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So, another sunday, another update. I'm still at the beginning of Captured by Dark Elves Episode 3. Had some issues with the character movement on the new tileset  and other frustrating stuff, but overall it is going ok. Still too early to say when it is going to come, definitely not this month, that is all I know. Good things take a while to get good.

Captured by Dark Elves might be my last RPG Maker Game. For those who do not know, RPG Maker is the engine that I'm using. I've created BDSM Tournament, The Asylum and Captured by Dark Elves with it. The engine is powerful and underestimated, but it has its limitations, especially when it comes to creative freedom.

For Femdom City I have already moved to a Visual Novel Engine that allows that kind of freedom like making your own GUI (User Interface).

For the next game I will switch to Game Maker Studio 2. I've looked at most 2D engines in the past weeks and that one is the easiest to understand, even though this time I can't chicken out and have to learn to code.


It will take some time and yes, it will slow down the progress on Captured by Dark Elves a bit, but believe me, in the long run it will be very beneficial for the next games! With a powerful engine that I understand I can do whatever I want. We can finally have a fun battle system that does not feel like a grind, we can talk about minigames that make you perform better in sex scenes and all the good stuff.

When the time is ready, I will show you a prototype of what I've planned. But that is far away right now. Right now I'm just learning day by day and feeling more and more like a real developer :).

But for now, I will go back to rendering some sadistic dark elves ;)

Have a nice sunday,

stay kinky!




It's a shame to say goodbye to RPG maker, but I am sure that it would be for the best if you decide to change it. Also don't worry about programming , it easier now than in past years, and in game maker studio 2 are lots of tutorials, you will be fine XD.


Yes, I was quite scared of it at first. The amount of code in RPG Maker is minimal. But I'm really beginning to like it, it is not that complicated at all like I feared.


only thing that scares me as a Mac user is: I can play CbDE on wine (but not Femdom City). Hopefully this doesn't mean I won't be able to play it any more!


CbDE will be finished on RPG Maker, so that you can still use your savegames and play it like you are used to. Sorry if that wasn't clear from my post.


Thats good news tho, if you'll feel more comfortable with new engine ofcourse its better for all of us, hoping for alot more dark elves, have a nice sunday :)


Unrelated but on my first post here I compared the atmosphere in Femdom city with bloodlines and you told me about bloodlines 2 launching, so thanks! I was so excited about my favorite game ever getting a sequel back then that I forgot to say thank you, so here you go! Thanks for both telling me that and for all the effort you're putting in these games, and I wish you the best of luck with the new engine!


No problem, glad to have more bloodlines fans on board ;) was a bit disappointed that the release is in march 2020 :(. But like I always say: Good things come to those who wait


Some people might be sad to see RPGMaker go but I'm not I have played enough of RPGMaker smut games and most of them boils down to most of the time you are running around map doing same stuff over and over again . Only handful of the games have travel from door to door instead of running 5 minutes from other side of the screen to another rinse and repeat


Well, to be fair you can do this in any game. It is a way to stretch content. In Femdom City MANTIS for example, no content is hidden. It is scene after scene after scene. Even the grind for xp and money are scenes. But on the other hand, that takes a lot more time to develop than just tell the player to get object a in treasure chest b or mine xx amounts of stones first. I agree, especially most rpg maker smut games do a bad job on this. But that mostly is the developers fault, not the game engine. We will see. I hope I can give you guys a prototype of what I'm planning somewhat soon, then we can discuss it :)


yay! also - don't know how much I can ask for spoilers and this is presumably far in the future, but: iirc you mentioned various endings. So am I right to assume that, like in Asylum they'll be a series of short and a few extended endings; you're obviously setting it up for an escape option to be one of them, but ending up as the permanent slave of one or another of the dark elves would be cool. If so, just to say the extended ones were lots of fun in Asylum. An ending like that would be very satisfying - especially if you had a possibility of any of the five major characters (though also, I imagine, lots of work.)


I apologize for my bad English, I'm from a far country. Darktoz, I have less than a week to live, please, I have to see the dark elves final. Joke :) Thanks for your efforts.


your english is fine, don't worry :) well, you'll have to live a little while longer to see the end, since Episode 3 is not the end ;)

Dark Elf

I look forward to episode 3! :) on the first photo, Elorae stands in the background of some lava location, which means that the demons will also be :) So I want to see beautiful demoness or succubus and of course in long latex boots!


that might come ;) not sure if she will be in latex boots, though...

Dark Elf

my opinion, latex boots would look very sexy. I would not like to see horse legs and hooves, at least in female-demons. Well, you can always arrange a vote on this ...


I'm sorry for my English but I would like to see captures by dark elves until the end and I wish I had more ballbusting if possible


I will make sure to sneak some ballbusting scenes in the next Episode ;)