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First up, the bad news, so that I get you all in a pissed mood. I haven't really had time to work on the Asylum. Day 4 is only about 20% done.

So, what's the good news? I have finally done it! I've updated my 3D Model in EVERY way. You can already see it on the picture (compare it to the old Ashley picture below). Her curves are so much more realistic, and I am finally able to give characters a more different, more mature look. That means I can finally make mother/son incest games now! Yay! Just kidding, but you haven't really seen her biggest improvements. Remember when you guys all told me that the female genitals needed a bit of polishing? Here is an old picture:

Not only did it look bad but it was static. Here is a close up of what it looks now.

Yes, you can't deny that it just looks better now! And it's morphable, which means you can position the clit and the lips in every way!

I could go on forever about this, but I already get a feeling that I just bore you, so I will tell you what I got next for you.

Since the visual novel software I planned to use got delayed until the end of november I finally purchased another one (called Tyranobuilder) and while it sure has its limitations, it really has some advantages...for example that it can play animated gifs. I am playing around with it and I really like it, so I might present you the first result by the end of the month. I always wanted to create these interactive stories, because I can really get creative with them...just wait a few days and let me show you.

Day 4 of the Asylum still has no estimated release date. I have one week of holidays now, which is a very good thing for my games, we'll see how far I can get with that. 

Also, there will be another kinkster decision this month. Classic Spanking or another Strap-On scene. I don't know if it will be Tina or Elaine...maybe I'll let you guys even choose that ;)

That's it for now, stay kinky!



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