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UPDATE: Furry Preview, please scroll down!

So, let us talk about the 2nd big game that I'm planning! First of all, it will be a visual novel, and the engine I want to work with, isn't out yet.

(funny story, Visual Novel Maker should have been released december 2016...it is constantly being delayed...for 8 months now. Only because of this delay I picked up RPG Maker MV. So without the delay, I probably wouldn't have made BDSM Tournament and The Asylum and would have never started working on Darkworld).

Now let's get down to business: 3D render visual novels usually have a bad reputation. You can find them everywhere and they even tend to look the same. My render engine is different (I use Poser instead of Daz3D), and while my render engine is faster, the other one tends to have better assets when it comes to environment...except for two scenarios: Fantasy and Cyberpunk!

Yes, Futanari Wars (again, I hate the name...think of a good name for this city and I will take it instead!) will take place in this dirty, rotten cyberpunk environment. Endless possibilities, again.

The story is rather simple: Mankind was close to losing the war between them and the Futanari. But right before delivering the final blow, the Futanari offered a truce, which the humans gladly accepted. You are a former agent for the government, living in INSERT AWESOME CITY NAME HERE, where the last battle should have taken place. Your old boss is reaching out to you, asking you to investigate why the Futanari made this offer. She also asks you about the rumours she heard about the city: The androids, the underground slave trade and the strange creatures that people claimed to have seen in your city. Normally you wouldn't even think about working for your ex-boss again, but...your stomache is as empty as your fridge!

That's basically it. You don't have to follow the main story...I plan to give you some different career options like:

- Private Investigator

- Mercenary

- Hitman

- Drug Dealer (for a drug called futajuice...yeah you might know what it is ;)

- Weapons Dealer

- Slave for Hire

- Callboy

- Stripper

- Sex Slave

And some gambling/minigame stuff that you can do...oh, and dating. Something like The Selina Quest from The Asylum (where you help her become a professional Dominatrix) would also fit the setting.

Places you can visit (sooner or later in the game)

Bars, Strip Clubs, Backalleys, Mental Asylum (Yes! A futuristic version of the current Asylum! Straightjackets are still a thing in the future!), Underground Slave Trade, Police Station, Appartments, "The Factory", Jail, Underground Club, Rubber Club.

(That is what I have thought about so far)


The Futanari. Playing a big part of the game...but not as big as you might expect (that's why I want to change the name). Taller than humans...and usually equipped with a bigger dick than humans.

Robots and Androids. All I know right now is that they will be in the game. What I don't know is what kind of role they will play. Either humans know about them, and are used to them or humans don't know about them and only heard rumours. Both choices are interesting, let me know what you think.

If you look at your 'career options' above you might have already guessed it...there will be someone constantly trying to catch you. Corrupt cops or honest officers...we can have it all!

From simple raiders to organized slave hunters and female assassins...we have so much possibilities I can't even name them all. But why stop there...depending on wether you like it or not we could include Furries...

 (although my version of furries look rather mature, Darktoz Style :D ), Aliens (I saw a model of a female insect creature and a alien version of the Asari from mass effect...both looked good) or something completely different I haven't even thought of yet. Maybe you have an idea!

I'm getting quite sleepy now, so let me know what you think in the comments!

Stay kinky!


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