and it looks pretty promising as well maybe itd be worth it for you to give it a play or talk back and forth idk. honestly you probably know about it already.


also just noticed the top of your patreon say thanks for "stepping by" might want to change it to stopping by just noticed it myself but yeah


Hello there! Patreon is the best way to support. Compared to itch io it takes the smallest cut, it has the smallest fees for creators by a landslide. I don't like the idea of "paying" for a finished product that is available for free. That is why my model and the model of patreon is like "You pay, I work. The more you pay, the more I work". But I can understand that people have different views on it and I guess money is money and support is support. So any money coming my way through patreon helps. Femdom City is the prequel of Femdom City MANTIS. The story of Femdom City ends right where Femdom City MANTIS starts. Merging the two games together is simply not possible, because MANTIS does too many things different. Even the artstyle has changed in favor of more compressed pictures. There is no data transfer between the two games. And there is none possible. In Mantis you can trigger all skill/money based encounters even after day 18. But no more story encounters until the next update. MANTIS currently has already about 30% more content than femdom city had, plus it is at the beginning, while CbDE is near complete (well not that near, but close...it's complicated...kind of like the asylum, where endings took a lot of time and work as well). It also has at least the same amount of encounters (or even more, not sure). But for some encounters you have to do something. Like pledge money to Jazz or Red Hailey to unlock new jobs. Hope that answers all your questions. Sorry if not, it's hard to read the questions out of a large chunk of text ;)


"Patreon is the best way to support. Compared to itch io it takes the smallest cut, it has the smallest fees for creators by a landslide."--- ---------------------------------------------------message recieved "I don't like the idea of "paying" for a finished product that is available for free. That is why my model and the model of patreon is like "You pay, I work. The more you pay, the more I work". But I can understand that people have different views on it and I guess money is money and support is support. So any money coming my way through patreon helps. " -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------so i understand that patreon sort of works that way but i hate keeping track of monthly stuff it makes it feel too much like bills while lump sum feels more like supporty good vibe stuff to me personally and while i probably should give while in development i view mine as more of a yeah you did good keep doing good reward. for CBDE its near done so 20 once its done. and Mantis feels more like ill drop 10 or 20 there at signifigant progress marks like a .5 or a 1.0 maybe.---------------------------------------------------------------------" Femdom City is the prequel of Femdom City MANTIS. The story of Femdom City ends right where Femdom City MANTIS starts. Merging the two games together is simply not possible, because MANTIS does too many things different. Even the artstyle has changed in favor of more compressed pictures." ok so thats understood. I still feel that it would be best to redo all of city with whatever you are currently using in Mantis because the story for Mantis would be better that way. If someone just picked up Mantis they can but they would be confused and MAntis is of a higher quality so some people could get put off with having to get city as well. It would take a lot of time, and it would probably be almost like redoing the begginging, but it would probably be worth it long run for the game. Although, i also understand one person and well opportunnity cost so might not be better( although i suppose if you do get help that might be a good first task for them and it would get them up to snuff).------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"There is no data transfer between the two games. And there is none possible. In Mantis you can trigger all skill/money based encounters even after day 18. But no more story encounters until the next update. MANTIS currently has already about 30% more content than femdom city had, plus it is at the beginning, while CbDE is near complete (well not that near, but close...it's complicated...kind of like the asylum, where endings took a lot of time and work as well). It also has at least the same amount of encounters (or even more, not sure). But for some encounters you have to do something. Like pledge money to Jazz or Red Hailey to unlock new jobs." Understood on the data part. Are there encounters in Mantis like in Dark elves that depend on the day and stuff because i literally played it til day 18 once so yeah i never got ambushed into stuff or anything except for cutscenes that go with main story like you did in dark elves(femdom city implied it and there was the once in the curtain room of the bar, but thats all i triggered i think. I can guess what you mean about the assylum but i have not played it. Also how many times is the pledging money useful does it unlcok stuff once twice three times or more for each or does it stop you from pledging once youve reached limit Also in city was the contract part actually unlockable i know mantis said it did not have it but it seems like city did or might have?.---------------------------------------------------------------" Hope that answers all your questions. Sorry if not, it's hard to read the questions out of a large chunk of text ;)" --- sorry about that i tried to make it clearer but patreon and my phone do not seem compatible or something because every time i try to put in a paragraph it sends it as a comment and im trying to avoid posting several comments. Thanks for the reply it was way quicker than i expected.