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I have an important question...I am currently working on the mining system and it has a nice little randomness to it, meaning you don't always get the same result when you mine a rock. But that's also kind of exploitable. You could always reload when you didn't get a valuable gem or when an enemy appears...making the game less challenging. But maybe some of you don't want it to be challenging, maybe some of you guys just want to focus on the artwork.

The alternative would be...bonfires! Yes, I came up with this very original idea myself :D, meaning I would place a bonfire at the beginning of the mine and also a few more as you progress deeper and deeper into the mine. You can save at the bonfire as often as you want. That way, everytime you want to save you would have to go back to the bonfire...and that bonfire is not far away, but I think it would prevent a few players from saving/reloading - saving/reloading all the time.

In the end, it is your choice. You're supposed to have fun with the game!



What's coming next? Dr. Horney's ending or the first part of the Dark Elves game?




Do you mean because of the vote? Nah, I don't mind and saving everywhere is a lot easier to implement ;). Or because Captured by Dark Elves comes before the next Asylum Episode?