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Finally Patreon allows me to have multiple images in one post! Yes!

Ok, I'm getting a lot of messages, which is always nice, and some people are asking me what is coming after the last 3 days of the asylum. 

I think it is time to tell you that my plans are to work on 2 games at once...two rather big games. The first one is Futanari Assault/Futanari Wars (I hate that name, have to think about something better).

We will talk about that in 1-2 days. But it is safe to say: It won't be an rpg maker game. Let's face it: The Asylum is more a visual novel than an rpg adventure, and since Futanari Wars is going in the same direction, I will use a different engine to make my life easier (still waiting for Visual Novel Maker...if it doesn't come out soon I have to get comfortable with Ren'Py or Tyranobuilder!)

Now, does that mean I'm not using RPG Maker anymore? No! I'm working on a project...I call it Darkworld (Yeah, again, not a good name...I have to think about something better)!

I'm still learning how to use the new tileset...actually that was the first map I made with it...but the maps are not that important, it is the characters! They fit my 3d render style now! Usually every RPG maker character looks like this:

And for drawn hentai that's fine, but for me and my renders I always thought it doesn't fit! So I'm glad I found these new figures...they fit my 3D renders very well and I have so much more options with them (dead bodies and sitting characters for example).

And they are animated...animated when they stand, when they walk, and when they fight!

The possibilities I have with Darkworld are...endless, since I can make it a total open world game. Let's say we want a city where a bunch of female paladins (let's call them 'The Inquisition') has taken over control, imprisoning everybody who dares to get in their way. Can we do that? Sure!

(Yeah...the one on the right is definetly going to make it into the game :) )

Or you arrive at a small village and you find out that there are people disappearing when they enter a nearby forest. You decide to investigate further, entering the forest yourself, discovering a cave with a strange creature inside...already waiting for you!

Since it is a fantasy setting, we can have everything in it: Dark Elves, Futanari Orcs, giant snake womans, barbarians, amazons, rogues and whatever you can think of!

Now, we have to discuss who YOU are in this world. I would love to give you multiple classes that you can choose, but it's not going to happen! since there will be 3rd person renders of your character in the game and I'm planning action render scenes as well, we have to talk about who you want to be!

(This is just for inspiration, nothing is final)

First I thought that you would definetly be playing something like a mixture between a young Witcher and Dante from Devil May Cry. But that might be getting too close to the Witcher series, and I wouldn't want everyone to say: Oh, that's like a poor version of The Witcher with BDSM content in it. On the other side...you could do it all, a little bit of magic, some sneaky action, and some fighting.

2nd option I thought would be a great idea is a classic mage. Would have a lot of advantages (and I wouldn't have to deal with the heavy two handed sword every time in my renders, plus spells are always fun), but might be too powerful for this world.

I'm still leaning towards the one on the left (maybe without the white hair :D)...but I want to ask you what you think. Maybe you even have another idea (bard, rogue, fighter, priest...everything is possible)! Let me know in the comments...

That's what I'm planning for the next RPG Maker Game. I'm slowly collecting more stuff, like the right music, but it will take some time before you even get to play the intro! We will talk about Futanari Wars in the next days, and then it's time to talk about the last warden of the Asylum!

Stay kinky!


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