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Warning: Boring engine talk...if you're just here for games and artwork, you can skip reading this ;)

I have a question for you guys...it is quite important so please read the text before you vote.

I have learned quite a lot of things in the past months, a lot about gamemaking, coding in general and how to build assets on your own. The few of you who are following me do know that I am about to switch from rpg maker to another engine. It may be that Captured by Dark Elves is the last, maybe one final rpg maker game is coming after it. But ultimately I want to switch and learn something new...and I am tired of RPG Makers limitations.

Now...the big question is: Which engine to pick? And this is where I struggle to choose...should I go for 2D, or 3D?

2D would be either Construct 2 or Gamemaker, and me still using my current render style, that looks like this:

3D would be Unity...the "go to" engine for lazy 3D game creators :D.

Now, normally I would say 2D is the way to go. It is easier, low requirements, and it's cheaper.

But I've looked into Unity, and I have to admit that this engine is quite powerful. Currently I am using the models in Poser, posing them until I have a scene, then I make 3-5 pictures to make the scene look animated, and then I integrate them in my 2D game. With unity, I could pose the characters right in the engine and animate them.

Like I said, I am not sure what to pick. One big factor would be that I'm not sure if every supporter could run a unity 3D game on his computer, even when I am careful to make it for low performance pc's.

I am just looking for basic input here...let me know what you think, what you would like to see and why.

Oh, and to be clear...this is just community talk. Nothing set in stone. Maybe tomorrow I'll wake up and decide to do incest textgames for the rest of my life ;)

- Stay kinky


Andreas Finn

2d looks like Sims game characters making it a small turnoff for me at least.

Andreas Finn

Ok I only looked it up from click close and if all of them are at that quality then I don't mind 2d if it is easier for ya.


Many Unity games overheat and crash my laptop. It can play Skyrim on high, so my guess is that those games have no upper frame rate set. If you can avoid melting the chips with 500+ FPS, Unity sounds fine 😊


well, the look is something different...it could very well be that my first 3d game would have a "Sims" look ;). It is more about what you would like to play more in general, GTA 2 or GTA 3 ;)


Every engine comes with some issues...even rpg maker has performance problems when you don't keep the filesizes small enough (for the asylum for example it has to load about 1200 pictures). The general question is: When I would build a big fetish BDSM game in the future, would you like it to be a 2D topdown shooter with visual novel elements, or a 3D 3rd Person Shooter with ingame cutscenes :)


The general question is: When I would build a big fetish BDSM game in the future, would you like it to be a 2D topdown shooter with visual novel elements, or a 3D 3rd Person Shooter with ingame cutscenes! And guys...please don't make this a 50:50 decision again like last time when I asked you about my render style ;)


Hey artist! Im drunk! But hey! Hiya! love your games. Remember you're a wombl... i mean, er, remember you're an artist. The reason i'm paying you gold standard cash moneys is because you blew my stupid mind. And you blew it long before you started to decide shit based on committee. I'm Scottish. And that means im incredibly stingy (by GENETICS, not just morality). Realise you have an actual artistic vision. Sure, people can inform it, but they cant create or reproduce it. That's why we throw money at people exactly like you who not only create shit, but make us subs say 'This is actually amazing! i had no idea i really loved that kink!'. After the debacle about patreon i upped my donation from 1 dollar to 3. I didnt care (mad money yo!). i did it because you keep delivering games that (genuinely) NO ONE ELSE delivers. Have some faith! They suck as games by the way, play some final fantasy or fallout (1 and 2... not bathesda if you want serious rpg), but because you excel in kinkstering and being a fucking loon like the rest of us. Trust you get it. Stop focus grouping, and if you make a dud, i promise this, we dont care, we're literally grateful that a kinkster is actually making games that blow our minds and taking us into weird odd places we want to go. Honestly, and from the bottom of my heart, i want to slap you right now. You get it. One of us! One of us! gooble gobble, gooble gobble, we accept him... Stop designing by committee . :)


neeeds an edit key. Then again, proof im mashed. You do YOU. I have faith in YOU. I have fuck all faith in you.


also, raise your standard to fallout 2... with your kinks? and im 10 bucks a month.


can i also point out, apropos of nothing, that two of the best RPGs of the past 5 years were entirely crowdfunded: Divinity origins 2, and pillars of eternity. Steal... i mean, er, "borrow" their engine, post samples, watch shit happen.


The elf in the pic is in 2D?


I think most important is what you want. When you go for 2D but rly want to try out 3D it would just be frustrating. Here is one of my favorite lines for decicions(from an elf): "Why do you humans always think every decision is set in stone? If you dont like it anymore, you can change the way things are." You actually have experience with 2D style. Going 3D now could be awesome for you as content creator, or not. I would say if you rly wanna give it try, do it. You could do a tiny project as practice to see if this could be your think.


You cannot create animations or poses inside unity, you need to use external application like 3dmax and then import animations in to unity. Unity also has a large learning curve compared to gamemaker.


Use your brain, superdrunkman! Darktoz is alone, it isn't its full-time job... And games like fallout or Pillars of eternity were created by a lot of people.


Ha, thank you :) I love Fallout 2, but it might be difficult to achieve that kind of quality ;) But not impossible


it is a picture from a 3D render model, with photoshop postwork :)


I get where you coming from, but it's not so easy...this is like the decision I made between the two render engines, Daz3D and Poser Pro. Once you decide, you have to commit with time, and with money for assets, and I don't have the money/time to just try both ;). And the thing is that I don't know what I want...I want both :D


While it is a lot of work, you can actually animate inside unity. It has a keyframe editor...for rigged models that means animating every single bone...but it's doable. It might also be possible to import my poser animations. You're right about the learning curve, and that really is something to consider...but I also think that it is rewarding when you stick to it and there are a lot of good tutorials out there...


Easy :). My plan really is to make a bigger game with my own engine. I think it is doable, it will just take more time. I don't think it will be as big as pillars or divinity...but it might be possible on a smaller scale


Looking at it pragmatically, it doesn't seem like you have a particular preference with one or the other, but if you go with Unity I imagine you're going to have to commit a lot of time and effort to get your skillset established enough where developing in that format doesn't lose out a lot of efficiency. Unless you're really interested in getting to know Unity, I'm not sure if it would be worth it to make the move. That said, I'm sure whatever you end up deciding on you'll manage to rock it. :)


If 3d means longer development time, then I say 2d. The most important bits are the cut-scenes anyways which are 3d. If the story connecting those cut-scenes is easier to implement because it's a 2d game, then do 2d. Ideally yeah, a Femdom Skyrim would be awesome; but it's also unrealistic to expect a 1-person operation to do that. Content is king, just keep updates semi-regular with awesome Femdom cut-scenes and I'll be :-)


Thanks you :). I would say that I will commit similar time and effort in learning the new 2D engine. I hope you're right about me rocking this thing :)


Oh, I will :). This is just for future projects, but I will provide you constantly with Asylum and Dark Elf Updates first of all...I know that you guys are pledging to get more content and not so that I can learn new things ;)