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So while september was a bit of a let-down for you 3$+ supporters, almost no one of you guys edited their pledge down (few exceptions, but they only confirm the rule), which shows me that you're here for supporting me and not only for consuming what I dish out!

So many bad things happened in the last few weeks (currently lying in my bed with flu, a borrowed netbook on my chest since my laptop totally crashed), but I am finally able (and happy) to present you the first part of an ongoing series of short stories (they become longer and longer...don't worry).

Since it is the first part of many, it will be public (like all my first parts and demos), but like I said above, you guys came a bit short last month, so you are going to get it first!

And don't close the game right when you read 'the end'...you might want to know what is coming next. Same if you are not into futa/dickgirl content at all. Close your eyes and play it so you can participate in the upcoming vote of which story is next.

As always, there shouldn't be any bugs. And as always, there probably are some! Please tell me if something doesn't work. Have been told by the doc to stay in bed anyway ;)

Thanks for your awesome support!

Stay kinky!


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